BUMEDINST 6440.5 - Health Services Augmentation Program (HSAP) Flashcards
Who is responsible for CUIC?
-BUMED Deputy Chief of Staff and human resources
-Deployment Support Center
-Component Unit Identification Code
-Expeditionary Medicine Platform Augmentation Readiness and Training System
-Individual Personnel
What are the roles and responsibilities of the Command Readiness Officer (CRO)?
-Verifies deployments and puts them in EMPARTS & ITEMPO
-Establishes a DSC and ensures CUIC billets are done
-Updates EMPARTS
Uses HSAP to ensure personnel are administratiely deployable within 30 days of arrival and maintains deployability
-Conducts military readiness training
-Ensures leadership is knowledgeable of responsibilities in deployment
-Perform entry and exit interviews with PCS personnel
-Keeps MILPERS updated
-Assign all residual personnel to vacant platform billets
-Reasonible for budget and supply required for deployment & readiness training
-Coordinate active and reserve credentializing process
-Ensures deployment history is in EMPARTS and ITEMPO
-Provides a Letter of Assignment (LOA) within 10 days of CUIC personnel arrival informing platform assigned status, responsibilities, uniform and training informing platform assigned status, responsibilities, uniform and training
-Appoint an OSO
What are the roles and responsibilities of the Operations Support Officer (OSO)?
- Knowledgeable in policies & procedures of HSAP, DSC and local readiness
- Can assume the positions of Readiness Officer or POMI Officer
- Assists the CO with reservists concerning HSAP
How many Platform Manning Priorities are thre?
Who is Priority 1?
- Marine Forces (MARFOR)
- Staffing Minimum: Peacetime is 80%, Wartime is 95%
- All officers must have attended U.S. Marine Corps Field Medical School for Officers
- All Hms must be 8404
- Females may be under: MARFOR, MEF, MLG, MAW (MARDIV as a last resort)
Who is Priority 2?
- Casualty Receiving & Treatment Ship (CRT)
- 84 personnel each for level 2 HSS
Who is Priority 3?
- Forward Deployed Preventive Medicine Unit (FDPMU)
- OIC chosen by Co of Naval Environmental Health Center
- Medical responsibility can exceed organic capability
Who is Priority 4?
- Expeditionary Medical Facility (EMF)
- Up to level 3 HSS, Co’s are designated by BUMED
- Assumes none of primary sourcing command
Who is Priority 5?
- Construction Battallion Unit (CBU)
- When support NMCP level 1 HSS
- HMs must be 8404
Who is Priority 6?
- Hospital Ship (T-AH) Level 3 HSS
- Owned by Military Sealift Command (MSC)
Who is Priority 7?
- Outside Continental United States (OCONUS) MTF
- Use USNAVHOSP Yokosuka, Okinawa, Guam, level 4 HSS
Who is Priority 8?
- Blood Processing Unit (BPU)
- Supports Armed Service Whole Blood Processing Laboratory (ASWBPL) and Blood Donor Center (BDC)
Joint Force Maritime Component Command (JFMCC), Medical Augmentation Cell (MAC)
-Medical responsibility can exceed organic capability
Explain the Administration of Deplyable Personnel
- Commands are responsible for maintaining readiness requirements
- Commanders, COs, OICs coordinate for evals, fitreps, advancement requirements and leadership training
What shall personnel report to command with?
-ID tags, CAC, DD 2766, copy of NAVPERS 1070/604 (enlisted qualifications history), copy of NAVPERS 1070/602 (dependency application/record of emergency data worksheet), copy of SGLI, PHS 731 (international certificate of vaccinations), copy of NAVPERS 1740/6 (family care certificate), security clearance
How does BUMED play a part in funding?
-Run by Deputy Chief of Staff for Resource Management and Control (BUMED-M8)
How does Navy Medicine Support Command play a part in funding?
-Manpower, Personel, Training and Education Command (NAVMED MPT&E)
What are NAVMED regions responsible for?
-Command/fiscal coverage over subordinate commands in region
How is Training conducted?
- MPT&E and platform sponsors coordinate readiness training: (frequency of HSAP training depends on requirements; done through TYCOM)
- Navy Medicine Support Command (NMSC): (Ensures training is adequate, coordinates it, identifies proper training programs; direct subordinate commands on training resources using BUMED-M8)
- USMC Training (Marine Corps Training and Education Command (TECOM) responsible)
Explain Personnel Management
- Parent commands ensure deployment history is in EMPARTS and ITEMPO
- Personnel cannot deploy for 6 months or 180 days following the end of last deployment or upon reporting
- Return from deployment no more than 6 months prior to PCS or retirement
- Return from deployment no more than 3 months prior to separation
Explain Casualty Replacement
- (USMC) Replaced through normal service procedures by requesting through COC
- Replacements report to Camp Lejune or Camp Pendleton for predeployment training
Explain Deployment Support
- Commanders will establish deployment support
- BUMED authorizes liason authority (DIRLAUTH)
- Command CRO: Ensures personnel readiness of HSAP personnel
- Command Public Affairs Officer: Coordinate with the local media
Explain the Medical Fleet Readiness Response Plan (MERP)
- Routine Deployable (Can deploy within 5 days; supports a T-AH with 250 beds or an EMF with 500 beds every 6 months)
- Surge Ready: Can deploy within 30 days; Support a T-AH with 500 beds or an EMF with 500 beds every 6 months)
- Emergency Surge: Can deploy within 120 days; Support a T-AH with 1,000 beds or an EMF with 500 beds every 6 months
Explain the States of Resources and Training System (SORTS)
- Used to issue readiness to a unit or command
- C1: Fully Mission capable (Can complete full wartime mission)
- C2: Sustainably combat ready, has minor deficiencies (Can complete bulk or wartime mission)
- C3: Major deficiencies, can still perform (Can do major portion of wartime mission)
- C4: Unable to perform unless given resources or training (Can perform part or wartime mission)
- C5: Can’t perform (Usually given under a ship during major overhaul)
What is the Expeditionary Medicine Platform Augmentation Readiness and Training System (EMPARTS)?
- Monitors data for deployment trends and impacts on healthcare operations
- Monitors data accuracy
- Individual Augmentee-BIOMED provides command and control
CRO (Command Readiness Office)
-Identified by the command, responsible for monitoring and advising in command’s readiness
BSO (Budget Submitting Officer)
-Submits Budget
- Component Unit Identification Code
- Subordinate to UIC, alligns manpower to operational platforms
- Development Support Center
- Temporary processing center established at sourcing commands to fascilitate deployment of augmented personnel
- Defense Medical human resource System Internet
- DoD web based program to manage manpower and personnel readiness
- Expeditionary Medicine Platform Augmentation Readiness and Tracking System
- Web based automated information system used to track the readiness status of BSO-18
- Functional Area Code A
- Active component BSO 18 officer and enlisted requirements
- Functional Area Code R
- Medical department officer and enlisted requirements of the Navy reserves
- Individual Personal TEMPO
- Tracks and reports deployment days for individuals who are away from their homeport or assigned unit
OSO (Operational Support Officer)
- Formerly known as the Reserve Liason Officer
- Coordinates reserve utilization
-BSO 18 resources aligned to Operating Force requirements; capability
PRO (Platform Responsibile Officer)
-Senior officer assigned to CUIC platform, designated by the command to assist the CRO
-Measures the percentage of operational billets filled in EMPARTS
-Measures the overall readiness status of a member or platform based on their training and platform billet assignments or fill rate in EMPARTS
-BSO 18 perrsonnel not assigned to an Operating Force Platform and eligible for assignment to Operating Force mission
-BUMED Deputy Chief of Staff, Human Resources
-BUMED Deputy Chief of Staff, Operations
-BUMED Deputy Chief of Installations and Logistics
-BUMED Deputy Chief of Staff, Resource Management/Comptroller