Housing for Goat and Sheep Flashcards
mature male goat
mature female goat that has kidded
doe without milk
Dry doe
young goat under six months old of either sex
mature female sheep that has already lambed
sheep under six months of age
mature male sheep
For slatted floor, the slats should be __ mm - __ mm wide, __ mm - __ mm thick and should be laid with slot space of __mm - __mm
70mm to 100mm, 25mm to 30mm ; 10 - 25mm
For goats, staircase type and elevated type of slatted flooring should be constructed. The minimum step width shall be __ mm and the vertical distance between steps shall be __ mm.
800mm ; 300mm
A brooder box shall be provided for newly born kids/lambs. One side shall be open
and box dimension should be __ mm x __ mm x __ mm.
500mm x 450mm x 350mm
Hay racks shall have diagonal or vertical slats with a minimum spacing of __mm.
In an open tank drinking system, __mm of space is required for each 15 - 25 head.
In an automatic watering system, 1 bowl or nipple shall be provided for every __ head.
For free range, apron around the waterers shall be paved or packed with gravel at least __ mm width.
A separate kidding or lambing pen with a minimum dimension of __ m x __ m shall be provided.
1m x 1.5m
The height of the fence shall be at least __ m.