Histology practical Flashcards
rough endoplasmic reticulum
golgi apparatus
simple squamous
-Green arrow: 2 cell membranes
-Red arrow: Intercellular space
-Star: Cytoplasm
A. Structure outlined by red rectangle is → Cell
membrane of 2 adjacent cells
B. Give 1 visible character of A → 2 dark & 1
pale layers or trilamellar or ……
C. Mention the structure marked by blue star →
D. Green arrow point to → Intercellular space.
• Mitochondria
• Blue arrows: cristae
• Red arrowhead: Matrix
A. Organelle pointed to by blue star is called →
B. - Red arrows point to → cristae
- Green arrow points to → matrix.
C. Organelle pointed to by yellow arrows is →
D. Any 1 visible character for C → parallel
tubules or covered by ribosomes
- rER
- Arrows: ribosomes, Function: protein synthesis
- Red arrow: rER
- Green arrow: Mitochondria
- Stain: Iron hematoxylin or Janus green
- Visible feature: Cristae, ……….
- sER
- Visible features: Smooth surface, no
ribosomes, vesicles of different size and
shape …..
A. Red arrow demonstrates → Golgi
apparatus in nerve cell.
B.One visible feature of organelle is → fine
fibrils or granules & its position is →
C. It is stained → brown with → silver stain.
D. Green arrow points to → nucleus & 1
visible feature is → central or rounded
A. Red arrows demonstrate → Golgi
apparatus in → secretory cells.
B. Any one visible feature of organelle is →
fine fibrils or granules & its position is →
C. It is stained → brown with → silver stain.
D. Green arrows point to → cell membrane.
A. Organelle is called → Golgi apparatus & its
nickname is → secretory apparatus.
B.- Yellow star marks → Golgi saccules.
- Any 1 visible character for B → parallel OR
one above
the other OR form stack or ……..
C. Structure by blue star → Cytoplasm
D. - Red arrow points to → transfer vesicles
- green arrow points to → secretory vesicles.
- Golgi apparatus
- Green arrow: Secretory vesicle
- Yellow arrow: Transfer vesicle
- Centriole
- Red arrow: Microtubules
- Arranged as 9 triplets
- Axoneme (Shaft) of cilium
- Yellow arrows: microtubules as 9 doublets
- Blue arrows: two singlets of microtubules
A.- Red square surrounds → shaft of cilium OR
- Any 1 character → formed of microtubules OR
formed of 20 microtubules or large.
B. - Blue arrow points to → 2 microtubules
- red arrow points to → peripheral microtubules.
C. - Blue square surrounds → microvilli,
- any 1 character → no microtubules
D. Yellow arrows points to → cell membrane.
A. Inclusions in fig. a → Glycogen & b lipid OR fat.
B. The used stains for fig. a →
PAS & b → Sudan III.
C. Any 1 visible character for fig. a → red granules
→ large droplet OR orange in color
D. The cell in fig. a → liver cells & b → fat cells OR
-Blue arrow: nucleolus
-Blue arrow: nucleolus
-Red arrow: nuclear membrane
A. The structure (be specific) → heterochromatic
B. - Red arrow → peripheral heterochromatin &
green arrow → chromatin island.
C. Yellow arrow → nucleolus associated
chromatin & yellow star → nuclear sap OR
D. Arrowhead points to → nuclear membrane.
A. The structure (be specific) → euchromatic
B. Red arrow → peripheral heterochromatin &
green arrow → chromatin island.
C.Yellow arrow points to → nucleolus & yellow
star marks → nuclear sap or euchromatin.
D. Black arrow → nuclear membrane &
arrowhead → nuclear pore.
a- Mast cells
b- numerous basophilic granules
A. - Identify the tissue → Loose areolar C. T.
B. - Blue arrow → Collagen fibers.
- 1 character → Any character for collagen fibers
as condensed fibers or bundle or acidophilic.
C. - Green arrow → Elastic fibers.
- 1 character → Any 1 character for elastic fibers
as singly or thin or zigzag in shape or acidophilic.
D. - Arrowhead → Fibroblast cell or nucleus.
- Star → Matrix.
a- fibrocyte (or fibroblast)
b- collagen bundles
c- Irregular white fibrous C.T.
a- Reticular connective tissue (C.T.)
b- Silver
c- Brown / thin / anastomosing fibers
(Any 2 visible characters for C.T.)
a- Regular white fibrous CT
b- Regular fibers / thick bundles / acidophilic
/ presence of fibroblasts / …..…..
a- Yellow elastic C.T.
b- Thin / zigzag / single fibers/ ……
(any one visible character)
A. - Yellow circle → Mast cells
- Green circle → Plasma cells.
B. - yellow arrow → Granules
- Green arrow → Nucleus.
C. Black arrow → Negative (–ve) Golgi image OR
Golgi apparatus.
D. Two characters by red arrow → eccentric or
single or cart wheel appearance (any 2 visible
characters for nucleus of plasma cell)
A. - Identify C.T. type → White adipose C. T.
- Formed of → Unilocular fat cells.
B. Cells can be stained by → H&E & Sudan III.
C. Two characters → Large or oval or has
fat droplet or … (any 2 visible character for
unilocular fat cell).
D. - Blue stars → Fat droplet.
- Red arrow → Thin rim of cytoplasm.
A. - Identify tissue → Brown adipose C. T.
- Formed of multilocular fat cells.
B. Cells stained by → H&E and Sudan III.
C. Small or rounded cell or has many fat droplets
(any 2 visible character for multilocular fat cell).
D. - Blue arrows → Nuclei.
- Black arrows → Blood vessels.
A. – Type of C.T. → Reticular C.T.
- Stain → Silver
B. – Red arrows → Reticular fibers.
C. 1 character → Any 1 character for reticular fibers
as brown or thin or branch & anastomose.
A. -Type → Elastic C.T. - Fresh state → Yellow
B. - Stained → Brown. - with → Orcien stain
C. Red arrows → Elastic fibers.
D. Two visible characters → Singly or thin or
zigzag shape or acidophilic.
(any 2 visible character for elastic fibers).
A. - Type → Regular fibrous C.T.
- Fresh state → White color
B. Black arrows → Nuclei of fibroblasts (or
C. Red arrows → Collagen fibers.
D. Two visible characters for C → Parallel / regular
bundles / thick bundles /acidophilic fibers /
(any 2 visible character for collagen fibers).
A. - Type → Irregular fibrous C.T.
- Fresh → White
B. Black arrows → Nuclei of fibroblasts (or
C. Blue arrows → Collagen fibers.
D. Two visible characters for C → Irregularly
arranged bundles / thick bundles /
acidophilic fibers / ………..
(any 2 visible character for collagen fibers).
a. Epithelial cells
Type: simple squamous epithelium
- Simple cubical epithelium
- Basement membrane
a. Stratified cuboidal epithelium
Nickname: transitional epithelium
b. Dome-shaped cells / binucleated …
c. 1: dome cells / superficial layer
2: cuboidal cells / basal layer
- Pseudostratified columnar ciliated epithelium
with goblet cells - Black arrow: cilia
- Yellow arrow: goblet cells
A. Type of epithelium in rectangle → Simple
B. Arrowhead → Nucleus.
C. One visible feature for B → Any 1 visible feature
for nucleus as flat, or single .
D. Yellow arrow → Basement membrane.
A. Type of epithelium Simple cubical epithelium.
B. Arrowheads Nuclei.
C. One visible feature for B → Any 1 visible feature
for nucleus as Rounded or central or single.
D. Yellow arrow Basement membrane.
A. - Type of epithelium → simple squamous
- Feature → Any 1 visible feature for epithelium
as flat cells or one layer.
B. - Blue arrows Nuclei
- One visible feature → Any 1 visible feature for
nucleus as flat or single or central.
C. - Epithelium in B → simple cubical epithelium.
- Feature → Any 1 visible feature for epithelium
as square shape or short cells or single layer.
D. One visible feature for Red arrow → Any 1 visible
feature for nucleus as rounded or central or single
A. Type of epithelium Simple columnar.
B. One visible feature for A → Any 1 visible feature for epithelium as Tall cells or one layer or oval nuclei.
C. Yellow arrow Nuclei.
D. One visible feature for B →Any 1 visible feature for nucleus as Oval or single or basal.
A. Epithelium Pseudostratified columnar ciliated.
B. Any two characters as Tall cells or 1 cell layer or
crowded nuclei.
C. - Blue arrow Cilia.
- Green arrow Basement membrane.
D. - Red arrow Goblet cell.
- Red star Connective tissue.
A. Epithelium Keratinized stratified squamous.
B. – Yellow arrow Horny layer or keratin.
- Feature acidophilic or condensed layers.
C. – Green arrow Intermediate layers.
- Feature Polyhedral cells or rounded nuclei.
D. Blue star Connective tissue.
A. Epithelium Non keratinized stratified
B. – Yellow arrow Superficial layer.
- Feature Flat cells or flat nuclei.
C. – Green arrow Intermediate layers.
- Feature Polyhedral cells or rounded nuclei.
D. Blue star Connective tissue.
a. Non-keratinized stratified squamous
b. 1: squamous cells / superficial layer
2: columnar cells / basal layer
A. Epithelium Transitional.
B. – Yellow arrow Superficial layer.
- Feature Cuboidal or dome shaped cells or
rounded nuclei.
C. – Green arrow Intermediate layers.
- Feature Polyhedral cells or rounded nuclei.
D. Blue star Connective tissue.
a. This is a → blood film, stained by → Leishman
b. Red arrow points to → Neutrophil which is
characterized by any 1 visible feature as →
segmented / multilobed nucleus ,while black
arrow points to → Platelet.
c. Green arrow points to → RBC, characterized by
any 1 visible feature as → central pallor.
d. Blue arrow points to → crenated RBC.
a.This is a → blood film, stained by → Leishman
b. Red arrow points to → neutrophil which is
characterized by any 1 visible feature as →
segmented / multilobed nucleus, while green
arrow points to → Barr body.
c. Black arrow points to → RBC, characterized by
any 1 visible feature as → central pallor.
d. Yellow arrow points to → platelets.
a.This is a → blood film, stained with → Leishman
b. Blue arrow points to → eosinophil,
characterized by any 1 visible feature as →
eosinophilic granules & bilobed Nucleus.
c. Black arrow points to → RBC, which is
characterized by any 1 visible feature as central
pallor, ………
d. Green arrow points to → platelet.
blood film, stained with Leishman stain
basophil, by any 1 visible feature as → basophilic granules &
nucleus is s shaped /masked by granules.
c. Black arrow points to → RBC ,which is
characterized by any 1 visible feature as → central
d.Yellow arrow points to → platelet.
- A blood film, stained with Leishman stain.
- Basophil
a.This is a → blood film, stained with → Leishman
b. Red arrow points to → Lymphocyte,
characterized by any 1 visible feature as → dark
nucleus / thin rim of / little cytoplasm.
c. Yellow arrow points to → RBC, characterized by
→ central pallor.
d. Black arrowheads point to → platelet.
- Arrow in A: platelets
- Boxed area in B: lymphocytes
blood film, leishman stain
monocyte, kidney shaped, frosted glass
lymphocyte, RBC, central pallor
blood film, leishman stain
basophils, basophilic
RBC, central pallor
Neutrophil, multilobed nuclues
- Bone marrow
- Red arrow: fat cells (adipocytes)
- Bone marrow
- Blue arrow: megakaryocyte
- Bone marrow
- Red arrow: megakaryocytes
- Blood film
Cresyl blue stain
Supravital stain
elastic vs hyaline cartilage
Hyaline cartilage
- Red arrow → Outer fibrous layer
- Blue arrow → chondroblasts.
C. - Yellow circle → Chondrocytes.
- One feature → Any feature for chondrocyte as
Rounded cell or rounded nuclei or may in group
or in lacuna.
D. - Green star → Matrix.
- One feature → Any feature for matrix as
A. Identify the tissue → Hyaline cartilage.
B. - Black arrow → Outer fibrous layer of perichondrium
- Feature → Acidophilic or condensed fibers or has fibroblasts
C. - Blue arrow → Inner chondrogenic layer or chondroblasts.
- One feature → Any feature for chondroblast as Oval cells or oval nuclei or basophilic cytoplasm.
D. - Yellow circle → Isogenous groups of chondrocytes.
- Red arrow → Matrix
A. Identify the tissue → Elastic cartilage
B. - Green star → Outer fibrous layer
- Blue arrow → Inner chondrogenic layer or chondroblast.
C. - Yellow arrows → Elastic fibers.
- One visible feature → Any feature for elastic fibers as
Zigzag lines or stretchable or singly or thin fibers.
D. – Red arrow → Chondrocytes.
- One visible feature → Any feature for chondrocyte as
Rounded cell or rounded nucleus or in lacuna.
A. Identify → White fibro cartilage.
B. - Green arrow → Collagen bundles or fibers.
- One visible feature → Any feature for collagen fibers
as Condensed fibers or bundles or acidophilic.
C. -Yellow circle → Chondrocytes.
- One visible feature → Any feature for chondrocytes
as Arranged in rows or rounded cell or rounded
1- yellow elastic cartilage
2- a: chondrocytes
b: elastic fibers
1- hyaline cartilage
2- matrix
3- isogenous group (cell nest)
1- decalcified compact bone
2- yellow arrow: Haversian canal
blue arrow: osteocyte
3- interstitial lamellae
1- bony trabeculae
2- blue arrow: osteoblast
green arrow: osteocyte
a- 1: Haversian canal
2: Volkmann’s canal
b- red arrow: lacunae
yellow arrow: canaliculi
1- yellow outline: Haversian system
2- red arrow: Haversian canal
blue arrow: osteocyte
1- yellow arrow: osteoclast
Blue arrow : Bone trabecula
2- green arrow: osteoblast
3- Spongy bone
1- A: Volkmann’s canal
B: Haversian canal
2- Blue arrows: Lacunae
3- Ground compact bone
A. Identify tissue → ground compact bone.
B. Identify structure surrounded by red circle →
Haversian system or osteon.
C. Name canals pointed by red arrow →
Haversian canal & yellow arrow →
Volkmann’s canal.
D. Blue arrow points to → lacunae.
A. Identify tissue → Decalcified compact bone
B. Yellow arrow → Periosteum
C. – Layers by green arrow → Outer fibrous &
- Blue arrow → inner osteogenic
D. – Red arrow → osteocyte
- Red star → Bone matrix or bone lamellae
A Identify tissue → Decalcified compact bone.
B – Red circle → Haversian system or osteon.
- Yellow star → Interstitial bone lamellae.
C – Blue arrow → Haversian canal.
- Green arrow → concentric bone lamellae.
D – Red arrow → Osteocyte
- 1 Feature → Any 1 feature as Oval or basophilic
or in lacuna.
A. Identify the tissue → Decalcified compact bone.
B. - Red circle → Haversian system or osteon.
- Yellow star → Interstitial bone lamellae.
C. - Blue arrow → Haversian canal.
- Green arrow → Concentric bone lamellae.
D. - Red arrow → Osteocyte.
- 1 feature → Oval or basophilic or in lacuna.
A. Identify tissue → Spongy bone.
B. - Yellow star → Bony trabeculae.
- green star → Bone marrow cavity (or bone marrow).
C. - Blue arrow Osteoblasts.
- its feature → Any 1 feature as oval shape or
basophilic cytoplasm.
D. - Red arrow Osteocytes.
- 1 feature → Any 1 feature as Flat shape or basophilic
cytoplasm or flat nuclei
Red arrow: Proliferative stage
Yellow circle: Zone of chondrocyte hypertrophy
Green circle: Zone of calcification
T.S. skeletal muscle
Red curved arrow: perimysium
Green arrow: muscle fiber
Blue arrow-head: epimysium
A)Moderator band (purkinje fibers)
B) Larger, paler cells than ordinary
cardiac muscle fibers
A: L.S. skeletal muscle
B: L.S. cardiac muscle
a) This is a section in → skeletal muscle / T.S.
(be specific).
b) The red arrow points to C.T → endomysium.
c) The blue arrow points to C.T. → perimysium.
d) The green arrow points to → nucleus
characterized by being → peripheral &
e) The blue circle surrounds → muscle fiber.
a) This is a section in → skeletal muscle / L.S.
b) Red arrow points to C.T. → endomysium.
c) Green arrow points to → nuclei characterized
by (any 2 visible features of nuclei as) →
multiple & peripheral
d) Blue rectangle limits a part of → a muscle
fiber, while yellow arrow points to one of the
characteristics of this tissue that is →
transverse striations.
a)This is a section in → cardiac muscle / L.S.
b) Mention two visible features (Any 2 visible
features of cardiac muscle as) → branching
muscle fibers & central nuclei or intercalated
c) Blue arrow points to → intercalated disc.
d) Black circle surrounds an inclusion named →
lipofuscin granules.
e) Red arrow points to C.T. → endomysium &
yellow arrow points to → nucleus.
a) Blue circle surrounds Purkinje muscle fibers.
b) Mention three visible characters Any 3 visible
features of Purkinje muscle fibers as muscle
fibers are larger , paler & myofibrils are
peripherally located.
c) Black rectangle surrounds ordinary cardiac
muscle fibers.
Red arrow: stratum corneum
Blue arrow: stratum granulosum
Green arrow: stratum spinosum
Yellow arrow: stratum basale
a.This is a section in → Thick skin & black line
traverses → epidermis.
b. Yellow star demarcates → keratin, the white
arrow points to → granular cell layer.
c. Blue arrow indicates → prickle cell layer and
the green arrow points to → basal cell layer.
d. Black triangle is in → dermal papilla, the red
star is in → dermis.
A- thin skin
B- Blue arrow → Epidermis
Red arrow → sebaceous gland
C- yellow star → Dermis
a. A is a section in → thick skin & B is a section in
→ thin skin
b.Two visible features for A : Any 2 visible
features of thick skin as → thick keratin and no
hair follicles, …………
c. Two visible features for B : Any 2 visible
features of thin skin as → hair follicles and
sebaceous glands, …………
d.White star demarcates → keratin , while yellow
arrows point to → sebaceous glands.
hyaline cartilage
Elastic cartilage
Decalcified compact bone
Cardiac Muscle and valve
Growing epiphyseal plate
compact bone ground section
Skeletal muscle LS
Spongy bone
Skeletal muscle TS
Thick skin
Thin skin
a. Lymph node -Yellow triangle: capsule
b. -Black arrow: subcapsular sinus
c. -Letter A: lymphatic follicle
d. -Letter B: cortex
a. Secondary follicle
b. Green star: medulla
c. Lymph node
a.This is a section in → lymph node.
b.The yellow arrow points to → capsule.
c. The space pointed to by black arrow is →
subcapsular sinus while that pointed to by the
red arrow is → trabecular sinus.
d.Blue arrow points to → a trabecula.
e.Blue line traverses → cortex while the yellow
one traverses → medulla.
f. Green circle surrounds → a secondary follicle.
g.Letters A, B & G denote → medullary cords ,
medullary sinuses & germinal center.
a. This is a section in → spleen.
b. Red arrow points to → capsule.
c. Blue circle surrounds → white pulp ( Malpighian corpuscle).
d. Green arrow points to → central arteriole.
e. Numbers denote:
1- germinal center,
3- marginal zone,
2- follicular zone,
4- Thymus dependent zone,
5- central arteriole ,
7- Trabeculae.
6- red pulp
a. This is a section in → Thymus.
b. The black arrow points to C.T. → capsule while the yellow one
points to C.T. → trabecula
c. Red line traverses → cortex while green one traverses → medulla.
d. Blue circle surrounds Hassall’s corpuscle & cells outside the circle
are T- lymphocytes.
a.This is a section in tonsil.
b.Epithelium pointed to by blue arrow is non keratinized
stratified squamous.
c. Red arrow lies in the crypt.
d.Black arrow points to mucus glands & yellow arrow
points to capsule.
e.Red circle surrounds a lymphatic follicle & Green star
marks diffuse lymphatic tissue.
-Yellow arrow: crypt
-Red arrow: non-keratinized stratified
squamous epithelium
- Trachea
- 1: Epithelium (pseudostratified columnar
ciliated epithelium with goblet cells)
2: Perichondrium
3: Hyaline cartilage
- Adult lung
- Alveolar space
- Alveoli
- Interalveolar septum
A. Trachea
B. Pseudostratified columnar ciliated epithelium
with goblet cells & motile cilia
C. - Submucosa
- loose C.T., lymphoid follicles, mucous &
serous glands
D. Fibrocartilaginous coat
- Adult lung
- Intrapulmonary bronchus
- Black arrow: Pseudostratified columnar ciliated
epithelium with goblet cells &
motile cilia
Blue arrow: smooth muscle fibers
Red arrow: cartilage plate
Green arrow: alveoli
- Adult lung
- A bronchiole
- Smooth muscle fibers
- Simple columnar ciliated epithelium
with Clara cells
A. Adult lung
1: Terminal bronchiole
2: Respiratory bronchiole
3: Alveolar duct
4: Alveolar sac
A. Pneumocyte type I
B. Pneumocyte type II
C. Alveolar macrophage
D. Blood capillary
- Aorta , Orcein
- 1: tunica intima
2: tunica media
3: tunica adventitia
A) Aorta
B) Any one visible feature as presence of
numerous elastic fibers, thick wall, …..
C) Blue line: The tunica media
Green line: The tunica adventitia
D) Yellow arrow: endothelium (or tunica intima)
Black arrow: Vasa vasorum
A) Aorta
B) Orcein – elastic fibers
C) Yellow arrow: endothelium (or tunica intima)
D) Blue line: Tunica media
Red arrows: Elastic fibers
A: - Medium sized artery
- Presence of internal elastic lamina, thick
wall, …..
B: Medium sized vein
Thin wall, wide lumen, ….
- Medium sized artery
- Internal elastic lamina
- 1: tunica media
2: tunica adventitia
A) Medium sized artery
B) Presence of internal elastic lamina, thick wall, …..
C) Black line: The tunica media
D) Black arrow: Endothelium
Yellow arrow: Internal elastic lamina
Green arrow: nucleus of smooth muscle fiber
Blue arrow: elastic fiber
A-Medium sized artery
B- 1: Tunica media
C- 2: Tunica adventitia
D- Black arrow: external elastic lamina
Blue arrow: internal elastic lamina
Lymph node
palatine tonsil
A) Medium sized vein
B) Thin wall, wide lumen, ….
C) Black line: The tunica media
D) Yellow line: The tunica adventitia
Medium sized artert
Medium sized vein
Palatine tonsil
ground compact bone
Decalcified compact bone
Haversian system
Hyaline cartilage
Spongy bone
Growing end of long bone
Thick skin
thin skin
Elastic cartilage
Cardiac muscle and valves
Medullary cords and sinuses