Horse Pelvis Lecture Flashcards
Tensor fascia latae m
- origin
- insertion
O: tuber coxae
I: patellar ligament
Superficial gluteal m
- origin
- insertion
O: tuber coxae
I:3rd trochanter (femur)
Middle gluteal m
- origin
- insertion
O: tuber coxae, ilium, sacrosciatic ligament
I: greater trochanter (femur)
Accessory head m
Intertrochanteric line of femur
Deep gluteal m
- origin
- insertion
O: ischial spine
I{ greater trochanter (femur)
What does the cranial gluteal a supply
tensor fasia latae
superficial gluteal
middle gluteal
deep gluteal
What does cranial gluteal n supply? (without help from other n)
tensor fascia latae
Deep gluteal
What does cranial AND caudal gluteal n supply
superficial gluteal
middle gluteal
Lumbosacral plexus gives rise to what 2 important n in perineum
Caudal rectal n
Pudendal n
Caudal rectal n supplies
Levator ani
External anal sphincter
Pudendal n supplies
Deep perineal n
Dorsal n of penis
Define inguinal canal
Inguinal canal is potential space situated between internal and external abdominal oblique muscles extending from deep to superficial inguinal ring
Borders of deep inguinal ring
Cranial=internal abdominal oblique
Medial=rectus abdominis
Caudal=inguinal ligament (from EAO)
What goes through inguinal canal in male 5
Testicular a, v Ductus deferens Cremaster m Genitofemoral n External pudendal a,v
What goes through inguinal canal in female 2
Genitofemoral n
External pudendal a,v
Where do structures in inguinal canal exit? what is at this location?
Exit at superficial inguinal ring
–>Here be superficial inguinal LN
How do you measure scrotal width?
What type of penis does equine have
-Increases in girth rather than length at erection
What muscles support erection of penis
corpus cavernosus penis (CCP)
Ischiocavernosus m
What muscles facilitate ejaculation of penis
Corpus spongiosum penis (CSP)
Bulbospongiosus m
Urethral sinus opens into
Fossa glandis
What should be routinely cleaned
Fossa glandis and urethral process
What can be cultured to detect potential genital infections
Urethral cultures
Raised denticulated margin on glans penis
Corona glandis
Where is urethral process?
On glans penis within fossa glandis
Dorsal diverticulum of glans penis
urethral sinus
Unique trait about horse prepuse
Has internal and external lamina
Preputial orifice
Opening of preputial cavity to outside and lies far cranially in non-erect state and covers glans penis but is pushed back to body wall at erection.
Describe external lamina
Attached ventral body wall and covered by hair
Describe internal lamina
Hairless and forms preputial fold in non-erect state which provides material that facilitates penile elongation
Attachment of internal lamina
Preputial ring
-During erection, internal lamina is stretched out. Attached to preputial ring
What is the free part of the penis
Part of internal lamina that lies cranial to preputial ring and does NOT extend as far as the glans penis
What are 3 major sources of blood supply to penis via dorsal artery
Internal pudendal a
Obturator a
External pudendal a
Internal pudendal a consists of
dorsal a of penis
artery of the bulb a
Obturator a consists of
deep a
dorsal artery of the penis
External pudendal a consists of
dorsal artery of the penis
Explain venous drainage of penis
- root
- body
Venous drainage from root of the penis passes in the internal pudendal v
From the body of the penis through external pudendal v and obturator v
Explain lymphatic drainage of penis
Lymphatics from prepuce and scrotum drain to the superficial inguinal, deep inguinal, and me`dial iliac LN
Sensory n to penis comes from
Pudendal n
Dorsal n of penis
Sympathetic testicular n fibers of penis come from
Caudal mesenteric ganglion and parasympathetic fibers from pelvic n
What contributes to cutaneous innervation to prepuce and skin of medial thigh?
Pudendal and genitofemoral n
4 accessory genital glands of stallion
ampulla vesicular gland prostate gland bulbourethral gland `
Hoe can you check accessory glands?
Rectal palpation
Where does ovulation take place
Ovulation fossa
Ovaries are located more cranial or caudally than dog
Where are ovaries situated
Ovarian bursa
What are the openings at ends of uterine tubes
Abdominal and uterine orifices
parts of oviduct
infundibulum (proximal)
ampulla (distal)
isthmus (distal)
Infundibulum is extended
Over ovulation fossa
Lateral and medial wall of ovarian bursa
Messentary (mesosalpinx)-lateral
Uterus consists of
1 body
2 horns
Uterine horns are joined by
Intercornual ligament
Pregnancy occurs in
uterine body
3 sources of blood supply to uterus
uterina a
ovarian a
vaginal a
Cervical canal is lined with
longitudinal mucosal folds
Internal uterine orifice opens into
body of uterus
External uterine orifice opens into
Projects into vagina
portio vaginalis
Fornix vagina
Vaginal space surrounding portio vaginalis
What demarcates vagina and vestibule
External urethral orifice
Vestibular wall is supported by
Constrictor vestibuli m
Vestibular wall contains erectile tissue
Vestibular bulb
How can you access peritoneal cavity from vagina?
Incision in cranial dorsal wall of vagina
be sure to avoid venous plexuses in ventral wall
What forms dorsal and ventral commissures of mare repro
-what forms pelvic floor
Pelvic floor=vulva
Vulva wall is supported by
Constrictor vulvar m
What is “winking”
During estrus, mares are able to contract vulva muscles and expose clitoris
Popular sits for infection in mare repro
Clitoral fossa
Clitoral sinuses
Where is glans clitoridis
Ventral commissure of vulva and within clitoral fossa
What supports glans clitoridis
Transverse fold of tissue as frenulum of prepuce
What causes equine infectious metritis
Taylorella equigenitalis
Ovarian a comes from
Uterine a comes frmo
External iliac a
Vaginal a comes from
Internal pudendal a
Define perineal body
Mass of fat and CT that lies btw rectum (dorsally) and vestibule (ventrally) and is supported by external anal sphincter, constrictor vestibuli, retractor clitoridis, and levator ani m
Frequent site for rectovaginal fistulas
Perineal body
Bloodsupplies mammary glands
External pudendal a
cranial and caudal mammary a
Cutaneous innervation of mammary glands
Genitofemoral, pudendal, iliohypogastric n
Sympathetic supply from hypogastric n
T/F there is parasympathetic innervation in mammary glands
No psymp
Afferent lymphatics in mmary glands go to
Superficial inguinal LN
Venous drainage of mammary glands is through
External pudendal v
Lymphatic drainage of mammary glands is via
Superficial inguinal LN and deep inguinal LN