HPM 50.5 Civil Disturbance Planning and Operations Manual Flashcards
What typer of incidents will the department normally respond to?
Incidents which affect state/county highways where the Dept. has primary investigative authority.
When the department assists with an official request for mutual aid, who’s command will CHP personnel be under?
CHP personnel shall remain under CHP command and control and policies/procedures.
Incident Commanders have the responsibility to?
assess overall civil disturbance and/or crowd control incident and determine the appropriate response and follow the appropriate operational guidelines.
Employees have the responsibility to?
Each employee has the individual responsibility and authority to use reasonable force to defend themselves or others.
Managers and Supervisors have the responsibility to?
maintain discipline within the ranks, ensure integrity of formations and remain involved with assigned tasks and genuine concern for personnel.
(Definition) Passive resistance protestors –
Intentional or unlawful opposition to a lawful order of a peace officer during arrest situations but involves no physical resistance.
(Definition) Active resistance protestors –
To intentionally and unlawfully oppose the lawful order of a peace officer in a physical manner.
(Definition) Assaultive resistance protestors –
Aggressive or combative behavior which attempts or threatens to assault an officer or other.
The use of force during crowd control shall be documented on a ____?
The decision to use force during crowd control or civil unrest shall be consistent with the departments use of force policy and must be objectively reasonable. (HPM 70.6 CH 1, CH 2, CHP 216 shall be used for documentation)
How many times should media be allowed to pass through the line
An officer shall be assigned to accompany all media allowed behind a line formation.
If media does not stay in the designated press area after a dispersion order has been given, how should they be treated?
After an assembly has been declared unlawful and an order to disperse has been given, media not dispersing to designated media areas are considered part of the general public. All operational plans shall designate a media assembly area outside of the anticipated, impacted area, but within reasonable viewing distance and audible range of the event.
The Standard holding position of the baton shall be the _______ When deployed in a tactical (line) formation?
long-extended position.
When dealing with Passive resistance protestors (behavior is nonviolent and does not pose immediate threat.) The Baton is ______ and compliance through _____?
secured in ring or low ready position.\
control holds
When dealing with Active resistance Protestors – (might physically evade, tense or run away. Non- violent and no immediate threat). The Banton is in _____ and used to maintain buffer zone, baton is extension of body used to _____?
long extended position.
guide or direct. (NOT STRIKE)
When dealing with Assaultive resistance protestors – (Subject(s) is assaultive and presents a clear threat.)
Baton in ______. Clear safety threat, severity of crime and heightened resistance, objectively reasonable force options may include strikes, ECD, OC, Specialty munitions weapons. ____May/ Should/ Shall take into custody if situation permits
long extended position.