Highlight- Early Christians Flashcards
Why weren’t cremations a thing during this time period?
Body was transformed by god on judgment day
What did lights and candles signify?
Eternal life and the glory to come
When were christian funerals
During the day
What were cemeteries considered?
resting places
Who consecrated the first christian cemetery and when
Pope John III in 575 AD.
What does Monotheistic belief in god mean?
Exsistence of one god
Death beliefs of the christians
added to the conception of the early hebrews of “flesh and blood” that the body is to resurrected and would be judged on his/her life on earth to be rewarded or punished. Christ aded concept of sonship of man and brotherhood of man.
What did christ preach most often about?
infinite and equal value of every human soul
how was the soul looked at and what was destined in the afterlife?
The shoul was both spiritual and immortal and destined in the afterlife to be a discarnate spirit; no soul could be totally destroyed.
Resurrection fo the body for christians
Christians held that it was the power of god that transformed the body on the day of judgement and many felt that the dead must necessarily be buried in the earth.
What did the christians believe about resurrection and cremation?
That the resurrection was a miracle of god.
That the bodies burned buried or lost at sea shared equally in the miraculous transformation, although the church held it revolting that the human body “once the temple of the Holy Spirit, once sanctified and refreshed spiritually by the sarcraments” should be burned, except in “well defined, isolated instances when because of disease or epidemic, cremation is absolutely necessary to prevent the disease”
Doctrine that in death all men are equal and that the eternal rewards they gain are not to be assigned.
Death beliefs in christianity
Simple, unpretentious and organized within the context of community living by a group of people.
Burial Customs of the christians
What was one of the seven great enumerated corporal works of mercy enjoined upon all christians
burying the dead
What were the requirements that Early Cannon law laid down for the burial of the dead
- The body should be decently laid out; with lights beside it;
- should be asperges with hole water and incensed at stated times
- the cross should be placed upon the breast or in lieu of a cross the hands should be folded
- Buried in consecrated ground