Elizabeth I - Society Flashcards
What was the population of London like?
1520 - 60,000
1600 - 150,000
What was the wage rate and cost of living?
1540s - money wage rate of 118 and cost of living of 167
1590s - money wage rate of 219 and cost of living of 443
Why was there a population growth in London?
Expansion in trade
Increase in government officials and lawyers
Influx of people from countryside
Increasing number of unemployed and poor
What was the Statute of Artificers?
1563 - seven year apprenticeships made compulsory in all urban crafts. This tried to create employment by tying a man to one trade, as unemployment meant vagrancy
What was the vagabonds act?
Severe penalties were introduced for vagrancy, including whipping, boring of an ear and the death penalty for third offenses. JPs had to raise a poor rate and provide shelter for the elderly and the sick.
What was the 1572 act for poor relief?
Established the principle that local ratepayers should be required to pay a rate for the relief of their own poor
What was the poor law act of 1576?
The first act to attempt to create a national system of poor relief to be financed and administered locally. Towns were required to make a provision for the employment of the deserving poor.
What was the poor law act of 1601?
The parish became designated as the institution required to raise the rates for, and to administer poor relief. Each parish was to appoint an overseer of the poor who was to ensure both the efficient collection of poor rates and the appropriate distribution of relief to the poor. Their key responsibilities were relieving the impotent poor, setting the able bodied to work and apprenticing poor children
How long did the poor laws remain intact for?
What was the treatment of the undeserving poor like?
1572 - Act added branding to the range of punishments available to the authorities.
1597 - an Act was passed which laid down that first time offenders should be whipped and sent back to the parish of their birth and repeat offenders should be executed
What was the act for maintaining tillage?
1563 - all land which had been under tillage for four years since 1528 must remain under tillage. Shows their dislike for enclosure
This was repealed in 1593 following a series of good harvests between 1587 and 93.
What was the Statute regarding the export of corn?
1593 - a price limit was set on corn at twenty shillings a quarter. Export of corn was permitted when prices fell below this. This is a good indication that corn was sufficient in supply even for the growing population
What was the Statute against conversions to pasture?
1598 - Acts to prevent further conversion of tillage into pasture. Parliament of 1598 was panicked into these measures by a spate of enclosures between 1591 and 1597.
Who owned the income and land?
14% of national income belonged to 1.2% of families
Great landlords owned 17% of cultivated land
The richest 23% of the population owned 55% of taxable wealth
How many people lived in poverty?
10% of people in the countryside and 20% of people in cities lived in absolute poverty