Henry VII Society Flashcards
What is a caste?
A class or group of people who inherit exclusive privileges or are perceived as socially distinct
What is the peerage?
A group of people who held one of the 5 ranks of aristocracy (duke, marquis, earl, viscount, baron); they were considerable landowners, excised considerable power in their localities and were usually members of the house of lords
What are sumptuary laws?
Laws that attempted to regulate how individuals should dress depending on social status
Give some features of the gentlemen
- only about 50 - 60 men
- relied on being liked by the king
- they maintained order in the countryside
- Henry was reluctant to create new peerage titles titles
- He created the Earl of Oxford and Lord Daubeney
- Henry controlled the nobility through bonds and recognisances
How many knights were there in 1490?
How much of the land did the gentry own?
How can you become a member of the gentry?
- Have a knighthood
- A coat of arms authenticated by the college of arms
- Considerable income
- Courtly connections
- An imposing country resisdence
What was the ranking of commoners?
- Lawyers
- Merchants
- Craftsmen
- Shopkeepers
- Tradesmen
- Farmers
- Labourers
- Peasants
- Vagrants
What are grazing rights?
A legal term referring to the right of a user to allow their livestock to feed in a given area
What is Bastard feudalism?
This system implied a reciprocal relationship between the magnate and his retainers. In return for service, which could be military service or rewards such as local office, money or land
What Kenneth B McFarlane’s view on bastard feudalism?
That the system should be seen in a positive light as a natural response to changes in the period
What is retaining?
Where nobles retained men for services and granted them liveries (uniform) or cash fees which helps to increase the noble’s wealth and power
When was the first retaining act?
How did Henry manage retaining?
He passed the retaining act in 1504 which restricted the amount of retained men a noble could have. If they wanted more, they had to get a license from the crown. Henry did this to reduce the noble’s power as they could threaten his throne. Their power rose because of bastard feudalism under Edward I’s reign
What happened to Lord Bergavenny?
He was found illegally retaining and he was fined £100,000
What were real wages?
The value of income in relation to prices of goods on the market rather than actual money
What is subsistence crises?
When harvest failure raises food prices to such an extent that a significant number of the poor died from starvation
What is Derek Keene’s view on Medieval Englnad?
It was a country where ideas of language and nationhood conferred a stronger sense of single identity than ever before
What was the population of England during Henry VII’s reign?
3 million
What level was criminal justice maintained at?
County level
What side of the country did 3/4 of the population live on?
The east
What type of farming was done in the west
Pastoral farming
What type of farming was done in the east?
Mixed farming
What were Northerns jealous of Southerns for?
Why did Londoners look down on Northerners?
They believed Northerners to be savages
How was regional identity enforced?
By the local government
What were the consequences of uneven urban distribution?
Small towns gained importance as a centre of local government and as centres of trade
Where were there no large towns?
Sussex and Lewes
What were conditions like in London?
Crampt and overcrowded
What was the population of London?
What percentage of people lived in rural areas?
What happened during the Yorkshire Rebellion of 1489?
People were angry at Henry for increasing taxes as there was a poor harvest in 1488
- The rebellion began on the 20th of April
- On the 28th of April, Henry refused to refrain from taxing Yorkshire and the earl of Northumbria, Henry Percy was assassinated by a group of rebels led by Robert Chamber in Topcliffe
- On the 13th of May, 5000 rebels was led by sir sir John Egremont to Doncaster and two days later, they retreated to capture York
- On the 20th of May, the earl of Surrey sent down forces which put down the rebellion at ease
- Henry came to York four days later
What happened during the Cornish rebellion of 1497?
- People in Cornwall were angry at Henry VII’s taxation to raise war in Scotland
- Thomas Flamank (lawyer) and Michael Joseph (blacksmith) went to London to state their claim against Henry
- On the 14th of May, 5000 people from Bodmin went to London
- In June, Henry recalled his army from Scotland
- 15000 rebels led by Lord Audley camped at Blackheath and a day later, the battle of Deptford bridge defeated the rebels
- On the 27th of June, Flamank and Joseph were executed and a day later, Audley was executed
- On the 7th of September, Warbeck arrived in Cornwall to support the rebels but he went into sanctuary at Beaulieu monastery, the new lord chamberlain, Giles Lord Daubeney, persuaded Warbeck to give himself in
When was the battle of Deptford bridge?
17th June 1497