Histology of the Eye Flashcards
Bony Orbit
Where the eye sits
Optic Canal
through which nerve leaves muscles enter superficial layer of globe
extracellular eye muscle
allow up down/ side mvmt light goes through many structures before retina
three layers “tunics” of eye
1) Fibrous Tunic - outermost, with sclera and continuous with the cornea
2) Vascular Tunic - Middle Very vascular as choroid abundant capillary for supply
anterior is cilliary body and iris
3) Neural Tunic - Innermost has retinal pigment epithelium, outer layer and neural retina - inner layer location of neruons and photoreceptors
Sclera (all the facts) (funciton, and composition, and things in it)
Fibrous Tunic
White opaque portion of eye composed of Type I collagen with few elastic fibers and fibroblast in a dense connective tissue
Sensory - can tell if eyelas
vascularized by blood vessels
Function - protective envelope and attach to eye muscles
Cornea (function and facts)
refraction of light to focus on retina transparent. Avascular gets nutrients from aquous humor and lacrimal fluid
Very very sensitive
What are the five layers of the Cornea
Corneal Epithelium - on exterior surface, stratified squamous non keratinized (7 day turnover) highly innervated
Bowmans Membrane - basement membrane
Stroma - largest section with type I collagen elastic and fibroblasts - lamella organized to allow transparency. similar to sclara
Descemets mebrane - basement membrane
Corneal Endothelium - simple squamous
Mucous Membrane cover anterior sclera and in eyelid
composed of stratified columnar epithelium
contain goblet cells - secrete in to tear
Is inflammatino caused by a virus or bacteria also can caused by alergens irritints
Choroid (funciton, locaiton, composition)
Vascular Tunic Part
Function - Provide Nutrients to retinal pigment epithelium and outer layers of neural retina
note the inner layers are supplied by central retinal artery
location - posterior of vascular tunic
composition - loose connective tissue
Is pigmented and absorb stray light to prevent interference done by melanocytes
Ciliary Body (funciton, composition)
wedge shaped region in anterior
Function - produce aqueous humor and change shape of lens
composition - loose connective tissue, blodo vessela and smooth muscle. Lined with double layer of cuboidal epithelium, one pigmented and one nonpigmented (the outer one) inner is pigmented
Ciliary processes
Have fenestrated capillaries that aqueous humor travel and poured into the space
Path of aqueous humor
enter posterior chamber, then papillayr aperture, then anterior chamber which is under cornea. And provides nutrients to lens and cornea, then it goes out the canal of schlemm (which is many draining holes)
increase in intracellular pressure when there is compromised blood flow and maybe cant get out
Zonule Fiber
Aka suspensory ligament forming the suspension of the lens
this is a part of the ciliary body
Accomodation Reflex
decrease tension will buldge more convex the lens to see more near
the relaxation will increase tension lens flattens and see far
Depends on distance you wanna see
Iris (3 parts)
function to focus light
1) Lens capsule - basement membrane, completely envelopes lens
2) subcapsular epithelium - cuboidal cells on anterior surface slowly move toward equator and go in to lens
3) Lens fibers - immediately deep to subcapsular. Fill the lens and has lens fibers. With time fill with crystallins
an opaque lens
Vitreious Body
Transparrant gel, fills vitreious cavity behind lens
Give shape 99% water
and collegen and hyaluronic acid
believed to make the collagen and the acid.
Also we do see phagocytosis in the vitreious body
Retinal Pigment Epithelium (shape, function, facts)
cuboidal to columnar cells with basal located nucleus
Function reduce light scatter, and phagocytose membrane shed by photoreceptors
apical side has granules, microvilli and a sleeve extension surrounding the tip of photoreceptor
what forms the blood retina barrier
desmosomes zonula occludans and zonula adherens
Anatomy of Retina (10 layers from innermost)
RPE (retinal pigment epithelium) Photoreceptor outer limiting membrane outer nuclear layer (cell body of rods cones) outer plexiform layer ( synaptic zone) inner nuclear layer (body of bipolar horizontal and amicrine) inner plexiform (center synaptic zone) cell body of ganglion ganglion cell axons inner limiting membrane
absorb photons make potential
Rods for low light monochromatic
cones have three opsins
altered gene expression in cone of opsin gene
The fovea
Region for increased acuity
v rich in cones
retinal layers missing positioned off to the edge of the fovea
The optic Disc
Exit point of ganglion axons
Unmyelinated retinal gangion cells collect at disc and through sclera
Then acquire myelin sheath and form the optic nerve
Blind Spot
Created due to no photoreceptors in this area