HistoryC4.3-4.4Tier Flashcards
from Mr. Tier's Quizlet group, created by Mr. Tier
Iroquois Confederacy
most powerful native american group in North East. Eventually allied with the British and upset the balance of power in the Great Lakes, leading to French and Indian War.
group of civilians trained to fight in an emergency
George Washington
Captain in the British Army, fought at battle of Fort Necessity near Pittsburgh
Albany Plan of Union
an attempt by colonial representative to unite in defense against the French and Native American Alliance, however, the colonial assemblies refused to adopt it.
a formal agreement of defense
General Braddock
commander of British forces in North America
Seven Year’s War
also called the French and Indian War, Britain and France fought for control of North America
William Pitt
prime minister of Great Britain (kind of like our president), decided not to make the colonists pay taxes to pay for the French and Indian War - this created a massive debt.
James Wolfe
British commander who won the battle of Quebec
Jeffery Amherst
British commander who captured Montreal
Treaty of Paris
1763; gave Britain control of Canada, Ohio Valley and all territory to the Mississippi River
Pontiac’s War
organized native americans in the Great Lakes fight against British control - the Native American’s lost
Proclamation of 1763
prevented colonists from moving past the Appalachian mountains to prevent more conflict with native americans