HM Chapter 24: Emegency Treatment for Oral Diseases and Injuries Flashcards
Explain what a Dental Carry is.
- Tooth decay
- Also known as cavities
- Pain with heat, cold, sweetness or referred pain
- Chalky white spot, rough surface, dark stained cavity, area filled with a spongy mass
- Remove debris, flush with warm distilled water, isolate tooth with cotton, dry cavity
- Temporary filling: zinc oxide
Explain Acute Pulpitis
- Inflammation of the pulp
- Most frequent cause of severe tooth pain
- Spontaneous, continuous, intermittent pain that lingers, piercing pulsating pain, INCREASED WHEN LAYIND DOWN
- Large carious lesion with or without pulpal exposure, blood or pus oozing with pulpal exposure, fractured tooth, missing restoration
- Remove loose debris, dry cavity, pack with COTTON MOISTENED EUGENOL, fill with temporary filling
Explain Periapicla Abcess
-Infection of pulpal tisue causing necrosis
-Constant throbbing pain, increased pain when chewing or laying down, bad taste in mouth, gumboil (painful swelling on gum), TOOTH FEELS LONGER, malaise, tender lymph nodes
-Severe pain reaction with light pressure, gumboil, facial swelling, increased tooth motility, high temperature, large lymph nodes
-Radiograph can help with identification
Drain abcess with explorer, evacuate cavity (If there is drainage fluid, patient should feel immediate relief)
-If there is no drainage have patient rinse with warm salt water every 10 minutes (NEVER apply heat ; If there is still no drainage use ice pack)
Explain Marginal Gingivitis
- Inflammation of the gingival tissue
- Sore with swollen gums, bright red or purple gums, severe odor, gum tender and/or painful to the touch, bleed easily
- Pain or bleeding with pressure, red swelling with LOSS OF STIPLING, heavy plaque and calculus deposits, severe odor
- Give OHI, rinse with warm saline solution, remove soft debris
Explain Necrotizing Ulcerative Gingivitus (NUG)
- Severe infection of the tissue
- Aka Trenchmouth
- More common with deployed personnel
- Symptoms same as with gingivitus accompanied by: bad taste in mouth, pain with eating and brushing, excessive bleeding
- Signs same but more severe as ginvivitus accompanied by: heavy plaque and calculus deposits, ulceration and cratering of interdental papillae results in ‘punched out’ appearance, gray-white membrane covering gingival, foul odor, oozing pus, high temp
- Only a dentist can fully treat (HM can only give meds if temp is over 101F)
Explain Periodontitis
- Progressive loss of alveolar bone around teeth
- Can result in the loosening or loss of teeth
- Deep gnawing pain, itching gums, bleeding gum, food sticking between teeth, gingival recession, tooth aching with no carries, uneven bite, increased spacing of teeth, halitosis, metallic taste in mouth, uneven bite
- Heavy plaque and calculus deposits, gingival inflammation bleeding and discoloration, ulcerated and cratered papillae, tooth mobility
- Treat same as with marginal gingivitis
Explain Periodontal Abcess
- Infection of the the periodontal abcess
- Signs and symptoms same as periapical abcess
- Prode to get drainage (If that don’t work apply warm saline)
Explain Pericoronitis
- Inflammation of gingival around a partially erupted tooth
- Pain when chewing, bad taste in mouth, difficulty opening mouth, swelling in neck area, fever
- Partially erupted tooth, red inflamed tissue, oozing pus, painful reaction to touch, swelling, enlarged lymph nodes, high temp
- Irrigate under gingival flap, rinse with warm saline every 2 hrs
Explain Stomatitis
-Inflammation of the oral mucosa, including labial herpes
-Painful swelling, fever blisters/cold sore/canker sore, pain when eating or drinking, fever, headache
-Red swollen areas with blisters or small crators, blisters or crators covered with grayish white to yellow membrane
Treatment: No smoking, eating acidic foods, hot foods, alcohol
Explain Post-Extraction Hemorrhage
- Bleeding that starts or fails to stop after extraction
- Large amounts of blood in the mouth, weakness, blood on pillow after sleeping, blood clot in mouth, blood oozing or flowing from the site
Explain Post-Extraction Alveolar Ostetitis
- “Dry Socket”
- Increased pain and discomfort 3-4 days after extractio, radiating pain, foul taste and odor
- Absence of blood clot, food visible in socket
Explain a Type 1 Tooth Fracture
- Enamel is broken; slight chip with no exposure of dentin or pulp
- Rough, sharp edge to tooth, pain with eating or drinking, sensitivity to heat, cold and air
- Smooth sharp edges, dry, apply coat of varnish with cotton pellets and forceps
- Avoid hot, cold foods and liquids or sticky foods
Explain a Type 2 Tooth Fracture
- Effects enamel and dentin with no pulp exposure
- Very rough, sharp edges, severe pain with heat, cold and air, toothache
How to treat a Type 2 Tooth Fracture
- Option 1: Isolate area with cotton, dry, coat with ZINC OXIDE and EUGENOL paste with LIGHT CURED GLASS IONOMER CEMENT; No eating: Hot, cold, spicy, sticky foods or drinking hot or cold liquids
- Option 2: (temporary crown) Choose crown form, put 2-3 small holes in crown with explorer, fill crown with MIX OF CALCIUM HYDROXIDE OR ZINC OXIDE AND EUGENOL, place crown; keep a bland diet
Explain a Type 3 Tooth Fracture
-Involves Enamel and Dentin with Pulp exposure
-Extensive fracture with pulp exposure and possible bleeding
Most or all of the crown of the tooth is off
-Severe throbbing pain, very rough and sharp edges, severe pain with hot or cold air, inability to chew
How to treat a Type 3 Tooth Fracture
- Splint: Mix zinc oxide and eugenol, add cotton until it gets a dough-like consistency; place so it covers affected tooth and neighboring teeth and well up lingual aspects; Compress and trim it; it will harden within hours
- Temporary Crown: Choose crown form, put 2-3 small holes in crown with explorer, fill crown with MIX OF CALCIUM HYDROXIDE OR ZINC OXIDE AND EUGENOL, place crown
Explain a Type 4 Tooth Fracture
- Root fracture
- Severe pain with heat, cold and air; inability to eat without severe pain, tooth mobility
- Fractured root (can be seen in X-ray), tooth mobility, facial trauma
- Treatment: Temporary splint (HM will rarely treat)