History of Planning Flashcards
When and where was the first national planning conference held?
In 1909, the first national planning conference was held at the National Conferences on City Planning and Congestion relief in Washington D.C.
When and where was the first planning course taught?
In 1909, the first city planning course was taught in Harvard’s Landscape Architecture Department.
Who was Walter Moody?
in 1912, Walter Moody published “Wacker’s Manual of the Plan of Chicago”, adopted as an eight-grade textbook by the Chicago Board of Education. This is the first known formal instruction in city planning below the college level.
What was the first major textbook on city planning?
In 1914, Flavel Shurtleff wrote “Carrying Out the City Plan”, the first major textbook on City Planning.
American City Planning Institute of Planners (ACPI)
Founded in 1917, ACPI was founded. Frederick Law Olmstead, Jr., was ACIP’s first president. The organization was renamed to the American Instute of Planners (AIP) in 1939. The AIP was the forerunner of the American Institute of Certified Planners (AICP).
“City Planning” Magazine
in 1925, the American City Planning Institute and the National Conference on City planning published the first issue of City Planning, the predecessor to the current Journal of the American Planning Association.
American Society of Planning Officials (ASPO)
Founded in 1924
American Institute of Planners (AIP)
In 1971, the AIP adopted a Code of Ethics for professional planners. In 1977, the first exam for AIP membership was administered.
American Planning Association
Founded in 1978 through a merger of AIP and ASPO.
Journal of Planning Education and Research
In 1981, the Association of Collegeiate Schools of Planning published the first issue of the Journal of Planning Education and Research.
First Land Use Zoning Restrictions
In 1867, San Francisco passed the first land use zoning restrictions on the location of noxious uses.
In 1903, Cleveland created the first local civic center plan in the US. Daniel Burnham, John Carrere, and Arnold Brunner were responsible for the plan’s development. In 1934, the first federally supported public housing was constructed in Cleveland, although the first to be occupied was located in Atlanta.
San Francisco (City Beautiful)
in 1906, San Francisco was the first major American city to apply City Beautiful principles, using a plan developed by Daniel Burnham.
First Metropolitan Regional Plan
In 1909, Daniel Burnham created the first metropolitan regional plan for Chicago. In the same year, Wisconsin was the first state to pass enabling legislation and Los Angeles was the first city to use land use zoning to guide development.
Newark, New Jersey
in 1914, Newark hired the first full-time employee for a city planning commission, Harland Bartholomew. Bartholomew went on to become one of the most famous planning consultants.
First Comp. Zoning Code
In 1916, NYC adopted the first comprehensive zoning code, written by Edward Bassett.
1st Regional Planning Commission
in 1922, LA County formed the first regional planning commission.
Standard State Zoning Enabling Act
in 1924, Secretary Herbert Hoover of the US Department of Commerce issued the Standard State Zoning Enabling Act.
First US National Planning Board
in 1933, the first US National Planning Board was created. It was alter renmaed the National Resources Planning Board and then abolished in 1943.
Hawaii (Zoning)
in 1961, Hawaii was the first state to introduce statewide zoning, which was later amended in 1978.
How the Other Half Lives
Written by Jacob Riis, published in 1890. This book resulted in housing reform in New York City.
Tomorrow: A Peaceful Path to Real Reform
Written by Ebenezer Howard, published in 1898. This book initiated the Garden City Movement.
Wacker’s Manual of the Plan of Chicago
Written by Walter Moody, published in 1912. This book was adopted as a textbook for eight graders in Chicago.
Carrying Out the City Plan
written by Flavel Shurtleff, published in 1914. This book was the first major textbook on city planning.
Cities in Evolution (book)
Written by Patrick Geddes, published in 1915. This book centers on regional planning, and Geddes is known as the “father of regional planning”
Planning of the Modern City (book)
written by Nelson Lewis, published in 1916.
Local Planning Administration (book)
written by Ladislas Segoe, published in 1941. This book was the first in the Green Book Series produced by the International City/County Management Association.
Urban Land Use Planning (book)
written by F. Stuart Chapin, published in 1957. This book became a common textbook on land use planning.
Image of the City (book)
written by Kevin Lynch, published in 1960. This book defines basic concepts within the city, such as edges and nodes.
The Death and Life of Great American Cities
written by Jane Jacobs, published in 1961. Jacobs provided a critical look at planners and planning, with a special focus on the mistakes of urban renewal.
Silent Spring (book)
written by Rachel Carson, published in 1962. This book focuses on the negative effects of pesticides on the environment
The Urban General Plan
written by TJ Kent, published in 1964.
With Heritage So Rich (book)
edited by Alfred Reins, published in 1966. This is a seminal book on historic preservation.
Design With Nature
written by Ian McHard, published in 1969. This book focuses on conservation design using an overlay technique that was later the basis of GIS.
The Social Life of Small Urban Spaces (book)
written by William Whyte, published in 1980. This book promotes the use of environmental psychology and sociology in urban design.
Charles Abrams
Created the NY Housing Authority. In 1965 he published The City is the Frontier, a book that was highly critical of US federal policies surrounding slum clearance, urban renewal and public housing.
Thomas Adams
an important planner during the Garden City movement. He was the secretary of the Garden City Association and became the first manager of Letchworth, UK. He developed a number of garden suburbs in England and later went on to teach planning at MIT and Harvard.
Saul Alinsky
Was an advocate of community organizing. Alinsky organized Chicago’s poor in the late 1930s and 1940s. In 1946, he published Reveille for Radicals, which encouraged those who were poor to become involved in American democracy. Later he published Rules for Radicals, which provided 13 rules for community organizing.
Sherry Arnstein
wrote “A Ladder of Citizen participation” for the Journal of the American Planning Association in 1969. This article describes the levels of involvement by citizens depending on the form of participation utilized.
Daniel Burnham
Was a Chicago architect and prominent proponent of the City Beautiful movement. He was the lead force behind the 1893 Columbian Exposition and later the 1909 Plan of Chicago. His most famous quote is “Make no little plans. They have no fire to stir men’s blood.”
Rachel Carson
wrote Silent Spring, an important book in environmental planning.
Robert Moses
transformed NYC’s public works from the 1930’s through the 1950’s. He expanded the state’s park system and built numerous parkways. He also built parks, playgrounds, highways, bridges, tunnels, and public housing.
John Nolen
designed Mariemont, Ohio and was a leading planning and landscape architect. He made substantial contributions including creating the first comprehensive plan in Florida, contributing to the park system in Madison, Wisconsin and designing Venice, Florida.
Frederick Law Olmsted, Sr.
Considered the father of landscape architecture. He is responsible for many of the nation’s most important parks including Central and Prospect Parks in NYC, Niagara Reservation, and university campus landscapes. He was part of the design team for Riverside, IL, laid out in 1868.
Clarence Perry
developed the neighborhood unity concept which was implemented in Radburn, NJ. He was a key contributor to the 1929 Regional Survey of New York and its Environs.
Paolo Soleri
was an architect responsible for desinging Arcosanti, an experimental utopian city in Arizona focused on minimizing the impact of development on the natural environment.
Clarence Stein
Designed Sunnyside Gardens in Queens, NY, Radburn, NJ, and many other garden suburbs in the US. He was a major proponent of the Garden City movement. He wrote New Town for American in 1951.
Rexford Tugwell
served as the head of the Resettlement Administration during the New Deal. He worked on the greenbelt cities program, which sought construction of new, self-sufficient cities. Tugwell was closely involved in the development of Arthurdale, West Virginia, a Resettlement Administration community. He later served on the New York City Planning Commission and served as governor of Puert Rico.
Sir Raymond Unwin
was an English town planner and designer of Letchworth. He later lectured at the University of Birmingham in England and Columbia University. He wrote Town Planning in Practice, published in 1909.
Catherine Bauer Wurster
was a founder of American housing policy. She worked to reform policy that was related to housing and city planning. She served as executive secretary of the Regional Planning Association of America. She wrote Modern Housing and was influential in the passage of the Housing Act of 1937.
City Beautiful Movement
During the late 1800’s and early 1900’s, US cities were becoming places that had severe poverty, crime and blight. At the time, there was a movement to address these issues through the expression of moral and civic virtues. Daniel Burnham was a leader in promoting this movement. City Beautiful leaders believed that creating a beautiful city would inspire residents to lead virtuous lives. The result of the City beautiful movement was the creation of teh Beaux-Arts style civic centers.
The White City
The first model civic center was the White City, created by Daniel Burnham in Chicago for the World’s Columbian Exposition in 1893.
The McMillan Plan of 1901
Another example of the City Beautiful. For Washington DC, which sought to resurrect L’Enfant’s 1791 Plan for Washington and restore the city to civic greatness. Many cities throughout the US incorporated City Beautiful ideas and sought to create downtown civic centers.G
Garden City Movement
In 1898, Ebenezer Howard wrote To-morrow: a Peaceful Path to Real Reform. This book was later reissued in 1902 as Garden Cities of To-Morrow. It explained the principles behind Garden City. After publishing the book he formed the Garden-City Association in England in 1899. A Garden City is self-contained, with a population of 32,000 and a land area of 6,000 acres. A Garden City would house 30,000 people on 1,000 acres, with remaining land and population in farming areas. It was intended to bring about economic and social reform. Land ownership would be held by a corporation.
3 Garden Cities
In 1903, Letchworth was constructed. This was the first English city of its kind and it was influential to the New Town Movement in the US.
Garden City in America
The idea of the Garden City caught on in the United States. The Regional Planning Association of America (RPAA), led by Lewis Mumford, Benton MacKaye (who conceived of the Appalachian Trial) and others, promoted the concept. In 1922, the first effort at building a Garden City began in Sunnyside Gardens, New York (the development was a planned community rather than a full-blown Garden City). A total of 77 acres in Queens was purchased and Clarence Stein devised a plan for 1,202 housing units.
Radburn, NJ
in 1928, the construction of the first American Garden City in Radburn, NJ began, designed by Clarence Stein and Henry Wright.
The City Efficient
aka City Scientific, was a reaction against the City Beautiful movement, which was seen as overly focused on beauty and not sufficiently concerned with matters of function and efficiency. The City Beautiful movement was openly denounced at the first planning conference in 1909.
The City Humane
movement that arose in the 1930’s following the Great Depression. It was primarily concerned with jobs and housing.
Resettlement Administration
established in 1935 by President Roosevelt during the Great Depression. This agency was responsible for the Greenbelt Towns Program (or Green Towns program). The Green Towns program developed three cities based on Howard’s ideas: Greendale, Wisconsin, Greenhills, Ohio, and Greenbelt, Maryland.
New Towns Act
passed in Great Britain in 1946, following WWII. This act led to the development of more than a dozen new commuinities based on Howard’s ideas. However, most of the Garden Cities that wee developed failed to attain Howard’s ideal. Most lacked industry and try city centers and, in the end, became residential suburbs.
Park Forest, Illinois
Following WWII, Park Forest as developed as a New Town.
City Functional Movement
developed during the 1940s, conincident with the growth of the military and post-war industrialization. It emphasized administrative efficiency.
Land Ordinance of 1785
provided for the rectangular land survey of the Old Northwest. The survey was completed following the end of the Revolutionary War and provided a systematic way to divide and distribute land to the public.
The Homestead Act
Passed by Congress in 1862. Provided 160 acres of land to settlers for a fee of $18 and a guarantee of five years residence. The result was the settlemnt of 270 million acres of 10% of the land area of the United States.
Morrill Act
Passed in 1862 (same as the Homstead Act). Allowed new western states to establish colleges (Land grant universities?)
General Land Law Revision Act
Passed by Congress in 1891. This Act provided the President of the US with the power to create forest preserves by proclamation.
Forest Management Act
Passed by Congress in 1897. Allowed the Secretary of the Interior to manage forest preserves.
US Reclamation Act
Passed in 1902. Allowed the funds raised from the sale of public land in arid states to be used to construct water storage and irrigation systems
Public Lands Commission
Appointed by President Theodore Roosevelt in 1903 to propose rules for land development and management.
Antiquities Act
Passed in 1906. The first law to provide federal protection for archaeological sites. The act allowed for the designation of National Monuments.
Resettlement Administration
Formed in 1935 to carry out experiments in population resettlment and land reform. The result was the development of Greenbelt towns.
Servicemen’s Readjustment Act
Passed in 1944, commonly known as the GI Bill. Guaranteed home loans to veterans. The result was the rapid development of suburbs.
Chicago Plan of 1909
Developed by Daniel Burnham. The first regional plan in the US. It focused on incorporating ideas from the City Beautiful movement, especially waterfront development, parks and civic center spaces. It was criticized for failing to address issues like housing, poverty, and transportation efficiency. It did not foresee the looming impact of the automobile
1st Comprehensive Plan
Developed in Cincinnati in 1925, under the direction of Alfred Bettman and Ladislas Segoe. The Cincinnati Plan focused on infrastructure projects and called for planning to be controlled by a citizen city planning commission.
Regional Plan for New York and Environs
Created between 1922 and 1929. The plan focused on suburban development, highway construction, and suburban recreational facilities. Stein and Mumford were involved in the creation of the plan.
Comprehensive Planning (History)
During the depression, few comp plans were developed, although the Resettlment Administration was creating them for greenbelt towns. Following World War II, the rapid development of suburban areas led to an increase in comprehensive planning.
US Housing Act of 1954
the largest impetus for comprehensive planning. the Act required cities to develop comprehensive plans and provided funding for planning under section 701.
Section 701
provided funding for cities to develop comprehensive plans. one of the problems with the 701 plan is that it led to the creation of plans for the purpose of acquiring federal funds rather than trying to truly plan for communities.
Second Regional Plan of New York and Environs
written in 1970. addressed transit and commercial rehabilitation. More social issues.