History Of micro Patho Flashcards
Yersinia pestis is pathogen for
The plague
Yersinia pestis gram stain
Gram (-) rod
Yersinia pestis causes
Yesrinia pestis transmission rodent
Most common; rats, mice, squirrels
Yersinia pestis vector
Takes blood meal from infected rodent > injects Yersinia oestis into human
Yersinia pestis pathogenesis
- engulf by white blood cells
- survive inside of wbc and multiply
- WBC bursts > yersinia pestis released
What are the three forms of plague
Bubonic, speticemic, pneumonic
Bubonic plague transmission
Bite from infected flea
Bubonic plague yesrinia pestis transmission
Travels through lymphatic system > lymph nodes
Bubonic plague multiply
Lymph nodes > buboes
Bubonic plague signs
Weakness, fever buboes
Bubonic plague mortaloty rate
Septicemic plague transmission
Contact with contaminted fluid/tissue
Can develop from bubonic plague
Septicemic plague signs
Weakness, fever
Bleeding into skin
Selticemic plague mortality rate
Pneumonic plague transmission
Can develop from septicemic plague
Pneumonic plague signs
Weakness fever, SOB, Coughing
Pneumonic plague mortality rate
Almost 100%
Plague Dx
Plague Tx
Gentamicin, fluroquinolones
Scabs on body
Killed many
Means of inducing immunity to smallpox
Variola virus vauses
Variola virus transmission
Droplet and fomites
Variola Virus Pathogenesis
Infects lymph nodes
(Variola virus grows in epidermal layer of skin )
Stages of smallpox ; incubation period
Signs; none
Smallpox intial symptoms
Signs: fever , body aches
Sometimes contagious
Smallpox: early rash signs
Small spots in mouth-> sores that break open
Rash in skin
Most contagious
Smallpox: pustular rash and scabs signs
Pustles and scabs
Stages of smallpox scans off
Scabda fall off ; contagious
Smallpx no scabs
Not contagious
Smallpox dx
Detection of Variola Virus nucleic acids
Smallpox Tx
Vaccine within 2 days of exposure