anatomy Flashcards
Cleft hand or foot
Placenta previa
Placenta previa
Placenta previa
Accessory placenta
Velamentous placenta
Battledore placenta
Placenta increta
Down syndrome
Down syndrome
Turner syndrome
Too long umbilical cord
True knot of
umbilical cord
True knot of
umbilical cord
False knot of
umbilical cord
Fetal surface
Ectopia Cordis
Complete failure of
formation of the interatrial
Persistent truncus
Coarctation of the
aorta (preductal)
Coarctation of the
aorta (postductal)
Double aortic arch
1- Clavicle. 2- Acromioclavicular joint. 3- Acromial process. 4- Coracoid process. 5- Head of the humerus. 6- Glenoid cavity. 7- Lesser tubercle. 8- Greater tubercle. 9- Intertubercular groove. 10- Spinous process of the scapula. 11- Lateral border of the scapula.
1- Head of the humerus. 2- Greater tubercle of the humerus. 3- Surgical neck of the humerus. 4- Glenoid cavity of the scapula. ' 5- Coracoid process of the scapula 6- Lateral border of the scapula. 7- Lateral end of the clavicle. 8- Acromial process.
1- Head of the humerus. 2- Anatomical neck of the humerus. 3- Surgical neck of the humerus. 4- Greater tubercle of the humerus. 5- Glenoid cavity. 6- Supraglenoidtubercle . 7- Infraglenoid tubercle. 8- Lateral end of the clavicle. 9- Acromial process. 1u-Deltoid muscle. 11-Subscapularis muscle. 12-Lateral border of the scapula.
1-Olecranon process. 2- Lateral epicondyle of the humerus. 3- Medial epicondyle of the humerus. 4- Head of radius. 5- Neck of radius. 6- Shaft of the humerus. 7- Olecranon fossa.
1-Head of radius. 2- Neck of radius. 3- Radial tuberosity of radius. 4- Olecranon process of ulna. 5-Trochlea and capitulum 6- Ulna.
1- Radius. 2- Head of ulna. 3- Styloid process of ulna. 4- Scaphoid bone. 5- Lunate bone. 6~ Triquetrum bone. 7- Pasiform bone. 8- Trabezium bone. 9- Trabezoid bone. 10-Capitate bone. 11-Hamate bone.
1- Lower end of radius. 2- Lower end of ulna. 3- Styloid process of ulna. 4- Styloid process of radius. 5- Scaphoid . 6- Lunate . 7- Triquetrum. 8- Trapezium. 9- Trapezoid. 10- Capitate. 11- Hamate. 12- 1st metatarsal. 13- Proximal phalanx of thumb. 14- Proximal phalanx of indix. 15- Middle phalanx of middle finger. 16- Terminal phalanx of middle finger.
1- Subclavian artery. 2- Axillary artery. 3- Brachial artery. 4- Posterior circumflex humeral artery. 5- Anterior circumflex humeral artery.
1- Brachial artery.
2- Ulnar artery.
3- Radial artery.
4- Anterior interosseus artery
1- ulnar artery. 2- Radial artery. 3- Deep palmar arch. 4- Princeps polices. 5- Radialisindicis.
1- Clavicle. 2- Aortic knucle. 3- Right atrium. 4- Left ventricle. 5- Apex of the heart. 6- Right cupola of the diaphragm. 7- Left cupola of the diaphragm. 8- Trachea. 9- Costodiaphragmatic recess. 10-Cardiophrenic recess. 11-Gastric air bubbles. 12-Pulmonary artery. 13- Left auricle. 14- Apex of left lung
1- Trachea. 2- Clavicle. 3- Coracoid process. 4- Acromioclavicular joint. 5- Head of the humeros. 6- Costodiaphragmatic recess. 7- Right cupola of diaphragm. 8- Left cupola of diaphragm. 9- Gas in the stomach fundus. 10- Aortic knucle. 11-Pulmonary trunk. 12-Left auricle. 13- Left ventricle. 14- Apex of the heart.
1- Arch of aorta. 2- Right ventricle. 3- Left atrium. 4- Manubrium sterni. 5- Body of the sternum. 6- Liver. 7- Left ventricle. 8- Oesophagus. 9- Trachea.
1- Right ventricle. 2- Ascending aorta. 3- Arch of aorta. 4- Left atrium. 5- Liver. 6- Manubrium sterni. 7- Body of the sternum.
1- Right lung. 2- Left lung. 3- Right atrium. 4- Left ventricle. 5- Ascending aorta. 6- Liver. 7- Superior vena cava. 8- Left atrium.
1- Ascending aorta. 2- Arch of aorta. 3- Innominate artery. 4- Left common carotid artery. 5- Left subclavian artery. 6- Right subclavian artery. 7- Right common carotid artery.
1- Ascending aorta. 2- Arch of aorta. 3- Innominate artery. 4- Left Common carotid artery. 5- Left subclavian artery. 6- Descending aorta.
1- Head of femur. 2- Neck of femur. 3- Obturator foramen. 4- Symphysis pubis. 5- Body of the pubis. 6- Ischial tuberosity. 7- Ilium. 8- Sacroiliac joint. 9- Acetabulum. 10- lliac cres
1- Popleteal surface of the femur. • 2- Shaft of tibia. 3- Shaft of fibula. 4- Patella. 5- Lateral femoral condyle. 6- Lateral tibial condyle. 7- Medial tibial condyle. 8- Medial femoral condyle. 9- Head of fibula.
1- Medial tibial condyle. 2- Lateral tibial condyle. 3- Head of fibula. 4- Shaft of tibia. 5- Shaft of fibula. 6- Medial malleolus. 7- Lateral malleolus. 8- Talus bone.
1- Calcaneus. 2- Talus. 3- Navicular. 4- Cuboid. 5- Seaamoid bone. 6- Sustentaculumtali. 7- Cuniform bones. 8- Metatarsal bones.
1- External iliac artery. 2- Femoral artery. 3- Profundafemoris artery. 4- Femoral artery. 5- Medial and lateral circumflex femoral artery
1- Femoral artery.
2- Profundafemoris artery.
3- Femoral artery.
4- Obturator artery.
1- Femoral artery. 2- Popliteal artery. 3- Posterior tibial artery. 4- Anterior tibial artery. 5- Superior medial genicular artery. 6- Superior lateral genicular artery. 7- Inferior medial genicular artery