HPM 50.1 Emergency Incident Planning and Operations Manual Flashcards
All command MAY/SHOULD/SHALL develop a written command-specific EOP to provide for the effective use of CHP resources in response to emergency incidents that my affect the command
All employees are required to review their command-specific EOP when?
Each command shall ensure all employees receive ______ training on their command’s EOP
In order to maintain readiness and test the effectiveness of emergency plans, all field commands shall conduct or participate in how many emergency preparedness exercises annually?
At least Two
It is the repsonisbilty of who to ensure personnel meet National Incident Management System (NIMS)/Standardized Emergency Management System (SEMS) training requirements in accordance with departmental directives as well as those dictated by the Commission on Peace Officers Standards and Training.
Each command’s responsibility
What is a major component of NIMS/SEMS and continues to be the Department’s primary response tool for managing emergency incidents?
The Incident Command System (ICS)
The Department’s resources will be made available to who to mitigate, prepare, and respond to disasters affecting any location in the state?
state agencies, local governments, and citizens
What do local governments need to do before requesting assistance from the department?
reasonably commit their resources before requesting assistance
Who will function as the Department’s statewide Department Operations Center?
California Highway Patrol Headquarters, Emergency Notification and Tactical Alert Center (ENTAC)
Actions taken and tasks assigned in response to emergency incidents will comply with the following five departmental goals:
- Prevent loss of life and injuries
- Prevent property damage
- Maximize service to the public
- Assist allied agencies
- Protect public and state assets
CHP personnel committed to the support of local jurisdictions MAY/SHOULD/SHALL remain under the command and control of who?
Area incident commanders who anticipate the exhaustion of available Area resources should convey the need for additional assistance to who?
Their respective Division Emergency Operations Centers
When a local jurisdiction establishes an Emergency Operations Center (EOC), the local CHP Area should provide what?
a departmental representative if available
The National Incident Management System (NIMS) and the Standardized Emergency Managment System (SEMS) requires the use of what at the field response level for all incidents?
the use of ICS
The ICS MAY/SHOULD/SHALL be used as the response mechanism for all emergency incidents?
Uniformed employees of the Department MAY/SHOULD/SHALL exercise incident command responsibilities and manage emergency incidents where the Department has primary investigative authority.
It is the Department’s intent that who responds to and assumes incident command responsibilities at all emergency incidents within the Department’s primary investigative authority involving multi-agency or multi-jurisdictional events, incidents on state property, hazardous materials spills or releases, situations significantly impacting traffic management, or as otherwise required by departmental policy?
a SUPERVISOR or manager
The CHP on-scene incident commander (IC) MAY/SHOULD/SHALL ensure that assisting agencies are integrated properly and promptly into the ICS operation
A supervisor/manager MAY/SHOULD/SHALL respond to emergency incidents, including crime scenes, not within the primary investigative authority of the Department, that is adjacent to state property where the Department has investigative authority (e.g., State Capitol), or areas adjacent to freeways and highways that significantly impact traffic management within the Department’s jurisdiction
The supervisor MAY/SHOULD/SHALL represent the Department and assist the allied agency IC by managing traffic in a manner that meets the needs of the incident and creates the minimum disruption to normal traffic
The rank of the CHP representative MAY/SHOULD/SHALL be commensurate with the size and scope of the emergency incident
Who shall assume incident command at emergency incidents where the Department has primary investigative authority?
CHP uniformed personnel
Department personnel shall assume incident command responsibilities at emergency incidents not within the Department’s investigative authority when?
When first on-scene and until relieved by a member of the appropriate agency having jurisdiction
Incident command responsibility shall be assumed by who until relieved by appropriate departmental supervisory/management personnel?
the senior CHP uniformed officer
Incident command responsibilities and the welfare of all parties involved take precedence over what?
accident investigation duties
In the absence of more qualified medical personnel and equipment, uniformed employees of the Department shall provide appropriate medical care to injured or ill persons within what?
the scope of their training
Incident Command System responsibilities must continue until when?
all emergency operations at the scene have been terminated and order has been restored
Role and authority conflicts shall be resolved by who?
Incident Commander - in favor of injured or threatened human life.
When should post-emergency resolution of conflicts be achieved through appropriate supervisory or command channels?
As soon as practical following the incident
Where has the CHP been assigned responsibility for emergency incident management?
at emergencies where the department has primary investigative authority
The state’s hazardous material incident contingency (HMIC) Plan designates the CHP as the state agency coordinator for what?
ALL hazardous material incidents occurring on all California streets and highways. For incidents occurring within the CHP’s jurisdiction, the CHP IC will also be the state agency coordinator.
What does unified command mean?
all agencies have jurisdictional responsibility at a multi-jurisdictional or multiagency incident contribute to the processes listed below. On the rare occasion that decision cannot be collectively made, the IC shall make the final determination
1. Determining the overall incident management objectives
2. Selection of strategies
3. joint planning for tactical activities
4. appropriate integrated tactical operations
5. making maximum use of all assigned resources
The span-of-control for CHP ICS operations MAY/SHOULD/SHALL generally be limited to a maximum of “one-to-eight” ratio (one supervisor to eight subordinates).
SHOULD - The ratio can vary depending on the complexities of the tasks being performed. As a rule, the “one-to-five” ratio provides optimum supervision
What are the five basic ICS functions?
- Command or Command Staff [NOTE: includes PIO and safety officer]
- Operations Section
- Planning/Intelligence Section
- Logistics Section
- Finance Section
The ranking on-duty manager/supervisor MAY/SHOULD/SHALL implement the ICS and ensure that the appropriate level of departmental response is initiated
CHP personnel MAY/SHOULD/SHALL responded to “officer needs assistance” or “emergency traffic assistance” requests unless directed otherwise by a supervisor
The on-duty supervisor MAY/SHOULD/SHALL evaluate and determine the degree of response necessary to meet the need.
If an incident escalates and results in a formal mutual aid request, what will be followed?
Mutual aid support procedures must be followed. Committed personnel may remain on-scene until the arrival of authorized mutual aid resources
Formal requests for mutual aid from allied agencies must be coordinated through who?
the mutual aid operational area coordinator by the requesting agency [NOTE: Mutual aid coordinator is the County Sheriff]. Division/Area commanders may authorize mobilization of personnel to meet the immediate need, but must obtain authorization, through channels, from the Commissioner’s office, to commit CHP resources
If information indicates that the threat is beyond the capabilities of on-duty command personnel to manage/control, what occurs?
The on-duty supervisor or Officer-in-charge may initiate a tactical alert
The ranking on-duty manager/supervisor MAY/SHOULD/SHALL ensure that a departmental representative responds to the scene to establish liaison with allied agencies. The representative should have the authority to commit CHP resources. The CHP representative’s rank should be commensurate with the size of the incident.
The department regularly utilizes five-types of plans to assist with preparing for, responding to, and mitigating anticipated or actual emergency incidents:
- the Emergency Operations Plan (EOP)
- The Incident Action Plan (IAP)
- The Operational Plan (OP)
- 72-Hour Self Sufficient Operation
- the Emergency Action Plan (EAP)
What is the Emergency Operations Plan?
the preparedness documents intended to be read and understood prior to an emergency (ie earthquake, flood, terrorist attack on a major bridge)
What is an Incident Action Plan?
The IAP, whether written or verbal, reflects the objectives, strategy, and tactics determined necessary by the Incident Commander (IC) to mitigate an existing emergency incident
What is an Operations Plan?
An OP is a plan used for one scheduled or anticipated event requiring the non-routine deployment of CHP personnel (ie major conference, major sporting event, election)
What is the 72-Hour Self-Sufficient Operation Plan?
This plan works under the assumption that operational assistance will not be available for 72 hours following a major disaster. It provides operational guidance to ensure commands are prepared to be self-sufficient for the first 72 hours following a disaster.
What is the emergency action plan?
Teh EAP is a facility-specific plan designed to assist employees with planning for and responding to an emergency at their headquarters. EAP policy and guidelines are contained in Highway Patrol Manual (HPM) 100.70, Safety Services Program Manual, Chapter 14
Verbal Incident Action Plans. An IAP may be a ________ and _________ process
mental and verbal process
All commands MAY/SHOULD/SHALL develop and maintain a plan for 72-hour self-sufficient operation. The plan MAY/SHOULD/SHALL be directed toward personnel and facility survival and be contained in each command’s EOP
Area commanders, uniformed managers, and uniform on-duty supervisors, including Officers-In-Charge (with commanders approval), can place neighboring areas on a TA when what conditions are met?
a. There is an actual or potential threat to public safety
b. Based on the sound professional judgement of the commander or supervisor, the scope of the even has or will span beyond the resource capabilities of the Area
c. When the division commander, or their alternate, has been notified
A uniformed manager or supervisor placing a neighboring area on a TA MAY/SHOULD/SHALL immediately notify the next level of command and the Area’s Communications Cener of the type, size, scope, location, and expected duration of the incident
Who shall be notified of any TA?
Areas placed on a TA MAY/SHOULD/SHALL identify and notify all uniform personnel (all ranks) to immediately equip themselves and be prepared to respond to the event
The following equipment shall be immediately accessible (for all personnel)
- Two sets of the blue utility unform
- Tactical helmet with face shield
- Flashlight
- Side-handle
- Assigned radio extender
- Spare extender batteries
- Personal Protective Equipment to include gas mask and chemical suit
- All available less-than-lethal weapons 9not required for response to natural disasters).
- Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) kits (EMTs only).
Supervisors/Incident Commanders. Should consider other equipment which might be useful in managing the event:
- Digital Cameras
- Video Cameras
- Binoculars
- Radiological monitors
- Infrared cameras
- Rapid Response/Incident Command Vehicles (as directed by Division Commander)
All uniformed personnel assigned to an Area placed on a TA MAY/SHOULD/SHALL, as soon as practical, don the blue utility uniform in preparation for a tactical deployment
The blue utility uniform MAY/SHOULD/SHALL be worn throughout the duration of a TA.
SHALL - The tan work unform is not authorized during a TA or tactical deployment (this includes all special duty assignments ie watch officer, court officer, evidence officer)
Vehicle and Aircraft readiness - When a command is placed on a TA, onduty personnel shall keep gas tanks at what level?
no less than 3/4-tank full throughout the duration of the TA
Unless otherwise directed, any Area placed on a TA shall document time on what?
The CHP 415C
What is Emergency incident documentation?
The recording of information, data, plans, personnel and equipment, time keeping, and other written information pertaining to the planning, operational, and recovery phases of an emergency incident
Emergency incident documentation includes but no limited to what?
California Highway Patrol (CHP) 200 and 700 series forms
Employees MAY/SHOULD/SHALL complete and submit a 415C at the end of their assigned shift prior to departing their assigned work location (eg command post, staging area, emergency operations center)
The incident commander/designee is responsible to ensure that CHP 701B (Daily Reports) are completed for what
each shift
The incident commander/designee is responsible to ensure that the CHP 701B (Daily Cumulative Summary) is completed when?
at the end of each 24-hour period
Following conclusion of the emergency incident and operations, the incident commander is responsible to ensure a 701B, reflecting the grand-total of all 701Bs for the entire operation, is submitted to the assistant commissioner in what time frame?
TEN 10 business days
An after-action report shall be generated when?
(a) an emergency incident is or has occurred; and,
(b) the resources of a Division are significantly impacted and may be overwhelmed; or,
(c) an emergency incident affects two or more Divisions and several Area commands; or,
(d) a tactical alert for non participating Divisions is being considered or has been initiated, or,
(e) Division Emergency Operation Centers (EOCs) will be, or have been activated; or,
(f) a local emergency and/or a state of emergency declaration are imminent or in place; or,
(g) a presidential declaration of a federal disaster is being considered or has been granted.
All other instances where CHP personnel respond to an emergency incident within their Division, or a Division/Area command participates in an emergency exercise, what may be used to document activities associated with the response/participation.
An After action memorandum
What is the time frame for an after action memorandum to be submitted to the appropriate field Division commander?
30 Calendar days of a localized emergency operation (shall be submitted)
What is the time frame for an After action report to be completed and submitted to the Office of assitant commissioner, Field?
Within 60 calendar days of the conclusion of a tactical alert
Mutual aid requests for a squad, MFF, or SRT must be approved by who?
The appropriate level of supervision commensurate to the request
Define Squad
11 officers, 1 sergeant (applies to NIMS and SEMS)
Define Mobile Field Force
4 squads, 1 sergeant, and 1 lieutenant (Total 52 people minimum and 14 general purpose patrol vehicles)
Define Special Response Team
a specialized type of MF specifically trained and equipped to respond to civil disorder NOTE: Any uniformed employee of the dept can be a member of a MFF.
What is the Fifty Percent Guideline?
No jurisdiction is required to unnecessarily deplete its own personnel, equipment, and service. When requested to provide mutual aid, it is generally accepted that a reasonable response will consist of 50 percent of available on-duty uniformed personnel
California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection Incident Management Teams - Law Enforcement Liaison Officer - The CA department of forestry and fire protection (Cal FIRE) maintains how many state-wide, all-hazard incident management teams (IMT) that assist in managing larger-scale and or complex emergency incidents and disasters, such as major wildland fires.
Each IMT team consists of approx 50 members and includes Cal Fire and local government personnel from throughout the state. An IMT is typically on-call for how long?
One week, every six weeks
Because teams are intended for managing all-hazard incidents, they include who?
a Law Enforcement Liaison Officer (LELO) position
The Lelo positions were created out of an identified need for what?
to bridge the operational and “cultural” gap, and enhance communication and coordination, between fire and law enforcement personnel. Law Enforcement Liaison Officers provide law enforcement specific expertise to the IMTs and act as the lead liaison between the fire incident command and event-involved law enforcement agencies
What are the policies and procedures for CHP participation on the Cal FIRE IMTs, and what is the overview of IMT LELO roles and responsibilities?
- Departmental personnel assigned to Cal FIRE IMTs shall adhere to departmental policies and procedures, including those contained in this manual. Personnel shall also adhere to the IMT’s incident command structure as provided for in NIMS/SEMS.
- Should a departmental LELO need to leave prior to the conclusion of an incident, due to emergency, illness, or at the direction of the CHP because of departmental needs, the relevant Cal FIRE IMT command staff shall be notified. The Department will work with Cal FIRE to provide another LELO if a replacement is requested.
What is the purpose of HPM 50.1 in relation to the Mobile Consolidated Command Cener (MC3)?
provide standardization in the use, operation, maintenance, training, and reporting procedures for the MC3
What is the MC3?
State assets purchased with federal funds designed as emergency incident management tools. They provide mobile facilities and interoperable communications equipment for the Department to use at multijurisdictional incidents and events. The capabilities of the MC3 can serve as a temporary Area office with limited dispatch facilities
The MC3 Division Teams are teams trained to provide technical and incident management support. Each field Division shall develop and maintain a proficient MC3 Division Team comprised of a minimum of how many members?
Ten members
All personnel assigned to the Division MC3 team MAY/SHOULD/SHALL be trained in the setup and operation of the MC3
At a minimum, MC3 teams should consist of:
A Class A driver, public safety dispatcher, local area network/wide area network coordinator, and support officers
EOSS as developed a MC3 Train the Trainer Course to qualify personnel as MC3 instructors. Each host Division MAY/SHOULD/SHALL maintain two MC3 instructors
Initial training is designed to develop and maintain proficiency with the operational aspects of the MC3, this training lasts how long?
16 hours
Division teams MAY/SHOULD/SHALL conduct MC3 training exercises annually
Each MC3 driver MAY/SHOULD/SHALL be a uniformed MC3 Division Team member with a valid class A driver license with the necessary endorsements. Fees for medical exams will be reimbursed when submitted as a business expense using a travel claim
Who is responsible for maintaining all driving related documentation?
While driving the MC3, the driver SHALL NOT:
- conduct traffic stops
- Partake in pursuits
- Transport prisoners
- Tow or push any vehicles or objects other than the MC3 trailer
What is the uniform for the MC3 Division Team
Shall be the utility uniform, worn in accordance with HPM 73.5
Host divisions hos the MC3, nonhost Divisions do not have an MC3. Who are the host divisions?
Golden Gate and Southern Division
Host Divisions shall coordinate with nonhost Divisions in their regions to develop written SOP for the use of the MC3 to include a roster of MC3 Division Team members and contact information. These SOPs MAY/SHOULD/SHALL be submitted to EOSS secion
Who is responsible for vehicle maintenance on the MC3?
Host Divisions shall be responsible for general maintenance, (Helpdesk shall be responsible for technical components)
MC3 shall only be used for what?
authorized incidents, events, and training exercises. The MC3 shall be staffed by MC3 Division Teams during all deployments
MC3 requests shall only be deployed upon what?
request from the affected division, or as directed by the assistant commissioner, Field
All real-time emergency incidents take precedence over training exercises and preplanned events. In the event that multiple division require an MC3, Who has the ultimate authority over asset allocation?
The Assistant Commissioner, Field
All unsecured equipment shall be inventoried and placed in locked storage compartments. All weapons MAY/SHOULD/SHALL be removed from the MC3 and secured at the designated facility armory or in a CHP enforcement vehicle
When the MC3 is involved in a collision, who shall ensure the incident is properly investigated and the appropriate documentation is completed?
On duty MC3 supervisor, the host division and EOSS shall be notified as soon as practical
MC3 Division Team members MAY/SHOULD/SHALL ensure the MC3 is cleaned and stored properly in its designated location
No modifications shall be made without approval from who?
EOSS Section, it shall be kept neat and orderly. Any damage shall be reported to the host division and EOSS
The MC3 host Division team is fiscally responsible for:
- Cleaning supplies and worn equipment
- Maintenance and service costs of the tractor/trailer
- All costs in the upkeep of the terminal
- Satellite comm. services contracts for phone and internet
A terminal has been established at the storage location of each MC3 and are subject to what?
Inspection of all driver and maintenance records
Who is responsible for the direct oversight of their terminals and are responsible for compliance with all BIT Program requirements?
Host Divisions
All MC3 Division Team drivers MAY/SHOULD/SHALL participate in the BIT program
Who is the OPI for all matters concerning the BIT program
Each MC3 shall undergo a pre-trip inspection by the end of each month and MAY/SHOULD/SHALL be documented
How often shall Each MC3 undergo a Commerical Vehicle Safety Alliance Level 1, North American Standard Inspection ?
Every 90 Days
Records of inspections of a MC3 shall be kept for a minimum of how long
2 years
How often shall the host division contact the appropriate Air Quality Management District and schedule an inspection prior to registration?
Every 3 years