Elizabeth I - The Impact of Economic, Social and Religious Developments in the Early Years of Elizabeth's Rule Flashcards
What did the Council of the North try to do?
Tried to get the corporations of York and Hull to enforce a schedule of wage rates which had applied in 1514, and 113 labourers were charged with unlawfully high wages.
What was the statute of artificers?
Compulsory labour, especially at harvest time
A minimum period of one year for the hire of workmen during which they could not leave their masters or be dismissed without good cause
A prohibition on anyone following a craft unless they had served a seven year apprenticeship
Setting of maximum wage rates by JPs in every country
How was poor relief handled?
An ineffective act was passed in 1563, but its impact was haphazard. National legislation continued to lag behind local provision which had been set up in a number of boroughs, most notably Norwich and Ipswich.
How was the currency stabilised?
1561 - scheme was announced for withdrawal of debased coins and their replacement with soundly minted coins. Prices continued to rise but at least the government could no longer be held responsible for the problem
Appointment of new bishops?
All but one of the Marian bishops refused to continue on office. Some early appointments were moderates, particularly Matthew Parker as Archbishop of Canterbury. Most of the new bishops were returning exiles and their appointments were part of a conscious strategy to reshape the hierarchy of the Church of England along more evangelical lines.
What were Elizabeth’s personal opinions on religion?
She disapproved of clergy marrying, distrusted preaching and ensured the preservation of musical culture of cathedrals
What was Elizabeth’s view of the religious settlement?
It was an act of state which defined the relationship between the Crown and the State, and it established the Church’s doctrinal position conclusively.
What was An Apology of the Church of England?
1562 publication by John Jewel, Bishop of Salisbury, who had been in exile during Mary’s reign. He argued that the CofE was returning to its true position abandoned centuries earlier by Rome.
What was the Thirty Nine articles?
1563 - sought to define the difference between the CofE and the Catholic church. They were supportive of reformed doctrine. However the convocation proved to be unsuccessful in achieving its wider aims. Their vision of reform was shared by the queen.
Though it was becoming Calvinist in its doctrine, it was half reformed in its structures