Elbow, Wrist and Hand Flashcards
Varus / Valgus Stress Test
Varus - stabilises Pts
arm at the elbow, and the other hand
is placed at the wrist, Pts
arm is slightly flexed, and an
adduction/medial force (varus) is applied.
Valgus - Abduction movement applied
Repeated at 0 and 30deg of flexion
What does Varus / Valgus Stress test
Valgus/abduction - Medial Ligament Sprain
Varus/adduction - Lateral
+Ve for Varus/valgus stress
Stabilise Pts forearm - palpating lateral epicondyle, pronate arm, Radially deviate and extend the wrist
Resist Pts extension movement
What does Cozens test for
Lateral Epicondylitis
+Ve for Cozen’s
Weakness and lateral elbow pain
Reverse Cozen’s
Stabilise Pts forearm - palpating medial epicondyle, supinate arm, Ulnar deviate and flex the wrist
Resist Pts flexion movement
What does reverse Cozens test
Medial Epicondylitis
+Ve for reverse Cozen’s
Weakness and medial elbow pain
Palpate the lateral epicondyle while
* passively pronating the forearm,
* flexing the wrist and
* extending the elbow.
No resistance - stretch test
What does Mills test
Lateral Epicondylitis
+Ve for Mills
Lateral elbow Pain
Reverse Mill’s
Palpate the medial epicondyle while
* passively supinating the forearm,
* extending the wrist
* extending the elbow.
What does revere mills test
Medial Epicondylitis
+Ve for reverse Mills
Medial elbow pain
Tinel’s sign - elbow
Gently tap over cubital fossa
What does tinels sign (elbow) test
+Ve for Tinel’s (elbow)
Parasthesia from Ulnar nerve so in 4th and 5th digits
Tinel’s sign - wrist
Gently tap over carpal tunnel
What does Tinels sign test (wrist)
+Ve Tinel’s wrist
Parasthesia from median nerve - 1st-4th digits
Pronator stretch test
Pt elbow flexed 90 deg
Supinated forearm
Pt Pronate with Elbow Ext
Examiner Resisting Pronation during the extension
What does Pronator stretch test test for
+Ve of Pronator stretch test
Medial N compress Pronator Teres - 1st to 4th digits
Pt makes a fist, place contact over radial and ulnar arteries
Pt continuously opens and contracts fist until palm is white
Release radial artery, allow hand to fill
Repeat with ulnar artery
What does Allens test for
Artery Stenosis or Occclusion
+ve for Allens
Skin remains white for longer than 5s
Pt grip thumb with fingers (fist)
Ulnar deviate/move hand to floor
what does Finklestein’s test
+Ve Finklestein’s
P abductor pollicis longus + extensor pollicis brevis tendons
Dorsal side of hands together
Hold for 2 mins
If P is felt during, no need to continue
What does Phalen’s test
Carpal tunnel syndrome
+Ve Phalen’s
P, numbness, tingle distal to compression
Reverse Phalen’s
Prayer position
Hold for 2 mins
If P is felt, stop
What does reverse Phalen’s test for
Carpal tunnel syndrome
Reverse Phalen’s
P, numbness, tingle distal to compression
Ulnomeniscotriquetral dorsal glide
Pt seat, pronate arm
Place thumb over ulnar (just over styloid process)
Index on pisiform
Produce ‘clicking motion’
What does Ulnomeniscotriquetral dorsal glide test
Triangular fibrocartilage complex damage
+Ve Ulnomeniscotriquetral dorsal glide
P or laxity of TFCC
TFCC dorsal glide
Apply grip around wrist
Other hand around metatarsals
Produce ulnar deviation with slight compression
What does TFCC dorsal glide test for
TFCC damage
+Ve TFCC dorsal glide
P or laxity of TFCC