Power Distance (PDI)
The extent to which the less powerful members of the society accept that power is distributed unequally
Low Power Distance (PDI)
- Low dependence
- Inequality minimised
- Hierarchy for convenience
- Superiors accessible
- Equal rights
- Change by evolution
High Power Distance (PDI)
- High dependence
- Inequality accepted
- Hierarchy needed
- Superiors often inaccessible
- Privileges
- Change by revolution
Individualism (IDV)
People only look after themselves and their immediate family
Collectivism (IDV)
People belong to in-groups (e.g. families, organisations) who look after them in exchange for loyalty
(High) Individualism (IDV)
- “I”
- Penalty: Loss of self-respect and guilt
- Fulfil obligations to self
- Tasks have priority over relationships
(Low) Collectivism (IDV)
- “We”
- Penalty: Loss of “face” and shame
- Fulfil obligations to family, in-groups and society
- Relationships have priority over tasks
Masculinity (MAS)
The dominant values are achievement and success.
Femininity (MAS)
The dominant values in society are caring for other and quality of life.
(High) Masculinity (MAS)
- Need to excel
- Tendency to polarise
- Live in order to work
- Big and fast are beautiful
- Admiration for the successful
(Low) Femininity (MAS)
- Quality of life
- Striving for consensus
- Work in order to live
- Small and slow are beautiful
- Sympathy for the unfortunate
Uncertainty Avoidance (UAI)
The extent to which people feel threatened by uncertainty and ambiguity, and try to avoid such situations
High Uncertainty Avoidance (UAI)
- Anxiety, greater stress
- Showing of emotions is accepted
- Need for rules
- Conflict is threatening
Low Uncertainty Avoidance (UAI)
- Relaxed, less stress
- Emotions are not shown
- Less need for rules
- Conflict and competition are seen as fair play
Long Term Orientation (LTO)
The extent to which people show a future-oriented or pragmatic perspective rather than a normative or short-term point of view
(Low) Short Term Orientation (LTO)
- Absolute truth
- Conventional/traditional
- Concern for stability
- Quick results expected
(High) Long Term Orientation (LTO)
- Many truths
- Pragmatic
- Acceptance for change
- Perseverance
Indulgence (IVR)
The extent to which people express their desires and impulses. Relatively weak control is called “Indulgence” and relatively strong control is called “Restraint”
(Low) Restraint (IVR)
- Pessimism
- Cynicism
- Lower importance of leisure
(High) Indulgence (IVR)
- Optimism
- Positive attitude
- Higher importance of leisure