Henry VIII - Religion Flashcards
Who were some prominent humanists?
Oxford reformers - Grocyn Linacre and Colet
What were some weaknesses of the church?
Corruption - Pluralism, simony and non-residence
Anticlericalism - Some lawyers objected to canon law
Decline of monasticism
Change to church’s structure - the king?
He became supreme head of the church under the act of supremacy
Change to the church’s structure - Cromwell?
He was appointed Vicegerent in Spirituals, meaning he was second to the king and outranked the archbishops and bishops
Change to the church’s structure - dioceses?
Six new dioceses were created to improve the church’s administration
What was the survey set up by Cromwell?
The Valor Ecclesiasticus was set up in 1935 to see how wealthy the church was to see what resources were available to the crown
Why did Cromwell start visitations to the monasteries?
1535 - four visitors sent around the country to inspect all monastic institutions. The had been instructed to find weaknesses and corruption
What was the first act to dissolve monasteries?
1936 Act to dissolve the smaller monasteries with an income of £200,000 per annum or less
When were the remaining monasteries dissolved?
1539 Act to dissolve the remaining monasteries
When were all religious houses dissolved?
When was the first set of royal injunctions?
1536 - placed a restriction on the number of holy days to be observed and discouraged pilgrimages
When was the second set of royal injunctions?
1538 - pilgrimages and veneration of relics and images were condemned as ‘works devised by men’s fantasies’. Clergy who upheld these virtues had to publicly recant.
What was the Great Bible?
1539 - An English version of the Bible complete with Henry on the title page graciously offering the word of God.
What limits were placed on the Great Bible?
1543 Act for the Advancement of True Religion restricted public reading of the Bible to upper-class males
What was the ten articles?
1536 - only three sacraments, baptism, penance and Eucharist were seen as necessary for salvation