Extension Teaching Methods Flashcards
According to form:
_________ Materials are made by synthesizing relevant information into reading outputs; written by extension workers; mostly have different purposes and target audience
- Written form.
A type of written form that is a short report especially released through formal channels to be broadcast or publicized
A type of written form which is a written announcement for certain group of people
Circular letters
A type of written form which is a printed sheet of paper, sometimes folded, containing information or advertising and usually distributed free
Other types of written form (2)
- News Articles—
- Personal Letters—
According to form:
- Employed During Meetings—organized and purposive assembly of a constituted group of people or farmers, homemakers and youth; deliberating, planning ,deciding
- Farm and Home visits–
- Office Calls—
- Radio Calls—
- Spoken Form
According to form:
- Exhibits—
- Motion pictures–
- Posters—
- Result demonstration—
- Slides—
- Television—
- Visual or Objects
According to form:
- Demonstration—
- Meeting Involving motion pictures–
- Slides—
- Visual Aids—
- Mixture (Spoken and Visual Objects)
According to Number of Clienteles:
- Whereby farm and home visits, office calls, personal letter and result demonstration are used.
- Individual Approach
According to Number of Clienteles:
- Individual Approach
It is a call made by a learner or a group, on the extension worker, at his office for obtaining information or other help needed for making acquaintance
with him.
Office Calls.
According to Number of Clienteles:
- Individual Approach
1.3. It is personal and individual letter written by the extension worker to learners in connection
with extension work.
Personal Letters.
According to Number of Clienteles:
- Individual Approach
1.4. Easiest way of getting to understand the wishes and difficulties of client groups and of
establishing contact with them.
Informal Contacts.
According to Number of Clienteles:
- Individual Approach
1.5. Use of e-mail, Social media, and the likes to share relevant information, and to respond to
specific farmer/ client concerns
Electronic Multimedia.
According to Number of Clienteles:
- Individual Approach
1.6. Established proof that an
improved practice advocated by the extension worker is
applicable locally carried on under the supervision of an
extension worker in the farm or in the home of reliable
cooperator; applies scientific method, convinces people on
better practice among pool of new and old practices.
Result Demonstration.
According to Number of Clienteles:
- Group Methods
2.1. Organized and purposive assembly of a constituted group of people or farmers, homemakers and youth for the purpose of deliberating, planning, deciding on or executing specific business of the constituted group.
According to Number of Clienteles:
- Group Methods
2.2. Demonstration within a short
time given by an extension worker or trained leader for the
purpose of teaching skills to a group or to show by example the practical application of established facts or group of facts. “How to do something”; employment of the senses.
Method Demonstration.
According to Number of Clienteles:
- Group Methods
2.3. Present technical information or develop background and appreciation. Used to integrate ideas; one way communication from speaker to audience;
According to Number of Clienteles:
- Group Methods
2.4. ____Discussion with lecture; anyone in the audience who desires more information may ask speaker some questions. If he desires to add to the speaker’s statement, he may present his remarks in form of
Lecture forum.
According to Number of Clienteles:
- Group Method
2.5. ______Discussion before and after the viewing of an educational film takes over the question and answer function of the lecturer in the film forum.
Film forum.
According to Number of Clienteles:
- Group Methods
2.6. _______ Short series of lectures usually by 2-5 speakers, each with a different viewpoint. Subject not necessarily controversial. More than one speaker needed. Sometimes, a dominant speaker may emerge.
According to Number of Clienteles:
- Group Methods
2.7. ________ Group of speakers 2-8 usually, participate in a supposedly informal discussion on a topic for the benefit of listeners. A leader presides, introduces the speakers, and encourages the less talkative to sort/introduce questions.
Panel Discussion
- Group Methods
2.8. _______ As part of seminar-workshop; audience is divided into a group of about fifteen and are given a specific period within which to discuss a topic.
Group Discussion
According to Number of Clienteles:
2.8.1._______ Activity to which a deliberate attempt is made to think and speak out freely and creatively all possible approaches and solution to given problem.
According to Number of Clienteles:
2.8. Group Discussion .
2.8.2. _______ Clarifications, questions, objection to ideas
Open forum
According to Number of Clienteles:
2.8. Group Discussion
2.8.3. _________ 6 person, 6 minute discussion
Philip 66
According to Number of Clienteles:
- Group Methods
* Other methods in the form of:
2.9. _______ Short courses consisting of selected subject matter courses in agriculture and family living, programmed into specific number of learning sessions for farmers, homemakers and youth.
Extension classes.
According to Number of Clienteles:
- Group Methods
2.11. ________ Meetings. Several meetings involving community of voluntary leaders, entire membership of an organized group, or those in attendance at publicly advertised neighborhood or community meeting.
Program Planning
According to Number of Clienteles:
- Group Methods
2.12. _______ Farmers, homemakers and youth, other interested groups are taken to central research station, agricultural institutions or any successful farm or project to observe and be acquainted of modern technologies
Educational Tours.
According to Number of Clienteles:
- Group Methods
2.13. _______ Activity designed to influence large number of people gathered in one place at a time. Tool in creating awareness and interest in new or improved agricultural and homemaking practices
Field Days.
According to Number of Clienteles:
- Group Methods
2.14. ________ Designed to emphasize cooperation, stimulates interest in all group activities
According to Number of Clienteles:
- Group Methods
2.15. _________ Giving public recognition to worthwhile accomplishments. Giving recognition and awarding, demonstrations, and other teaching opportunities
Achievement Days and rallies.
According to Number of Clienteles:
- Group Methods
2.16. _______ Dramatization which shows emotional reaction of participants assuming an identity other than their own.
Role Playing.
According to Number of Clienteles:
- Mass Media
3.1. _______- acting a play on the stage using puppets that could be a doll, a small figure, or an image of an animal
According to Number of Clienteles:
- Mass Media
3.2. _____- makes use of performances in the form of drama, singing, dancing and puppetry. Called “popular” because they are aimed at the whole village, not just at those who are educated. It involves local people as performers.
Popular theater
According to Number of Clienteles:
- Mass Media
3.3. – news tidbits or full length published in walls or bulletins
Wall newspaper
According to Number of Clienteles:
- Mass Media
3.4. _______ (displays that create interest or are used for information sharing that use posters, pictures, photographs, models and specimens. Suited for bulletin boards, demo plots or agricultural shows)
According to Number of Clienteles:
- Mass Media
3.5. ______ – a coordinated use of different methods focusing on a particular widespread problem and its solution. Normally planned and directed from the regional or national levels.
According to Number of Clienteles:
- Mass Media (3 other forms)
3.6. Television
3.7. Print (folders, newspapers, fact sheets)
3.8. Projected visuals (slides, film, overhead projectors,