Hormones regulation and stimulation Flashcards
What are the 2 types of hormones?
Peptide and steroid
What is a peptide hormone?
Peptide hormones are hydrofilic, polar and water soluble
They are big so they cant go through the cell memebrane so they have to bind to a receptor outside.
Examples of peptide hormones?
FSH, Insulin and ADH
What are steroid hormones?
Steroid hormones are derived from cholestrol so they are lipid soluble
They can bind to a receptor inside the cell instead of outside.
What are examples of steroid hormones?
Testosterone and estrogen.
How are FSH and LH stimulted to be released?
- the pre optic nucleus release GN-RH
- Which circulate the portal system to the gondadtrope cells the GN-RH stimulites it
- Once it release FSH and LH
- The lower levels of GN-RH it will make FSH and the higher levels of GN-RH it will make LH.
How does the steroid hormone pathway work?
- A steroid drug testoterone moves into the cell membrane and into the nulceus
- Once in the nucleus it binds to the receptor, which will then displace the heat shock response
- The receptor then becomes stronger and binds to the gene sequence such as hormone response element
- This will then undergo DNA replication, transcription and protein for metabolism and protein synthesis.
What is GN-RH,HRE and HSP?
Gondatropin releasing hormone
Hormone response element
Heat shock protein.