HPM 50.5 Civil Disturbance Planning and Operations Manual Flashcards
What typer of incidents will the department normally respond to?
Incidents which affect state/county highways where the Dept. has primary investigative authority.
When the department assists with an official request for mutual aid, who’s command will CHP personnel be under?
CHP personnel shall remain under CHP command and control and policies/procedures.
Incident Commanders have the responsibility to?
assess overall civil disturbance and/or crowd control incident and determine the appropriate response and follow the appropriate operational guidelines.
Employees have the responsibility to?
Each employee has the individual responsibility and authority to use reasonable force to defend themselves or others.
Managers and Supervisors have the responsibility to?
maintain discipline within the ranks, ensure integrity of formations and remain involved with assigned tasks and genuine concern for personnel.
(Definition) Passive resistance protestors –
Intentional or unlawful opposition to a lawful order of a peace officer during arrest situations but involves no physical resistance.
(Definition) Active resistance protestors –
To intentionally and unlawfully oppose the lawful order of a peace officer in a physical manner.
(Definition) Assaultive resistance protestors –
Aggressive or combative behavior which attempts or threatens to assault an officer or other.
The use of force during crowd control shall be documented on a ____?
The decision to use force during crowd control or civil unrest shall be consistent with the departments use of force policy and must be objectively reasonable. (HPM 70.6 CH 1, CH 2, CHP 216 shall be used for documentation)
How many times should media be allowed to pass through the line
An officer shall be assigned to accompany all media allowed behind a line formation.
If media does not stay in the designated press area after a dispersion order has been given, how should they be treated?
After an assembly has been declared unlawful and an order to disperse has been given, media not dispersing to designated media areas are considered part of the general public. All operational plans shall designate a media assembly area outside of the anticipated, impacted area, but within reasonable viewing distance and audible range of the event.
The Standard holding position of the baton shall be the _______ When deployed in a tactical (line) formation?
long-extended position.
When dealing with Passive resistance protestors (behavior is nonviolent and does not pose immediate threat.) The Baton is ______ and compliance through _____?
secured in ring or low ready position.\
control holds
When dealing with Active resistance Protestors – (might physically evade, tense or run away. Non- violent and no immediate threat). The Banton is in _____ and used to maintain buffer zone, baton is extension of body used to _____?
long extended position.
guide or direct. (NOT STRIKE)
When dealing with Assaultive resistance protestors – (Subject(s) is assaultive and presents a clear threat.)
Baton in ______. Clear safety threat, severity of crime and heightened resistance, objectively reasonable force options may include strikes, ECD, OC, Specialty munitions weapons. ____May/ Should/ Shall take into custody if situation permits
long extended position.
A ____ is the basic element in a tactical unit, it normally consists of _______?
11 officers and 1 squad leader (preferably a SGT)
usually transported in 4 vehicles
The primary purpose of the ________ is to make arrests and perform rescue tactics. Deployed with other tactical units and are generally behind tactical formation lines. Normally, consists of eleven officers and one squad leader (pref. SGT).
Arrest squad
Squad leader is responsible for overseeing the squad functions and arrest/prebooking process.
A single unit of 2-3 squads with a common mission and close geographic assignments is referred to as a____?
(may be divided into 2 platoons, each leader is normally a Lt.)
A single unit of at least 4 squads with a common mission and close geographical assignments is referred to as a ____ and is normally commanded by a _____with 2 executive officers, normally _____?
A ____ is composed of 2 or more companies and is commanded by an ________ or higher and assisted by executive officer _______?
Asst. Chief
A ___________ is a competent, organized, and highly disciplined contingent of officers who will often cause incident participants to dishearten to the extent of ____?
Disciplined Tactical Units
abandoning their activities
The selection of Formations - Must be ___and can be modified to meet the existing situation. Exercise sound judgment when selecting basic formation or modifications.
Formation designed for crowd control are?
(1) Column of Files
(2) Line Formation
a) Line Formation - Tactical spacing
b) Line Formation - Close support
c) Line Relief
d) Line Formation - Lateral Support
e) Emergency line
(3) Encirclement
a) Encirclement - Close support
(4) Separation Formation
(5) Crossbow Formation
a) Crossbow arrest
b) Crossbow Rescue
c) Crossbow Line
d) Masking
1. Emergency Masking
Are helmet designations required?
If done, what is the designation for
Captain-two parallel vertical bars, ½ inch wide and three inches long.
Lt.-one vertical bar, ½ inch wide and three inches long.
Sgt.-Sgt Chevrons, ½ inch wide and three inches long.
Officer in charge of squad, the helmet should be marked with one chevron.
Color tape on the helmets-
Squad- 1
Squad- 3
Deaprtmental managers/ supervisors ____may/ should/ shall ensure arrest procedures, as outlined in HPM 70.6 and this chapter, are followed regardless of techniques employed by other agencies.
Use of the wooden dowel is authorized only during unlawful demonstrations involving persons employing _______. The dowel shall be used only by personnel who have received departmental training in the use of the tool. Personnel not trained in the use of the wooden dowel are not authorized to ______or use the dowel.
resistance tactics
Use of the wooden dowel as a distraction tool during an incident may only be authorized by the______?
incident commander or, in their absence, the ranking on-scene manager/supervisor
In any case where lifting or carrying becomes necessary, a minimum of _____ officers shall carry the arrestee.
Resisters shall not be dragged for an unnecessary distance.
Departmentally approved flex-cuffs _____may/ should/ shall be used when CHP-approved handcuffs are unavailable or are not available in sufficient numbers.
Arrestees restrained using handcuffs or flex-cuffs ____ may/ Should/ shall be linked together with a single flex-cuff to form a chain.
Use of the Mass Arrest Restraint Chain (MARC)-30 arrest chain may only be authorized by the ___________
involving persons employing resistance techniques. A person who becomes uncooperative to the extent that ______ is imminent shall be excluded or removed from the chain.
incident commander or ranking on-scene manager/supervisor
injury to themselves or other arrestees
Minors under 12 years old ____ may/ should/ shall not normally be arrested.
At the discretion of a uniformed supervisor, persons at least 12 years old but under 18 YOA are not arrested but are in the company of an adult arrestee may be released to _____ provided parent or guardian gives ______ consent. If there is no responsible adult, child goes to protective services.
Minors under 12 YOA, not arrested, in the company of an adult arrestee, shall be transported to _________?
Incidents where minors are released to CPS shall be documented in arrest/incident reports.
a responsible adult
child protective services.
True or false:
Minors who are arrested should be transported in the same manner as adults but separated from adult arrestees if possible
Chemical protective mask shall be inspected ____ and ____?
prior to use
Division-assigned launchers are required to be inspected _____ and the Firearms Inspection Checklists are to be forwarded to the _____?
Academy, WTU
All deployments of chemical agents and specialty weapon systems shall be included in the after-action report in addition to using the appropriate departmental forms/programs. The after-action report shall include, _______and the _____ deployed?
circumstances surrounding each deployment
exact quantity
In instances where an after-action report is not
completed, the use of chemical agents may be reported on a ______?
CHP 51,