HUG vocab chap 4 Flashcards
building a sense of community based on a similar trait
turning cultural traits into goods to sell, buy or trade
repetitive act that an individual performs regularly
repetitive act of a group, performed to the extent that it becomes characteristic of a group
folk culture
practiced by small, homogeneous groups living in isolated areas
popular culture
large, heterogeneous societies that share certain habits despite differences in other personal characteristics
material culture
physical aspects of culture that are given value
non material culture
intangible aspects of culture such as ideas, beliefs, or customs
cultural appropriation
adoption of traits by other cultures
abandoning cultural traits for new ones
loss of uniqueness in a cultural landscape
cultural landscape
outcome of interactions between humans and natural environment
contribution of a locations distinctive physical features to the way food tastes
restriction on behaivor imposed by religious law or custom
fake news
false report disseminated under the guise of an authentic news report, created to maliciously spread misinformation and mislead consumers of the content
alternative fact
statement that can be proved false
agreement between corporation and business people to market that coorporations products in a local area
hostile or intrusive software designed to cause intentional harm
form of malware that encrypts the victims files, making them inaccessible, until a ransom is paid to decrypt them
cyber espionage
unauthorized deployment of a virus to observe or destroy data in computer systems of governments or large companies
practice of posting delibarately inflammatory, extraneous, or off topic messages in social media in order to provoke quarrels or otherwise agitate people
culture homogenization
process of reduction in cultural diversity through the diffusion of pop culture
cultural hearth
place of origin of a cultural trait
people in a local place mediate and alter regional, national, and global processes
global local continuum
what happens at one scale is not indpendent of what happens at other scales