Main producing countries
- Scotland
- Ireland
- America
- Canada
- Japan
How is whisky made?
Distilled from malted and unmalted grains and matured in wooden casks
Alcohol percentage for whisky =
Legal alcohol content is at least 40%
Whisky/Whiskey origin + distilled
- Origin is Celtic Uisgebaugh ‘water of life’
- Distilled grains or cereals
Scotch Whisky (types)
Malted barley over peat fire
Irish whiskey
Malted barley without peat
Canadian whisky
Mostly rye
American whiskey
Barley, maize and rye
Japanese whisky
Resembles scotch
WhiskY of WhiskEY ?
Refers to a broad category of alcoholic beverages that are distilled from fermented grain mash.
- American and Irish = WHISKEY
- Scottish and Canadian = WHISKY
Whiskey is made from (4)
- Corn
- Rye
- Wheat
- Barley
Whiskey production process (6 steps)
- Preparation
- Marshing
- Fermenting
- Distilling
- Aging
- Bottling
Malting (step 1)
Converts barley to malt
Mashing (step 2)
Produces wort (sugar solution) from ground or crushed malt
Fermentation (step 3)
Produces wash (a weak crude, impure spirit) consequent upon the introduction of yeast in the wort
Distillation (step 4)
Strengthens and purifies the spirit contained in the wash and separates the solids contained in the spirituous liquor
Maturation (step 5)
Transforms the raw spirit into whisky
Bottling (step 6)
Adding whisky into bottles
Where in Scotland Scotch Whisky?
Highland = North/Mid Scotland
Lowland = South Scotland
Island of Islay = West coast of Scotland
Campbelltown = Southwest coast of Scotland
Grain whisky (Scotch Whisky type)
- Made from malted barley and unmalted grains.
- Flatter and less pronounced taste
Malt whisky (scotch whisky type)
Made from malted barley, kilned on peat or other fuel
Blended whisky (scotch whisky type)
- Mixture of malt and grain whisky.
- More consistent quality
- The more malt, the more expensive
Single malt whisky (scotch whisky type)
Malt whisky, one distillation
Arerican whiskey bourbon facts
-Made from a mash, at least 51% corn
- Distilled to not less than 40% ABV (alcohol by volume)
- Does not have to be aged (if aged NEED to be in uncharred oak barrels)
- During aging picks up colour and flavour + reduces harshness
Dufference between Canadian Rye whisky and American Bourbon whickey
- Rye = more peppery
- Rye = bitter quality
- Rye = needs to contain at least 51% rye
- Bourbon = at least 51% corn mash
- Bourbon = sweeter
- Bourbon = Slightly heavier bodied than rye
Tennessee Whiskey facts
- Produced in Tennessee
- Must be filtered through beds of sugar maple charcoal before being aged in freshly charred barrels min. 2 years.
- Has a long smooth finish (difference with bourbon)