history- american west Flashcards
who were the plains Indians?
the plains Indians were the people who lived on the great plains
they originated from the plains of North Asia
who did the native americans believe in?
what was the belief?
wankan tankan
all living things had spirits of their own and the spirits were important to the sioux
who was the medicine man?
-could cure sickness because he could use the power of the spirits
-charged high fees, normally payed in ponies
-if a person was ill they were possessed by an evil spirit
-used practical remedies such as ointments
what is manifest destiny?
the concept that white americans were superior to the indigenous people and it was important for the whites to expand and encourage the american way of life
what were the push factors for going west?
-poverty-no money
-weather-hard to grow crops
-hated lifestyle
what were the pull factors for going west?
-gold rush
-better land for agriculture
-more job opportunities
-more money
what was the fort laramine treaty?
areas of land were given to the native americans for ‘all time’
who was in charge of north america during the civil war?
Abraham Lincoln-president of union
who was in charge of the south of america during the civil war?
Jefferson Davis - president of the confederacy
what were the causes of the civil war?
-Missouri compromise - equal free slaves
-underground railroad helping slaves escape
what was the home front of the american civil war like?
-women-nurses, sewed uniforms, provided food
-children-starving, traumatised
-shortage and inflation
-law and order-riots
-factory owners made a lot of money
what was the 13th amendment?
abolished slavery and gave congress the power to enforce it
what was the 14th amendment?
1866 civil rights act made ex slaves citizens and consequences for southern states denying black men to vote
what was the 15th amendment?
cant deny vote due to race
who were the mountain men?
-similar lifestyle to native Indians(nomadic)
-lived in mountains
-caught beavers-fur was popular
-first to move west
-helped others move west
who were the donner party?
-stranded with no food in winter-cannibalism
-hit by disease
-rescued in April 1847
who were the goulds?
-ran out of supplies
-attacked by plains Indians
-cattle stampedes
who founded the Morons and what did they believe?
-founded by Joseph Smith
-church of Jesus Christ
-believed to be better than Christians
why were the Mormons persecuted for their beliefs?
-moved in large groups which caused tension in communities
-claimed to be better then Christians
what were the problems at salt lake city?
-journey was very hard
-area was part of Mexico but soon occupied by US government
-Mormons had to be able to provide everything they needed
what were the horns of the buffalo used for?
what was the skull of the buffalo used for?
used in religious ceremonies
what was the tail of the buffalo used for?
-fly swats
what was the fur of the buffalo used for?
-decoration on clothes
-stuffing for saddles
what was counting coup?
it was considered braver to touch an enemy than to kill him