History and Development of Extension Flashcards
The Term Extension itself was used to describe adult education
programs organized by _________ universities in England, starting in 1867.
Oxford and Cambridge
During the early Twentieth (20th) Century, the United Kingdom
transferred responsibility for agricultural extension activities to the Ministry of Agriculture, these activities were then officially called_______.
Advisory Services
-1867- _______ was born; developed quickly to become a well-established movement before the end of the century (covers literary and social topics).
“university extension”
1871-__________, Father of University Extension, fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge, appealed to the authorities of Cambridge to organize centers for Extension Lectures under university’s supervision.
James Stuart
-Stuart gave lectures to:
a. Women associations
b. Working men’s clubs
c. Lectures mostly on
literacy, social topics
-System became well-established and developed into what was called __________
Extension Movement.
Earlier in the nineteenth century, a British politician, __________ an influential advocate of formal education for the poor and of mass adult education, founded the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge in 1826.
Lord Henry Brougham
1850s-Two Developments significant to the evolution of agricultural extension in USA:
- Signing of Morrill Act (1862)
- The beginning of Farmers’ Institute Movements
Smith-Lever Act (1914)
-“An Act to provide cooperative
agricultural extension work between the agricultural colleges”
Cooperative Extension Services
-1565-the beginnings of “extension work” through the setting up of ________or Model Farms
-Initiated by the first Spanish missionaries
Granjas Modelos
April 30 1902
_________ was established under the Department of Interior
-Bureau of Agriculture
1909-1910 _________ were also established to educate and train government agricultural workers and others engaged in agricultural services.
-Agriculture Schools
UP College of Agriculture, now UPLB established
March 6, 1909-
-July 10, 1919
-The extension and Demonstration Division expanded its work to include
-Organization of Farmers’ Cooperative
-Rural Credit
-Animal Insurance
-Person engaged in extension work were called
Farm Advisers
-July 1910
________ was created under the Bureau of Agriculture. It is the first formally organized government department implementing research and extension programs.
Demonstration and Extension Division
– 1923
– The name Demonstration and Extension Division was changed to ______
Agricultural Extension Service
_________ work was started in the Division of Organic Chemistry of the Bureau of Soils mainly on Food Preservation.
Home Extension
– 1929
– The Bureau of Agriculture was reorganized with the creation
of the
– Bureau of Plant Industry
– Bureau of Animal Industry
1932-The Agricultural Extension Division was placed under the Bureau of Plant Industry and Later on renamed ________
Agricultural Division.
-Commonwealth Act 85 was passed establishing ________ financed by the provincial and municipal governments.
Provincial Extension Services
-Position of Provincial Agriculturist was created Farm Advisers now called ______ Philippine Setting
Extension Agents
Some Constraints:
1. The home economics group was under the Plant Utilization
Division of BPI
2. Insufficiency of funds
3. __________ agricultural extension service work done by the different branches of government made it difficult for extension agents to render fully satisfactory service to the people.
Unsystematic, scattered, and decentralized
1941-Commonwealth Act ____ (An Act to Reduce the Contribution of Provinces and Municipalities to the Agricultural Fund) was passed ______
Increasing the Amount
Appropriated for Extension Work.
-After Japanese Occupation (1947)
-The Home Extension Unit under BPI was Fused with the _______________
Agricultural Extension Unit of the Bureau of Agriculture.
– Dispatched during the time of Pres. Elpidio Quirino (1948-1953)
– Paved the way for the imposition of the Economic and Technical assistance agreement in 1951, which required the placement of US Advisers in the Strategic Offices of Government.
Bell Mission by the US
The Bell Survey Mission
“The consolidation of the scattered Extension service organizations in the different bureaus (BPI, BAI, BS, BFor, BFis) into one bureau
*July 16, 1952 (Approved April 24, 1952)
-The ________ was created by the virtue of R.A. 680
Bureau of Agricultural Extension (BAEx)
August 8, 1963
The BAEx was renamed _______ and placed under the Office of the President
Agricultural Productivity Commission (APC)
Republic Act that created the BAEx
R.A. 680
Republic Act that renamed BAEx into APC
R.A. 3844
Positive Consequence of Broadened Function of APC
– Implementation of ________ due to team up of
– Agriculture
– Home demonstrators
– 4H Club Officers
National Integrated Land Reform Program
Positive Consequence of Broadened Function of APC
– Implementation of National Integrated Land Reform Program due to team up of
– Agriculture
– Home demonstrators
– 4H Club Officers
January 15, 1964
– Executive Order 62 (Pres. Diosdado Macapagal)
– Creating the ________
Rice and Corn Authority
September 12, 1967- Republic Act ____ (An Act Granting Further Autonomous Powers to Local Government)
Signed May 6, 1969-National Food and Agricultural Council (NFAC) emerged by the virtue of _____. NFAC was given full control of the food production program and controlled a large portion of the funds for Agriculture and funds from the USAID.
E.O. 183
1971: E.O. _____ (Providing for the Organization of the Department of Agrarian Reform)
November 1, 1972-P.D. No. 1 and Presidential Letter of Implementation which reverted APC to its original name, ____.
1972: Declaration of Martial Law
Several Organizational changes which affected Agricultural Extension:
-Functions and personnel of cooperatives were transferred to the _____________
Department of Local Government and Community Development
1976-Presidential Decree No. ____, August 18, 1976 Converting Bureau of Farm Management of DAR to Bureau of Land Tenure Improvement
Presidential Decree No. 980, Sec. 5.
Field Personnel of the Department.
Provisions on Agricultural Extension:
1. ___ should not undertake agricultural, home and youth development extension activities
2. __ shall assume primary responsibility for providing the necessary agricultural extension services in agrarian reform areas
3. In the agrarian reform areas agricultural extension workers shall be assigned to specific areas of coverage in consultation with ___.
World Bank Mission appraised the Philippines’ Agricultural Extension Service upon the request of the Philippine government
“The Philippines Adopted _____
which evolved into a development strategy designed to improve the quality of life of farm families through a pool of resources. ”
Training and Visit (T & V)
_________ became operational with a World Bank loan of US $35M.
To strengthen the Philippine Agricultural System with facilities and resources.
National Extension Project (NEP)
____ -Responsible for the Systematic Transfer of Technological packages from research institutions to the small rural entrepreneurs and of improved Homemaking practices to their homes.
The Extension Delivery System
P.D. No. ___ and Letter of Instruction No. 595 created ministry-wide regional offices in the Ministry of Agriculture Appointment of 12 ministry-
wide regional directors and 24 Assistant Regional Directors, and 75 PAOs in 1980.
E.O. ____
Renamed the Ministry of Agriculture into the Ministry of Agriculture and Food (MAF) and transferred the BFAR from the Ministry of Natural Resources to the MAF.
1987 (Pres. Corazon Aquino)
EO No. 116.
BAEx, Agricultural Training Council, and the Philippine Training Center for Rural Development were merged into the Agricultural Training Institute (ATI) (Birth of ATI and Death of
To ensure the delivery of basic services in the Agricultural
Extension System, the Congress of the Philippines enacted into
law the Local Government Code of 1991 _____.
(RA. 7160)
R.A. _____ -Agricultural and Fisheries Modernization Act (AFMA)
Major concerns of AFMA
-Food Security
-Poverty alleviation and social equity
-Income enhancement and profitability especially for farmers
and fisherfolks.
-Global competitiveness
DA AO No. 14, Series of 2005, dated March 31, 2005 – Shift in the Role of the Agricultural Training Institute (ATI) as an Indirect Provider of Extension Services
The AO streamlined the operations of the ATI based on its role as indirect provider of extension and training services to LGU extension workers. This is to complement the LGUs responsibility to deliver direct agriculture and fisheries extension services to farmers and fisher folk.
DA Department Order (DO) No. 03, Series of 2007, dated June 8,
Designating the Agricultural Training Institute as Lead Agency
for the Provision of e-Extension Services
DA AO No. 22, Series of 2008, dated May 29, 2008 – Implementing Rules and Regulations on the Accreditation of Private Extension Service Providers (ESPs) for the Provision of Extension Services.
The AO provides the guidelines for private entities such as rural-based organizations (RBOs), cooperatives, NGOs, POs, and Multi-National Companies (MNCs), to obtain a certification from the ATI to undertake
training and other complementary extension services, on behalf of the DA.
DA AO No. 24, Series of 2008, dated July 1, 2008 – Implementing Rules and Regulations on the Provision of Extension Grants to Accredited Private Extension Service Providers (ESPs)
The AO provided the guidelines on the availment of funding support in the form of grants to encourage the participation of accredited private ESPs. It covers extension services such as trainings, techno-demo, production/development of information, education and communication materials, and farm business advisory.
DA AO No. 11, Series of 2012, dated February 29, 2012 -
Implementing Rules and Regulations on the Accreditation of Private Organic Agriculture Extension Service Providers (OA ESPs)
The AO provided the guidelines on the availment of accreditation that a private entity may undertake training and other complementary extension activities on organic agriculture, for target clientele along the value chain (input suppliers, producers, traders, processors and consumers).