History Test- English, French, Spanish Colonies Flashcards
What were the French explorers most interested in finding?
Sea route through NA, northwest passage
What motivated the French to explore NA?
Spain’s success
Where did New France claim land?
Louisiana territory, canada
What was the interaction between French settlers and Indians?
Traced fur and metal tools
Who was Samuel de Champlain?
Founder of first French colony in Quebec
What was champlains plan?
Wanted to go west and make up a trading post and spend the winter there
Why were Champlain s men happy to see the Indians after the long winter?
They struggled through winter, needed allies
Which two groups have been trading with the French?
Algonquin and Montagnais
Why would the French aggree to help the Huron group go to war against the Iroquois?
To help there enterprises, find new land, be on good side, no trade without military alliance
Who was Champlain supposed to kill?
Chiefs with big feathers on head
What frightened the Iroquois and caused them to retreat?
The bullets that killed 2 men instantly and all their chiefs
What were the NE colonies?
Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island and New Hampshire
Who were the first settlers in the NE colonies?
What were the middle colonies?
New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware
What were the most diverse set of colonies?
Middle because of all diff geography
What were the southern colonies?
Maryland, Virginia, N. Carolina, S. Caroline, Georgia
What were the wealthiest colonies?
What colonies did slavery begin in?
How did the English colonies effect the native population?
What was the initial relationship between early settlers and the natives?
Indians were friendly but cautious. Helped them through winter
Why did this relationship change?
Tobacco planters burned villages and took fields of powhattans. Colonists took hunting grounds and fields from natives in NE.
How did the puritans feel about America?
Happy b/c reached religious freedom
How did the African Americans feel about America?
Sad didnt like being enslaved
How did the native Americans feel about America?
Surprised at colonist weapons, angry when attacked
Founded by Walter Raleigh for farming
Lived here by growing tobacco, settles had a war with NA
Created by William penn ad land for an owed debt
New York
Henry Hudson claimed for Nat resources and trading posts
The Carolina’s
Founded by lord proprietors As a reward for helping Charles 2nd
Founded by George 2nd for ppl in debt
William Bradford for religious freedom
Founded by George Calvert given to him by Charles 1st
King Philips war
Led by Metacom, Indians vs. colonists
Push factor
Problem that push people away from the home country
Pull factors
Things that draw you into the Americas
Montagnais and Algonquin
Allies with French traded with them, Allies with Huron
MayFlower compact
Agreement between pilgrims I Plymouth to form a government
Samuel de Champlain
Founder of French colony Quebec
Northwest passage
Supposed passage connected Atlantic and pacific oceans
James Oglethorpe
Settled Georgia as a place for people to work and get money to pay off debts
Trading colony with Indians founded by Champlain
Roger Williams
Founded RI, preacher from MA that was kicked out for saying they shouldn’t have Anglican ways.
Made providence a haven for religious tolerance
Thought men were equal to women and were pacifists and didn’t have a clergy. studied the bible
Powhattan Confederacy
Lord Baltimore
Explain the trade agreement that New France had with the indians
Indians traded firs and French traded arrowheads and other tools
how did the battle at lake Champlain change the methods used the the Iroquois to fight the French?
Changed to hit and run raids
Why did New France attract few colonists?
Few opportunities besides trading with the Indians
How did Powhatan deal with the English colonists?
Impressed them, wanted to trade, used them against enemies
What were the causes of the Bacon’s Rebellion?
People spent more money, heavy taxes, war, bacons men slaughtered Indians
Why did lord Baltimore establish Maryland?
Colonial refuge for his fellow Catholics
Explain the relationship between the Indians and settles in the southern colonies.
Indians and settlers did not get along and got into wars often with eachother
Why did the puritans challenge of the Anglican Church lead to colonial refuge in America?
Wanted to escape supervision of bishops and spread reform
Why did RI become a haven for people of various faiths?
Religious freedom, seperated church and state
Explain the causes and consequences of the Pequot War.
Causes: control of fur trade
Conseq: villages raided. Ppl killed. Pequot mention defeated
Why did new Netherlands have. Diverse pop?
Tolerated various religious groups
How did the Dutch take over new Sweden?
In Delaware river, sent ships To take over
What colonies were established after the English took lands from the Dutch?
New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania
What colonies had most religious tolerance?
What are the major reasons to explore?
Find a sea route to Asia, and spread Christianity
Why did Columbus go on a expedition?
Shorter route to India
Why were Columbus expeditions significant?
Found Americas and founded first colony there, Hispanola island
What 2 girls started having fits?
Elizabeth parris and Abigail Williams
Who was blamed for the girls fits?
what special court was made for witch trials?
Called special court of Oyer and terminer.
What is spectral evidence?
Testimony about dreams and visions
What actually caused these fits?
Fungus ergot
What did colonists bring to Americas and what did they get?
Americas gave: tobacco pumpkin Yorker peanut potato tomato corn beans cacao
Europeans brought: livestock disease banana grains
How did disease impact conquistadors ?
Immune so it helped them conquer land when Indians died
Hernan Cortez conquered…
Francisco Pizarro conquered
Who was the pueblo revolt organized by?
Were the European colonists justified in their actions?
See pic