HIP Conditions/Treatment Snapping Syndrome Flashcards
IT-Band snapping - etiology?
Can be many causes …
What Type of Pain with IT-Band snapping?
sharp esp. if the friction is irritating structures (boney, bursitis), but pain is not always part of it
External Snapping is caused by?
a tensioned IT-Band (TFL) or Glute MAX tendon riding over the greater trochanter of the femur.
When does the external snapping occur?
felt more laterally, can occur during HIP flexion and extension, esp. if the HIP is medially rotated
What would be made worse or be the cause of _______ with IT-Band or Glute MAX tendon riding over the greater trochanter of the femur?
Trochanteric Bursitis
Internal Snapping is caused by?
=> Iliopsoas slipping over the bony ridge of the lesser trochanter or anterior acetabulum.
=> Iliofemoral ligament can also be riding over the femoral head and cause this.
How is the internal snapping experienced?
The degree in which the snapping is felt is when the patient moves the hip from extension into flexion at around 45 deg. of flexion.
Is the internal snapping painful?
What patients are usually experiencing intra-articular snapping?
20-40 YO
What would PTs complain of with intra-articular snapping?
sharp pain in the groin and anterior thigh, esp. with weight bearing pivoting movements.
What is the intra-articular HIP snapping d/t?
acetabulum tear, degeneration/trauma of joint resulting in loose HIP joint
TCM diagnosis
LV Blood def. SP Blood def.
Local Tx
GB29 w/moxa, GB30, needle Glute MAX,MED, TFL and piriformis
Distal Tx
GB34, GB40
Tui Na where?
over TFL
Cupping where?
over IT-Band
What weird technique is releasing the myofascial tension of IT-Band
Foam rolling
What muscles need to be strengthened with snapping HIP issues?
Gluteus MAX, MED