Hip Flashcards
Scour (quadrant test)
Pt supine
Flex hip to 90 deg + flex knee
Rotate leg round in quadrant shape
Apply pressure 2nd time if no pain from first one
What does it test - Scour
Hip Jt pathology, OA, capsulitis, labral tear, acetabular impingement
+Ve - Scour
Local P or crepitus
Flexion, abduction, ext rot of leg
Rest foot on couch to start, then on shin (pillow)
Apply pressure to knee and stabilise opposite hip
What does it test - FABER
Hip Jt pathology, OA, capsulitis, sparin/strain, tight hip adductors
Test leg remaining above opposite straight leg
Flex, add, int rot
Apply pressure through knee
What does it test - FADIR
Ant-sup impingement syndrome, ant labral tear, iliopsoas tendinitis
P + reproduction of Pt symptoms without a click or apprehension
Posterior labral tear test
Pt supine
Hip into full flex, adduction, int rot as starting position
Extend hip combined with adduction + ext rot
What does it test - Posterior labral tear test
Labral tear, ant hip instability, post-inf impingement
+Ve - Posterior labral tear test
Groin P
Pt apprehension
Reproduction of symptoms
Trendelenburgs Sign
Pt to stand on one leg
Normally pelvis on opposite side should rise
What does it test - Trendelenburgs Sign
Ability of hip abductors to stabilise pelvis on femur
+Ve -Trendelenburgs Sign
Dropping of pelvis on opposite side- indicates weak gluteus medias or unstable hip
Pt sidelying
Flex bottom leg
Drop to leg off couch (affected side)
What does it test - Obers
Test TFL contracture or P at hip possible trochanteric bursitis
+Ve - obers
If Pt leg does not drop off couch
P- bursitis
Decreased ROM- IT band tightness