3 Different products to make a chocolate drink
- Cocoa powder: Fat content at least 20%
- Instant cocoa: has been sweetened with sugar and dissolves directly
- Carob: Substitute for cocoa (NO caffeine, NO fat, NO theobrome)
3 components in cocoa
- Theobrome
- Cocoa butter
- Protein + carbohydrates
A stimulant (like caffeine in coffee)
Cocoa butter
Like dairy butter, is produced when the cocoa beans have been roasted and are processed.
Protein + Carbohydrates
Small quantities are found in a cocoa bean.
4 Steps of processing cocoa pods
- Harvesting
- Fermentation
- Drying
- Storing
Step 1 Harvesting (cocoa pods)
After the harvest of cocoa pods, the white seeds and flesh are removed.
Step 2 Fermentation (cocoa pods)
Seeds are covered between banana leaves to ferment. Temperature rises to 40 degrees Celsius. This helps to develop aromas.
Step 3 Drying (cocoa pods)
After the fermentation, seeds must be dried very well in the sun or hot air. The beans are now brown and hard.
Step 4 Storing (cocoa pods)
Cocoa beans are cleaned and sorted by size and then packed to be stored.
Cocoa been
After processing the beans are ready for export.
Cocoa pod (3)
-Looks like a rugby ball (20 cm)
- One cocoa pod contains 30-40 white seeds
- Once produces the seeds become cocoa beens.
Cocoa tree (3)
- Only grows in equatorial latitudes
- In central/west Africa, east/west Asia, south America
- Biggest producers are: Brazil, Ivory coast, Ghana, Malaysia
History cocoa (4)
- Aztecs cultivated cocoa beans in 17th century
- Made drinks with grounded powder, water, herbs and chilli peppers
- Spanish brought cocoa to Europe
- Since 1800 cocoa is available for everyone
Yerba Mate tea
An intimate ritual in Argentine and Uruguay. Friends share a cup and bombilla and pass the cup with the drink among them.
Russian custom tea (4)
- Tea came via camels from China to Russia
- Mostly black tea with smoky flavour
- Very strong tea with added jam, milk or sugar
- Uses samovar
Indian custom tea
Rich black tea + heavy milk and a combination of various spices and sweeteners