HPM 10.6 Occupational Safety Manual Flashcards
What is the Department’s philosophy in regards to Occupational Safety?
The Department is legally and morally responsible for the safety of its employees. The Department is also responsible for ensuring that EVERYTHING possible will be done to protect employees from accidents, injuries, occupational illnesses, and exposures to hazardous substances.
What does IIPP stand for?
Injury and Illness Prevention Program.
What is the Injury and Illness Prevention Program (IIPP)?
IIPP provides a framework for establishing and maintaining safe work practices and healthy conditions in the workplace.
What is the Hazardous Substance Program (HSP)?
HSP - Affected command employees are to be provided information regarding hazardous substances listed in the Department of Industrial Relations Director’s List. This includes labeling all hazmat in commands, posting warning signs as necessary, ensuring Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) are available and training all employees.
What is Defensive Driver Training?
Defensive Driver Training is provided to departmental employees required to drive routinely on official business.
What is the Hazardous Exposure Control Program?
Exposure to hazardous materials SHALL be minimal. If a problem exists, commands will correct by implementing feasible engineering controls.
What does the acronym PPE stand for and when shall it be used?
PPE stands for Personal Protective Equipment. PPE shall be provided to employees when unsafe conditions cannot be corrected. The use of this equipment requires that employees receive proper training on fitting, wearing, and maintenance of the equipment.
What CHP form is used to document and report unsafe or unhealthy working conditions?
CHP 113B, Hazardous Report/Inspection
True or False
Supervisors SHOULD correct unsafe practices or conditions as soon as observed or reported.
Supervisors SHALL correct unsafe practices or conditions as soon as observed or reported.
What is the overview of Supervisor’s responsibilities regarding Occupational Safety?
Supervisors are responsible for ensuring that their subordinates receive appropriate health and safety training, monitoring employee job performance, and ensuring that employees follow healthy and safe work practices.
True or False
Supervisors SHALL investigate accidents, injuries, and exposures to determine whether or not unsafe work procedures or conditions were causative.
What does the acronym COSC stand for?
Command Occupational Safety Committee
How often does the COSC (Command Occupational Safety Committee) meet?
COSC meetings shall be held at least quarterly.
Does the COSC (Command Occupational Safety Committee) determine whether an occupational safety event was preventable?
NO, That is the responsibility of the Area Commander.
What are the duties of the Command Safety Coordinator?
Carry out the directions of the Commander in support of the Command’s Occupational Safety Program.
What are the rank and tenure requirements for the Command Safety Coordinator?
Supervisor or above, minimum one (1) year tenure.
What is a CHP 113 used for and how often is it prepared?
CHP 113 is the Injury and Collision Report, prepared quarterly.
Who are the primary safety instructors for the Department?
Supervisors and Managers.
True or False
Supervisors and Managers are responsible for ensuring employees receive information and specific training on safety and health issues pertaining to their jobs.
The safety performance of a Supervisor or Manager’s respective unit _____ be an element of their annual performance appraisal.
What is the goal of the Department’s Safety Program?
ZERO preventable deaths, injuries, illnesses and vehicle collisions.
What is the target in regards for preventable deaths and accidental firearm discharges in regards to the Department’s Safety Program?
ZERO preventable deaths and accidental firearm discharges for all commands, Divisions and the Department as a whole.
What are the Safety Categories in regards to the Department’s Safety Program?
- Deaths
- Preventable deaths
- Accidental firearm discharges
- Disabling injuries
- Preventable disabling injuries
- Disabling illnesses
- Preventable disabling illnesses
- Recordable collisions
- Preventable collisions
- Aircraft collisions
- Preventable aircraft collisions
Who determines the preventability of injuries, illnesses, and recordable vehicle collisions and the implementation of corrective measures?
The Commander.
How often shall Commander’s schedule area safety inspections and what do safety inspections cover?
Semi-Annually (or more frequently if warranted). Safety inspections ensure that facilities and equipment are free from hazardous and unsafe conditions. Safety inspections identify, evaluate and ensure implentation of corrective measures against unsafe/unhealthy work conditions in accordance with the command’s Injury Illness Prevention Program.
Are safety inspections required prior to COSC (Command Occupational Safety Committee) meetings? Are safety inspections required to be an agenda item on COSC meetings?
Safety inspections are to proceed COSC meetings and SHALL be an agenda item.
When are CHP 113 submissions (Injury and Collision Report) due to Division?
No later than the fifteenth day of the first month following the report period (quarterly).
True or False
Accidental Discharges on the CHP 113 (Injury and Collision Report) include ALL accidental discharges (on and off-duty), departmental firearms or personal as well as contraband or seized firearms.
True or False
If an employee suffers an injury or illness which occurs during an employee’s temporary assignment, the injury or illness shall be charged (reported on CHP 113) to the employee’s temporary assignment command unless the assignment was for civil disturbance.
Define an injury per HPM 10.6 - Occupational Safety Manual
Any cut, fracture, sprain, amputation, etc. resulting from a work accident or an exposure involving a single incident in the work environment. Conditions resulting from animal bites, such as an insect or snake, or from one-time exposure to chemicals are considered to be injuries.
Define an illness per HPM 10.6 - Occupational Safety Manual
Any abnormal condition or disorder, other than one resulting from a work-related injury, caused by exposure to environmental factors associated with employment. Included are acute and chronic illnesses or diseases caused by inhalation, absorption, ingestion, repeated trauma, stress or direct contact.
Define a fitness injury/illness per HPM 10.6 - Occupational Safety Manual
Any injury or illness which occurs or is manifested during any of the following : pre-employment physical fitness evaluation, physical fitness training at the academy, or evaluation of any employee for physical fitness for the job.
True or False
If an injury or illness occurs while an employee is traveling to or from a temporary assignment, the injury SHALL be charged to the command where the employee is permanently assigned at the time of the injury or illness.
True or False
If an employee who is temporarily assigned or under the direct control and supervision of an entity other than the Department, the injury shall be charged to the employee’s last Departmental assignement.
The injury shall be charged to the appropriate Assistance Commissioner.
Define recordable collisions per HPM 10.6 - Occupational Safety Manual
A recordable collision is any motor vehicle collision involving a vehicle driven by an employee on state business. This includes a privately owned, leased or rented vehicle BUT does NOT include privately owned motorcycle.
Are Departmental employees allowed to use private vehicles on state business? What are the requirements to do so?
Yes, if authorized by the Commander with valid proof of insurance. A STD 261 must be in the employee’s personnel file and the employee must be trained in defensive driver techniques if driving on state business once per month or more.
Who is legally accountable for ensuring that employees receive instruction on the proper use of safety equipment?
The Manager/Supervisor.
What does the acronym IIPP stand for?
Injury and Illness Prevention Program.
On what CHP forms are the annual review of the Injury and Illness Prevention Program and Emergency Action Plan documented?
Emergency Action Plan : CHP 712
Commands _____ establish a written Injury and Illness Prevention Program.
If CAL/OSHA issues a complaint letter alleging unsafe conditions in the command, how long does the command have to investigate and respond to Cal/OSHA?
14 Calendar Days.
True or False
A representative of the employee organization has a right to participate in a Cal/OSHA inspection.
What does California Labor Code 6409.2 cover? What are the exceptions to California Labor Code 6409.2?
Labor Code 6409.2 requires fire or police responding to collisions involving death, serious injury or illness requiring overnight hospital care (other than for observation) to immediately notify nearest Cal/OSHA district officer by telephone.
The exception to Labor Code 6409.2 are collisions which occur on a public street or highway, or any injury/illness/death caused during the violation of a Penal Code (unless it involved illegal operation of equipment).
Do employees, their physicians and/or collective bargaining unit representatives have the right to receive and copy their medical records/records of:
- Exposure to toxic substances or harmful physical agents
- Exposure to hazardous substances or harmful physical agents of other employees with work conditions similar to the employee’s
- Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) or other information that exist for chemicals or substances used in the workplace or to which employees may be exposed
True or False
Every employee who drives once per month or more on official Departmental business SHALL be trained in Defensive Driving Techniques in accordance with the State Administrative Manual (SAM)
What form SHALL be completed for all employees who use a privately owned vehicle on state business?
STD 261
Is a Supervisor required to ride along with employees to ensure the employee’s driving ability is acceptable before authorizing them to drive on official business?
True or False
Employees who drive a state or privately owned vehicle on Departmental business less than once per month are not required to pass a ride along with a qualified supervisor
FALSE. They are still required to perform a ride along with a qualified supervisor.
True or False
Uniformed employees shall receive a minimum of one hour per year of commentary driver training.
True or False
Non-uniformed employees shall receive between 30 minutes and one hour of commentary driver training per year.
True or False
If PPE equipment may have been damaged, even if no visible damage has been sustained, the equipment shall not be reused.
Potentially damaged PPE equipment such as motorcycle helmets and soft body armor _____ be forwarded to Business Services Section along with a CHP 266 (Credit Memo)
True or False
Potentially damaged PPE equipment other than motorcycle helmets or soft body armor can be disposed of locally.
True or False
If a Comm-Net describing an incident involving a motorcycle helmet is distributed, the Comm-Net shall include information pertaining to the protection afforded by the motorcycle helmet in mitigating injury to the employee. A copy of the Comm-Net shall be forwarded to the Departmental Training Division - Occupational Safety unit.
If an employee sustains a serious or fatal injury involving a body part protected by PPE, the commander _____ ensure the PPE equipment is preserved as evidence in the command’s evidence locker.
What unit acts as the ergonomic program administrator?
Occupational Safety Unit
What are a Supervisor’s responsibilities regarding the ergonomic program?
- Plan, organize and coordinate ergonomic training sessions.
- Evaluate employees’ compliance and safe work practices.
- Investigate any potential ergonomic or reported injuries.