history_-_everything_20230227145124 Flashcards
Plessy v. Ferguson
1896 - Violated the American Constitution, Homer Plessey, 14th amendment, sat in white area of train. Separate but equal facilities.
To secure these rights
Desegregation of the army
1948 executive order 9981.
NAACP founded
Smith v. Allwright
1944 - Texas, primary elections determined the congressional elections, black excluded from the primary elections. 15th amendment outlawed across America.
Morgan v. Virginia
1946 - Inter state bus service, Irene Morgan fined $100 refusing to give up seat. Violated her constitutional rights, supreme court announced interstate segregation illegal
Sweatt v. Painter
1950 - Heman Sweatt Texas Law, new law school rejected fewer teachers, book and students. Supreme court allowed the admission of Sweatt.
Brown v. The Board of Education I (Topeka)
1954 - Forced to attend a black school 20 block, white school nearer. Supreme court announced segregation was illegal in American schools. Impossible for separate and equal.
Brown v. The Board of Education II
1955 - De Jure victory, no De Facto change. NAACP asked for a timetable, reply ‘all deliberate speed’ - too vague.
Emmitt Till Lynched
Montgomery Bus Boycott
Montgomery Bus Boycott, 1955-1956 - Segregated Busses, Rosa Parks (1955) refused to give up seat. Direct action, refused to use service. Hit companies hard, main revenue. King fined put into prison, gained media attention.
Browder v. Gayle
Browder Vs. Gayle, 1956 - Boycott didn’t change segregation, NAACP ended with a court case making the segregation illegal.
The Little Rock Campaign
Little Rock Campaign, 1957 - De facto segregation little progress, enrolling 9 students. National guard to prevent, Eisenhower orders to withdraw them. Racists prevented enrolling.
Greensboro Sit-ins
Greensboro Sit-ins, 1960 - Sitting in white only areas, escalated protest. 1 week six states, spread wade-in read-ins ect. 1961 70,000 people has engaged in the sit-ins. MLK and SNCC involvement Student Non violent Coordinating Committee.
The Freedom Rides
The Freedom Rides, 1961 - To test Morgan vs Virginia, organised by CORE/SNCC. Use media attention, Bull Connor, gave no protection and gave police day off, racists to attack. Montgomery refused to protect. King gave a speech, enforced desegregation on the bus services Robert Kennedy.
The Albany Campaign
1961-1962 - Laurie Pritchett new approach not giving media attention. King arrested then released.
The Birmingham Campaign
1963 - King arrested for marching. Month later, James Bevel SCLC, young people to join in, imprisoned 1300 children attacked/fire hosed children, media attention. John Kennedy, support for the bill to end segregation.
March on Washington
1963 - NAACP, CORE, SNCC, SCLC organised a march, emancipation proclamation. 20% white, 250,000 people attended, Lincoln memorial.
Mississippi Freedom Summer
1964 - CORE, SNCC, NAACP voter registration in Mississ…. 1962 6.2% could vote lowest. 800 volunteers, many white helped blacks to the vote. KKK and police resisted, 30 homes/37 churches firebombed 80 beatings 30 shootings.
Selma Campaign
1965 - Ongoing campaign to register black people to vote. 1% could vote Sheriff likely to use violence. SNCC/SCLC involvement. March to Montgomery 1st attempt tear gas whips, 2nd stopped by King/President Johnson.
Chicago Freedom Movement
1966 - SCLC and CCCO, Kings first in the North. Hot day fire hydrants police came riot started. Target housing, 1000 police unable to deal white protestors. Forced to negotiate Mayor Daley, re-election promises of housing ignored, living standards, education, housing ect.
The Poor Peoples Campaign
1968 - Coalition of all races, Italian, Irish, Puerto Rican ect. Campaign together for better standard of living. Johnson didn’t support the plans, Vietnam war created divisions/diverted resources, raise money themselves.
The Memphis Sanitation Workers Strike
1968 - Refused to recognise the workers union, tear gas, King asked to help. Economic goals increase income. Marchers started to riot/loot, reporting King lead a violent march. King was assassinated.
King Assassination
J.F.K. Assassination
Lyndon Johnson Presidential Reign
John F. Kennedy Presidential Reign
Dwight D. Eisenhower Presidential Reign
Malcolm X Assassination
Watt Riots (Los Angeles)
SNCC embrace violence
Black Panther Party Founded
Black Panther Party Disbanded
Vietnam War
Establishment of the PRC
Start of the Korean War
Marriage Law
1950 - 1950 Marriage Law, ban dowry/right divorce/own property. ‘Women hold up half the sky’. 1949-76 8% - 32%. 1950-65 divorce rose by 60%. Xinjiang arranged marriage, Muslim. PLA excluded from divorce, property lost 1956. Empowerment of Women, roles/self esteem. Madame Mao, woman to reach height, influenced by Mao purged. Ding Ling intellectual writer, Song Quingling, party leader didn’t have same power, treated badly, attitudes hadn’t changed. De Jure and De Facto.
Suppression of Counter-Revolutionaries Campaign
1950 - 63,000 Bandits| 90,000 Criminals
Three Anti’s Campaign
1951 - Corruption, Waste and Obstructionist bureaucracy. Party Members/State Officials/ Line Managers. Mass meetings where people were denounced. Rooted out corrupt members. 2-3m deaths across both campaigns.
Five Anti’s Campaign
1952 - Directed at the Bourgeoisie. Bribery, Tax Evasion, Theft of State Property, Cheating on Government Contracts and Economic Espionage. Public denouncing, 3000 in Shanghai alone. Fines, loss of property, Laogai. 2-3m suicides.
Agricultural Producers Cooperatives
1952 - Larger MAT 30-50 households, still owned by the peasants APC’s
End of the Korean War
First 5 Year Plan
1953 - Trucks - 187% (in comparison to target)Machine tools - 220.1%Increase living standards in Shanghai in 1956.
Purge of Rao and Gao
- 200-300 households. 1955 20 million households
Hundred Flowers Campaign
1957 - 500,000 intellectuals declared ‘rightists’ 100,000’s of suicides.
Great Leap Forward (2nd 5 Year Plan)
1958 - 1959 - 270m tons of grain reality 170m1960 - 143m ton produced, causing mass food shortages, 20 million people died 1959-62.1/5 of Tibet lost lives. Parents/Husbands sold children/wives no economic value.
Purge of Peng Dehuai
Third 5 Year Plan
1962 - After the GLF, a brief spell of liberalism, by 1965 industry increased by 17%, oil production increased by 1,000% and natural gas by 4,000%. freeing China from its dependancies on the USSR.
Little Red book of quotations
Cultural Revolution
1966 - 2/3 of the previous central committee had been purged. Guangxi province 63,000 deaths. 750,000 - 800,000.
Shanghai Revolution
Cultural Revolution over
Abolition of Private Enterprises
The Spa Fields Meeting
1816 - Reformer followers of Thomas Spence,wanted to nationalise land/abolish all taxes apart from income ta, Islington London. Hunt addressed the audience. Part of the crowd rioted and marched on London.
Pentridge Rising
1817 - Unemployed textile workers, decided to try and take Nottingham Castle. ‘Oliver’ a spy reported this to the authorities and the military were waiting for them. Led by Jeremiah Brandreth, hanged.
The Blanketeers
1817 - Unemployed workers mainly weavers from Manchester planned a march on London, to give a petition to the Prince Regent, demanding parliamentary reform. Carried blankets of which to sleep in.
1819 - 60,000 men/women/children, St Peters field Manchester. Listen to HH criticise government/demand reform. Yeomanry/400 constables. Magistrates felt Manchester danger, military through the crowd to help Yeo killing/injuring women/men and children, 11 died.
The Six Acts
1819 - Determination to end peaceful protests. Stamp duty extended to all papers, protest literature. Magistrates power to search homes for political pamphlets. Private military training/amassing weapons was illegal.
The Days of May
1832 - Country erupted in riots and rallies, Attwood and Place stopped DofW being able to form a government. BPU said 200,000 people would march on London. Peel refused to work with Wellington. Asked Grey to take over. Passed 1832
Catholic Emancipation
1829 - Allowed voting rights to be given to Catholics, therefore to be able to put Catholics in the House of Lords. Pressure to do so to prevent civil war, split with the ultra tories and the government. Loss of support for DofW and Robert Peel.
Swing Riots
1830 - Messages are sent to Landowners in Norfolk/Suffolk, as they didn’t like the mechanisation of the farming industry. Threaten to lynch the farmers, causing upset and fear. Shows the discontent with the current political system.
The First reform Bill (March)
1831 - Proposals met with enthusiasm from the people. Henry Hether… opposed it as he wanted more to be enfranchised. Majority of one, Grey perusaded William to dissolve parliament and hold a General Election.
The Second Reform Bill/Effects (July)
1831 - The bill faied by 41 votes the reaction was very violent, riots in cities and small towns, DofW house smashed, Newspapers had black boarders, sign of mourning. CofE attacked five voted for it, protests/marches.
Third Reform Bill
December 1831 passed commons, Lords had delaying tactics, King refused to create new peers, so the Whig Government resigned.
Death of King George IV
First Political Union founded in 1829, by Thomas Attwood. 15,000 people attended the first meeting. 1832 100,000 people attended meetings. It was able to unite both middle and working class men.
Distress in towns and Countryside, before GRA.
Bad harvests in 1829 and 1830 and a trade slump in 1830. Cholera epidemic in 1831-32. High poor rates (taxes for benefits), high unemployment, poor trade, low wages.
British Election and Revolution in France
General election coincided with the 1830 French Revolution, keeping the excitement. Overruled the landowner in Yorkshire county elections, Henry Brougham
Poor Law Amendment
1834 - An aim was to reduce the burden of on the rates of poor relief, therefore middle and aristocracy paid less poor relief tax, creating a gap between the middle and working classes.
After GRA economic depression.
A slump in trade between 1837-42 caused unemployment low wages and the price of bread soared. People affected became chartists. Dependance on the American Cotton crop, believed chartism was the answer.
Northern Star
1837 establishment, reported on speeches and ideas, selling 36,000 copies a week, greater audience as it was passed on and read aloud, illiteracy.
Peoples Charter Written
1838, along with the distribution of the first petition.
First Petition presented to Parliament
1839, riots at the Bull Ring in Birmingham.
NCA founded
Second Petition distributed/presented/trade slump/affects.
- Plug riots occured supported by the chartists.
Chartist Land Plan
Year of Revolutions
1848, revolution in France followed by those across Europe.
Death of Palmerston
- A leading opponent of more reforms. Same year bad harvest causeing widespread distress.
Repeal of the Corn Laws
Cholera Epidemic
1866-67. 14,000 die.
Second Reform Act
Secret Ballot Act
Corrupt and Illegal Practicing Act
Representation of the People Act
The Redistribution of Seats Act
Tamworth Manifesto
Lichfield House Compact
Carlton Club and Reform Club
1832 and 1836.
Bedchamber Crisis
Death of Peel
Midlothian Campaign
Unification Campaigns
1951-1952 - Xinjiang - Muslim/Soviet Ties Tibet - Buddhism/belief that it is part of ChinaGuangdong - Nationalist.
Agrarian Reform Law
1950, between 750,000-1 million people, one landlord family in 6 died.
Mutual Aid Teams
1952 - Where 10 households pooled their labour, equipment, land, livestock - 10 household, peasants still owned the land.
Purge of Liu Shaoqi
Bombard the Headquarters
Wu Han Dismissed from Office
Events caused the 1966 Cultural Revolution Group to be formed.
The Franchise Act
Redistribution of Seats Act
Great Reform Act
1832 - Enfranchised the middle classes, 56 rotten boroughs removed, 1 in 10 could vote to 1 in 5. Voters required to register causing an increase in the need of party organisation to increase voters.
Whigs Attitude to 1832 GRA
‘Reform to Preserve’ Thomas Babington Macauley, the Whigs wanted limited reform to reduce tension, radicals wanted universal suffrage tories wanted nothing.
Wellingtons Speech
1830 - Told of his lack of want for further reform and caused people to not want him to be in power, as a result he couldn’t form a government.
Land Reform Completion
1952 - Destroying the previous ruling class of the landlords and replacing it with peasants.
Anti-Confuscious Campaign Launched
1973 - Competing with those that wanted to continue with communism and those that don’t. Target wasn’t Confucius but Lin Biao and Zhou Enlai, from Zhou’s pragmatic policies one education/economy, attacking Deng Xiaoping as well.
Detroit Riots
1967 - 43 people died, riots broke out, loss of support from norther white liberals, black power emergence.
Four No’s Campaign
1958 - Campaign so effective with sparrows, ecological balance and catapillars ate all the crops, causing huge amount of starvation, 1959-62 20 million people had died from starvation.
Steel Production (Backyard Furnaces)
1958 - 62 - Cooking utensils used for steel production, of which was very poor quality. 90m people used for steel production, leaving crops unattended with the Four No’s as well, causing crops to die, 20 million people died. People from communes, schools and other institutions expected to smelt.
Peoples Communes
1958 - Sputnik Commune, by end of the year 74,000 cooperatives put into 26,000 communes. Consisting of around 20,000 people. Removing private land, turning into full communism.
Size of the PLA
1950 - 5 million 1953 - 3.5 millionConscripts of 800,000 every year, serving 3 years. Indoctrinated into the ideology of the communist party. Instil communism return pass it on to peasants from to all areas.
Three Anti Campaigns
Corruption, Waste and Obstructionist bureaucracy. Party Members/State Officials/ Line Managers. Mass meetings where people were denounced. Rooted out corrupt members. 2-3m deaths across both campaigns.
Five Anti Campaigns
Directed at the Bourgeoisie. Bribery, Tax Evasion, Theft of State Property, Cheating on Government Contracts and Economic Espionage. Public denouncing, 3000 in Shanghai alone. Fines, loss of property, Laogai. 2-3m suicides.
Mutual Aid Teams
1952 - Where 10 households pooled their labour, equipment, land, livestock - 10 household, peasants still owned the land.
Larger MAT 30-50 households, still owned by the peasants
200-300 household, government owning the land, very unpopular, but communist. 1956 75 million households 63% of the population.
Bandits and Criminals Shanghai, Suppression of Counter Revolutionaries
63,000 Bandits| 90,000 Criminals
1949 20% literacy, 20% primary school. Key schools set up for cadres/leaders. Pinyin language, no language barrier. 1st time peasants school. 1956 > half children attended primary. 1976. 96%. 6.4% of budget went into education. CR 130m no school, lost generation angry. ‘The more books you read the more stupid you become’. Indoctrinate.
‘Reform through labour’ estimated 27 million people executed/worked/suicide.
Hundred Flowers Campaign
500,000 intellectuals declared ‘rightists’ 100,000’s of suicides.
Land Reform
80% of households in cooperatives by 1956. By 1952 between 750,000 and 1 million bourgeois and landlords killed.
1st 5 Year Plan
Trucks - 187% (in comparison to target)Machine tools - 220.1%Increase living standards in Shanghai in 1956.
Great Leap Forward
1959 - 270m tons of grain reality 170m1960 - 143m ton produced, causing mass food shortages, 20 million people died 1959-62.1/5 of Tibet lost lives. Parents/Husbands sold children/wives no economic value.
1.3% of the budget, 1973 1m foot doctors, poorly trained. 1st time peasants saw doctors, stopped spread of cholera and typhoid. Not enough doctors, condemned bourgeois living off back of peasants. 100 flowers/CR reduced numebrs.
1950 Marriage Law, ban dowry/right divorce/own property. ‘Women hold up half the sky’. 1949-76 8% - 32%. 1950-65 divorce rose by 60%. Xinjiang arranged marriage, Muslim. PLA excluded from divorce, property lost 1956. Empowerment of Women, roles/self esteem. Madame Mao, woman to reach height, influenced by Mao purged. Ding Ling intellectual writer, Song Quingling, party leader didn’t have same power, treated badly, attitudes hadn’t changed. De Jure and De Facto.
Regional Changes
13 regional commands 2 jobs of 4 went to the PLA, enabled Mao to have full physical control of China to implement policies of which will spread. 46% of the budget went on the PLA.
Cultural Revolution
2/3 of the previous central committee had been purged. Guangxi province 63,000 deaths. 750,000 - 800,000.
How many people marched on London - Days of May
Peterloo deaths/injuries
11 people hundreds many wounded.
Great Reform Act
Abolition of 56 rotten boroughs, 18% of adult males entitled to the vote.
Northern Star
1837 started, 1839-36,000 copies sold per week, wider audience as more were re read/spoken out.
Newport Rising
7,000 people coalminers/iron worker, attack the inn, holding captive. Poor organisation lead to 20 deaths.
Plug Riots
1842-After the failure of the 2nd petition 50,000 idle men in Manchester caused havoc. 1500 arrests made.
Impact of the 1867 Reform Act
Rural areas still over populated, South West had 43, where North East with 3 times the population had 32.
Representation of the People Act
1867 - gave the vote to an extra 1.12m people increasing the already 1.4m franchise.
The Franchise Act
1884 - increase the franchise by a further 2m.
Redistribution of Seats Act
1885 - Reduced the amount of MP’s in Cornwall to 7, rather than 44.
Brown Failure
1955 - by 1957, 750 of 6300 had desegregated their schools.
After war black influence of voting/living.
Cities had around 15% black population, so had a good deal of power to sway voter when voting in a block. 1950 1/3 lived in the North.
Detroit Riots
34 people died in racial violence.
James Meredith
1962 - Riot 2 died
Mississippi Freedom Summer
1964 - 1962 6.2% vote lowest, KKK resist 30 homes / 37 churches bombed 80 beatings 30 shootings.
Greensboro Sit-ins
1960 1 week 6 states, 1961 70,000 people. 1961 810 towns desegregated public spaces.
Birmingham Campaign
10% registered to vote, 1300 children arrested, 1/5 of USSR radio time dedicated. 4 months later 16th baptist church firebombed 4 girls killed.
Free healthcare/education initiative help 100,000’s. Illinois free healthcare centre helped 20,000 1st month. Brought Sickle Cell Anaemia to national attention, ensuring the act bringing funding for research.
Chicago Quote
I have never seen even in Mississippi and Alabama mobs as hostile as i have seen in Chicago
Assassination of King
Symbol of Civil Rights, violence broke out across 130 cities and 29 states.
1960 Civil Rights Act
Increase black votes by 3%
Plessy v. Ferguson
1896 - Violated the American Constitution, Homer Plessey, 14th amendment, sat in white area of train. Separate but equal facilities.
To secure these rights
Desegregation of the army
1948 executive order 9981.
NAACP founded
Smith v. Allwright
1944 - Texas, primary elections determined the congressional elections, black excluded from the primary elections. 15th amendment outlawed across America.
Morgan v. Virginia
1946 - Inter state bus service, Irene Morgan fined $100 refusing to give up seat. Violated her constitutional rights, supreme court announced interstate segregation illegal
Sweatt v. Painter
1950 - Heman Sweatt Texas Law, new law school rejected fewer teachers, book and students. Supreme court allowed the admission of Sweatt.
Brown v. The Board of Education I (Topeka)
1954 - Forced to attend a black school 20 block, white school nearer. Supreme court announced segregation was illegal in American schools. Impossible for separate and equal.
Brown v. The Board of Education II
1955 - De Jure victory, no De Facto change. NAACP asked for a timetable, reply ‘all deliberate speed’ - too vague. By 1957 only 750 of 6300 schools desegregated.
Emmitt Till Lynched
Montgomery Bus Boycott
Montgomery Bus Boycott, 1955-1956 - Segregated Busses, Rosa Parks (1955) refused to give up seat. Direct action, refused to use service. Hit companies hard, main revenue. King fined put into prison, gained media attention. Whites lost out massively. Grassroots activism.
Browder v. Gayle
Browder Vs. Gayle, 1956 - Boycott didn’t change segregation, NAACP ended with a court case making the segregation illegal.
The Little Rock Campaign
Little Rock Campaign, 1957 - De facto segregation little progress, enrolling 9 students. National guard to prevent, Eisenhower reactionary to withdraw them. Racists prevented enrolling. Ovral Faubus, extent of resistance.
Greensboro Sit-ins
Greensboro Sit-ins, 1960 - Sitting in white only areas, escalated protest. 1 week six states, spread wade-in read-ins ect. 1961 70,000 people has engaged in the sit-ins. Grassroots Activism. Publicity, angry whites, sympathy/support from North, economics value 6th of Feb closed a Woolworths.
The Freedom Rides
The Freedom Rides, 1961 - To test Morgan vs Virginia, organised by CORE/SNCC. Use media attention, Bull Connor, gave no protection and gave police day off, racists to attack. Montgomery refused to protect. King gave a speech, enforced desegregation on the bus services Robert Kennedy.
The Albany Campaign
1961-1962 - Laurie Pritchett new approach not giving media attention. King arrested then released. Showed it required attention to get movement going.
The Birmingham Campaign
1963 - King arrested for marching. Month later, James Bevel SCLC, young people to join in, imprisoned 1300 children attacked/fire hosed children, media attention. John Kennedy, support for the bill to end segregation.
March on Washington
1963 - NAACP, CORE, SNCC, SCLC organised a march, emancipation proclamation. 20% white, 250,000 people attended, Lincoln memorial. 1949 1m tele, 1960 over 45m.
Mississippi Freedom Summer
1964 - CORE, SNCC, NAACP voter registration in Mississ…. 1962 6.2% could vote lowest. 800 volunteers, many white helped blacks to the vote. KKK and police resisted, 30 homes/37 churches firebombed 80 beatings 30 shootings.
Selma Campaign
1965 - Ongoing campaign to register black people to vote. 1% could vote Sheriff likely to use violence. SNCC/SCLC involvement. March to Montgomery 1st attempt tear gas whips, 700 arrests, 2nd 25,000 involved. Test the 1964 voting rights. Johnson realised a further legislation was needed 1965 voting rights.
Chicago Freedom Movement
1966 - SCLC and CCCO, Kings first in the North. Hot day fire hydrants police came riot started. Target housing, 1000 police unable to deal white protestors. Forced to negotiate Mayor Daley, re-election promises of housing ignored, living standards, education, housing ect.
The Poor Peoples Campaign
1968 - Coalition of all races, Italian, Irish, Puerto Rican ect. Campaign together for better standard of living. Johnson didn’t support the plans, Vietnam war created divisions/diverted resources, raise money themselves.
The Memphis Sanitation Workers Strike
1968 - Refused to recognise the workers union, tear gas, King asked to help. Economic goals increase income. Marchers started to riot/loot, reporting King lead a violent march. King was assassinated.
King Assassination
J.F.K. Assassination
Lyndon Johnson Presidential Reign
1963-69. Great Society funding stopped during Vietnam War, passed many civil rights acts.
John F. Kennedy Presidential Reign
Dwight D. Eisenhower Presidential Reign
1953-61. Forced integration Brown, MBB, Little Rock. 1957 civil rights acts, weakened by Southern Congressmen and only entitled 3% more blacks to have the vote. Didn’t enforce verdict of Brown.
Malcolm X Assassination
Watt Riots (Los Angeles)
1965 - 34 deaths, 3400 arrests, 1000 injured.
SNCC embrace violence
Black Panther Party Founded
Black Panther Party Disbanded
Vietnam War
Establishment of the PRC
Start of the Korean War
Marriage Law
1950 - 1950 Marriage Law, ban dowry/right divorce/own property. ‘Women hold up half the sky’. 1949-76 8% - 32%. 1950-65 divorce rose by 60%. Xinjiang arranged marriage, Muslim. PLA excluded from divorce, property lost 1956. Empowerment of Women, roles/self esteem. Madame Mao, woman to reach height, influenced by Mao purged. Ding Ling intellectual writer, Song Quingling, party leader didn’t have same power, treated badly, attitudes hadn’t changed. De Jure and De Facto. Start if the regime, deteriorated afterwards. Couldn’t change the Confucius attitudes.
Suppression of Counter-Revolutionaries Campaign
1950 - 63,000 Bandits| 90,000 Criminals
Three Anti’s Campaign
1951 - Corruption, Waste and Obstructionist bureaucracy. Party Members/State Officials/ Line Managers. Mass meetings where people were denounced. Rooted out corrupt members. 2-3m deaths across both campaigns.
Five Anti’s Campaign
1952 - Directed at the Bourgeoisie. Bribery, Tax Evasion, Theft of State Property, Cheating on Government Contracts and Economic Espionage. Public denouncing, 3000 in Shanghai alone. Fines, loss of property, Laogai. 2-3m suicides.
Agricultural Producers Cooperatives
1953 - Larger MAT 30-50 households, land still owned by the peasants APC’s. Helped the poorest.
End of the Korean War
First 5 Year Plan
1953-1957 - Oil 72.5% Steel 130% Coal 115%18% increase in production. Machines broker illiterate workers. Job/income security, Danwei / DangansIncrease living standards in Shanghai in 1956.
Purge of Rao and Gao
- 200-300 households. 1955 20 million households. by 1957 food production had increase by 1% whereas the population had increased by 2%.
Hundred Flowers Campaign
1957 - 500,000 intellectuals declared ‘rightists’ 100,000’s of suicides.
Great Leap Forward (2nd 5 Year Plan)
1958 - 1959 - 270m tons of grain reality 170m1960 - 143m ton produced, causing mass food shortages, 20 million people died 1959-62.1/5 of Tibet lost lives. Parents/Husbands sold children/wives no economic value. ‘Walking on two legs’ improve agriculture/industry simultaneously.
Purge of Peng Dehuai
Third 5 Year Plan
1962 - After the GLF, a brief spell of liberalism, by 1965 industry increased by 17%, oil production increased by 1,000% and natural gas by 4,000%. freeing China from its dependancies on the USSR.
Little Red book of quotations
Cultural Revolution
1966 - 2/3 of the previous central committee had been purged. Guangxi province 63,000 deaths. 750,000 - 800,000.
Shanghai Revolution
Cultural Revolution over
Abolition of Private Enterprises
Unification Campaigns
1951-1952 - Xinjiang - Muslim/Soviet Ties Tibet - Buddhism/belief that it is part of ChinaGuangdong - Nationalist.
Agrarian Reform Law
1950, between 750,000-1 million people, one landlord family in 6 died. 60% of the population benefited from the redistribution of land.
Mutual Aid Teams
1952 - Where 10 households pooled their labour, equipment, land, livestock - 10 household, peasants still owned the land.
Purge of Liu Shaoqi
Bombard the Headquarters
Wu Han Dismissed from Office
Events caused the 1966 Cultural Revolution Group to be formed.
Land Reform Completion
1952 - Destroying the previous ruling class of the landlords and replacing it with peasants.
Anti-Confuscious Campaign Launched
1973 - Competing with those that wanted to continue with communism and those that don’t. Target wasn’t Confucius but Lin Biao and Zhou Enlai, from Zhou’s pragmatic policies one education/economy, attacking Deng Xiaoping as well.
Detroit Riots
1967 - 43 people died, riots broke out, loss of support from Northern White Liberals, Black Power emergence.
Four No’s Campaign
1958 - Campaign so effective with sparrows, ecological balance and catapillars ate all the crops, causing huge amount of starvation, 1959-62 20 million people had died from starvation.
Steel Production (Backyard Furnaces)
1958 - 62 - Cooking utensils used for steel production, of which was very poor quality. 90m people used for steel production, leaving crops unattended with the Four No’s as well, causing crops to die, 20 million people died. People from communes, schools and other institutions expected to smelt.
Peoples Communes
1958 - Sputnik Commune, by end of the year 74,000 cooperatives put into 26,000 communes. Consisting of around 20,000 people. Removing private land, turning into full communism. Commune schools children taken away from mothers early on, force back to labour.
Sickle Cell Anaemia
Promoted awareness for the disease, gained funding form the government. 1974 200 free clinics set up treating 200,00 people a year.
Free Breakfast Campaign
1969 expanded in Oakland feeding around 10,000 children per day.
Hispanic Wants
Very poorly paid, lived in poor condition, average wage in California was $1,378 (1965), counting for 80% of the welfare in California. Wanted social improvements.
La Huelga
1965 - A strike from the vineyards in California, lasting 5 years, although they recruited strike breakers. Grape boycott lasted until 1970, 17m americans stopped buying grapes.
Chavez Strategy
To gain media attention, show the challenging way in which they live. Robert Kennedy in his presidential campaign publicly supported the movement 1968.
Achievements of Chavez
1966, vineyards negotiated a fair contract. 1970, Delano vineyards negotiated a higher wage
1950 Termination policy, removing reservation integrating them into mainstream, natives were against this and proposed having tribal government instead.
Chicago Conference
1961 - Ensured that 56 reservations were tunred into ‘redevelopment areas’ which would recieve government funding and assistance, Sol Tax.
Indian Resources Development Act
1967 - Sell/mortgage their own land to have finance/improve lives/communities.
Influence of Hispanic/Native
Black nationalism, Red Power self determination. NVDA for Chavez. National Congress of American Indian prevented Termination policy.
Desegregation in the Workplace
1948 executive order 9980
Increase of Women in workplace
1949-76 - quadrupled from 8% to 32%| 1950-62 11% increase.
Problems later with Women
Great Leap forward all the previous removals came back, dowry’s prostitution, party Brothel in Anhui. PLA were exempt from the divorce law. Inappropriate physical labour.
Education - Mao
Literacy rates 20% in 1949 reached 70% in 1976, peasants had access. Pinyin new language national unity. National system of primary education. Key Schools, rustication of Red Guard, lost generation. Loss of intellectuals caused lack of expert teachers. Return of entrance exams, REPLACING THE OLD ELITE WITH A NEW ONE.
1953 - 1 million barefoot doctors trained. Rural peasants had access to doctors for the first time. 300m people vaccinated against smallpox. 1.3% of state budget. Barefoot doctors hardly trained, Great Leap Forward caused the pneumonic plague. Infant mortality increases. Doctors in CR cancelled operation scared to fail and be targeted.
Great Migration where 500,000 African Americans moved to the North, women received better job opportunities. North could vote/no legal segregation.
Double V
Victory of War and Victory of Racism. Blacks were fighting for the freedoms of people against a racist whom believed in the master race, not different to the KKK, raised awareness for the civil rights campaign gained support.
WW2 Affects Not Working
Blacks received worse training/equipment, blood segregation, job discrimination not equal pay Mobile Alabama 12 black promoted 50+ injured. Northern Ghettos poverty cycle, race tension Detroit Riots 1943 34 died.
Truman quote
Black legal equality is a basic right ‘because he is a man and a natural born American
Urban Renewal Program
1948 - Built bigger, but fewer houses demolishing old ones, made blacks homeless.
Federal Contract Committee
1951 - Prevented contracts to be given to discriminating places of work, although they could only provide a recommendation and not able to enforce.
Vietnam War
Johnsons ‘Great Society’ 1964-66, committed $1.5bn to schools, $2.9bn regenerate inner cities. Escalating involvement drew funding. Took attention away to AntiWar movement. Black Draft 11% of population but 41% of troops, whites pay for college avoid draft. King spoke against War lost relationship with Johnson. First integrated war, chance to get away from segregation.
1960 - Sit ins, publicity/media attention, Stokely Carmichael in 1966 black pride. Became more violent under Carmichael losing white support, expelled whites in 1966, split the movement.
1957 - Involved in the, Birmingham, Selma, March on Washington, Meredith, established links with the White House. Albany failed die to no publicity. Methods didn’t work in the North. Inspired others to act and gained White support for the movement.
1909 - Shelly vs Kraemer, stop white covenants preventing sale of houses to Blacks, Brown I/II, Browder vs Gayle, Smith vs Allright, Morgan vs Virginia, Sweatt vs Painter. Often created de jure change with no de facto change, very slow as well.
Adam Fairclough MBB quote
‘The Montgomery Bus Boycott was the birthplace of the civil rights movement’
Adam Fairclough civil rights quote
‘Almost overnight, the South’s elaborate structure of racial segregation had collapsed, Jim Crow had expired’
Civil Rights Act
1964 - Outlawed the legal segregation in the South
Voting Rights Act
1965 - Outlawed all tests for Black trying to vote
Elementary and Secondary Education Act
1965 - Increased funding to education, help the poorest states/schools/people
Fair Housing Act
1968 - Outlawed the discrimination of any form in the sale or rental of housing.
James Meredith
1962 - Barred from Mississippi University by Governor Ross Barnett. 3000 marshals had to be sent in to protect Meredith. Showed that de jure change has achieved little de facto change.
Congress Of Racial Equality
1942 - Freedom rides to test Morgan vs Virginia, allowed whites to take part in movement, although in 1968 whites were banned reducing funding. James Farmer replaces by radical Floyd Mckissick in 1966. Media attention.
Protect Black Americans from police brutality ‘patrol the pigs’. Self help programmes, fed 10,000 children a day for two years. Stimulated grassroots activism and racial pride. Use of violence split movements.
Black Power
Increased Moral, self determination of the people, organisation gave practical help BPP example. Kep the key issues on the agenda. Alienation of Whites/loss of Whits support. Declined the other movements.
Eisenhower quote on Earl Warren
The biggest damn fool mistake i ever made
Senators/Congressmen voting for the Civil Rights Act
73/100 - Senators| 289/435 - Congressmen
How Johnson passed the Civil Rights Act
Kennedy called it a ‘moral issue’ gave him excuse to use it as a ‘fitting tribute’. 83 day filibuster. Duel impact of the two presidents unlikely to pass the act.
Peasant social improvements
Land redistribution closed the gap between poor and the richer peasants. 1958 they were rendered completely equal with communes. 3 tier healthcare system and 1 million barefoot doctors during the Cultural Revolution. Education 1976 96% received basic education.
MBB Significance
White Attitudes
from changing white attitudes it built the pace of the movement.
Executive Orders
1948 - 9980 - Fair Employment practices.| 9981 - Desegregation of the Army
Great Migration where 500,000 African Americans moved to the North, women received better job opportunities. North could vote/no legal segregation.
Double V
Victory of War and Victory of Racism. Blacks were fighting for the freedoms of people against a racist whom believed in the master race, not different to the KKK, raised awareness for the civil rights campaign gained support.
WW2 Affects Not Working
Blacks received worse training/equipment, blood segregation, job discrimination not equal pay Mobile Alabama 12 black promoted 50+ injured. Northern Ghettos poverty cycle, race tension Detroit Riots 1943 34 died.
Days Of May
1832 - Country erupted in riots and rallies, Attwood and Place stopped DofW being able to form a government. BPU said 200,000 people would march on London. Peel refused to work with Wellington. Asked Grey to take over. Passed 1832
Catholic Emancipation
Ultra-Tories, fought to protect Anglican ideal, stop Catholics into parliament, DofW+Peel betrayed Tory political principle. Liberal Tories supported it. Ultras believed, betrayed by DofW+Robert Peel antipathy caused separation.
Swing Riots
1830 - Messages are sent to Landowners in Norfolk/Suffolk, as they didn’t like the mechanisation of the farming industry. Threaten to lynch the farmers, causing upset and fear. Shows the discontent with the current political system.
First Political Union founded in 1829, by Thomas Attwood. 15,000 people attended the first meeting. 1832 100,000 people attended meetings. It was able to unite both middle and working class men.
Distress in towns and Countryside, before GRA.
Bad harvests in 1829 and 1830 and a trade slump in 1830. Cholera epidemic in 1831-32. High poor rates (taxes for benefits), high unemployment, poor trade, low wages. French Revolution 1830.
Poor Law Amendment
1834 - An aim was to reduce the burden of on the rates of poor relief, therefore middle and aristocracy paid less poor relief tax, creating a gap between the middle and working classes.
After GRA economic depression.
A slump in trade between 1837-42 caused unemployment low wages and the price of bread soared. People affected became chartists. Dependance on the American Cotton crop, believed chartism was the answer.
Northern Star
1837 establishment, reported on speeches and ideas, selling 36,000 copies a week, greater audience as it was passed on and read aloud, illiteracy.
Peoples Charter Written
1838, along with the distribution of the first petition.
First Petition presented to Parliament
1839, riots at the Bull Ring in Birmingham.
NCA founded
Second Petition distributed/presented/trade slump/affects.
- Plug riots occured supported by the chartists.
Chartist Land Plan
Year of Revolutions
1848, revolution in France followed by those across Europe.
Death of Palmerston
- A leading opponent of more reforms. Same year bad harvest causeing widespread distress. Hyde Park riots in 1866.
Repeal of the Corn Laws
1815-1846. Created a split with the Tories, Peelites (for the repeal)
Midlothian Campaign
Bedchamber Crisis
Second Reform Act
1867 - Male 1.5m moved from 1 in 5 to 1 in 3. Redistribution of seats consolidated rather than destroy landed interest, rural areas still over represented. Adullimites prevent bill in 1867, which would have enfranchised more liberals.
Secret Ballot Act
- Vote for candidate fo their choice free from intimidation. Stops bribery, liberals believed they would vote liberal, tories beleived people should have the courage to say who they vote for.
Corrupt and Illegal Practicing Act
- Limit amount of expenses to elections, spent money on local goods/employ locals. Tories wealthier hit less hard then liberals, who may rely on expensive campaigns. Poor could stand. Informing electorate on policies important.
Representation of the People Act
The Redistribution of Seats Act
1885 - Reflect Population distribution
Tamworth Manifesto
Lichfield House Compact
Carlton Club and Reform Club
1832 and 1836. Offered advice, centre to distribute propaganda and gave financial support to some candidates in a strategic seat, encourage voter registration.
Great Reform Act
1832 - Enfranchised the middle classes, 56 rotten boroughs removed, 1 in 10 could vote to 1 in 5. Voters required to register causing an increase in the need of party organisation to increase voters. No change in HofC.
Redistribution of Seats Act
Whigs Attitude to 1832 GRA
‘Reform to Preserve’ Thomas Babington Macauley, the Whigs wanted limited reform to reduce tension, radicals wanted universal suffrage tories wanted nothing.
Wellingtons Speech
1830 - Told of his lack of want for further reform and caused people to not want him to be in power, as a result he couldn’t form a government.
Thomas Babington Macauley Quote
‘Reform to Preserve’
William IV
Used him to force the Lords to pass the reform bill otherwise they will be replaced by Whig peers.
Rise of Chartism
Working Class not satisfied with the 1832 Reform Act, not enfranchising them and the landed interest still dominated the commons with the vast majority of working class unable to vote.
Poor Law Amendment
1843 - Deserving/underserving indoor/outdoor. Reduces the poor rates burden on the middle classes to keep them onside with the government.
Economic Depression Chartism
When unemployment was high, wages low, food prices rising, people sought chartism to solve their problems. Although in times of economic stability support dwindled as people wanted to keep jobs/have food rather than vote.
Why Require Organisation
Increase in the franchise and the redistribution of seats people gave more thought to where their vote should go. The requirement of voter registration meant parties wanted to enable their supporters to vote/challenge opposition.
Reform Club Benefits
Efficiently run by Joseph Parkes in Birmingham and successfully returned two liberal MP’s between 1832-67.
Municipal Corporations Act
178 Boroughs to be given town councils elected by rate payers. Created a new power base for the Liberals.
Whigs before 1832.
Not in power since 1807, 25 years without power, reform act a way to entice voters.
Influences for the GRA
Economic depression Bad harvests 1829-30 poor trade 1830. High poor rates middle class, high unemployment, poor trade, low wages. French Revolution 1830. Days of May, BPU 200,000. Whigs not in Power since 1807, 25 years.
Tory Party Organisation
After the 1832, they needed to appeal to the people with principle and policies in order to get votes. Tamworth Manifesto - Robert Peel, vision for Conservatives, became prime minister in 1834. Carlton Club Distrib of Propaganda.
Organisation after 1832
Tamworth Manifesto, Carlton Club/Reform Club. Reduction in power of King to influence Commons. Peel moving to Peelites and power of Corn Laws in 1846, shows hasn’t strict structure yet.
Motivations for Acts
Lords wanted to maintain their control in countries, Liberals passed Ballot 1872, Corruption 1883, Franchise 1884 and Redistribution of Seats 1885 to Tories 1867 of which was in place to increase their chance of being in power.
Franchise Act
1884 - Counties had householder representation.
Key Chartist Stats
Depressions in 1837-39, 1842-43, 1846-48Newport 1839 - 7,000, few soldiers, 20 deaths Frost, NovemPlug Riots - 1,500 arrestsLand Plan - 250 settlements before removed in 1951
Middle Class Analysis
The middle classes had more privileges than the working classes.
Chartist Failure
The 6 point Charter was too radical for the period 1836-58, not securing one point a secret ballot until 1872. Limited change in the HofC following 1832. Petitions rejected.
Chartism Success
Able to organise and produce sustained peaceful protests.