Henrician Reformation and Opposition Flashcards
What were the three issues supposedly facing the pre reformation church?
- Anti clericalism
- anti papalism
- Heresy
What was absenteeism?
Bishops did not reside in their diocese
What was pluralism?
Holding several benefices at once
What was Simony?
The buying and selling of offices which gave the impression of corruption
When was the Hunne Case?
What was the Hunne Case and what did it show?
A merchant was found dead in his cell and clergymen were accused of killing him, his body was then burned for heresy. Clergy never prosecuted and seen as the church protecting their own
What was the reaction (or lack there off) to the Hunne Case?
no riots or demonstrations and not a problem outside London
Who gave a sermon against the clergy in 1511?
What was the subject of Colet’s 1511 speech?
The ambitions and excesses of the clergy
Who were two high ranking people who openly critisied the clergy?
More and Fisher
What could high ranking people criticing the clergy lead to?
More people feeling they had the permission to question the church futher
How did Wolsey contribute to anti papalism?
The distant people felt towards him was transferred to the Pope as he was his representative
Why was anti papalism not an issue in the pre reformation church? (3)
- The Pope had very little actual power in England, he was a distant and remote figure
- Not very prevenlant
- King had the power to appoint bishops anyway
Why did heresy have the potential to be a large threat?
It questioned the fundemental ideas of the Catholic Church
Who saw heresy as a threat and what did he do about it?
Henry VIII, he wrote ‘in defence of the 7 sacraments’ as a condemnation of Luthers writings
Why is the true number of heretics unknowable?
Heresy resulted in death
Who was Tynedale?
An outspoken English Lutheran who translated the Bible into England
What was the state of the pre reformation church?
There is no evidence that it was under threat or in any way in decline, pilgramges were as popular as ever as well as people leaving money in their wills to the church as prevelant as ever
Reformation Parliament act of 1532
- Act in Conditional Restraint of Annates
Besides the Act in Conditional Restraint of Annates, what else did the Reformation Parliament issue in 1532?
The Commons Supplication against Ordinaries
How did the clergy respond to The Commons Supplication against Ordinaries of 1532?
by issuing the ‘submission of the clergy’, making Henry effectivly head of all clergy in England
Reformation Parliament act of 1533
Act in Restraint of Appeals to Rome
Reformation Parliament acts of 1534 (5)
- Act of Supremacy
- Act of Succession
- Second Act of Annates
- Act of submission of the clergy
- Act of fifths and tenths
What did the 1532 Act in Conditional Restraint of Annates do?
Suspends all payments made to Rome and gave Archbishop of Canterbury power to consecrate bishops
What did the Act in Restraint of Appeals to Rome of 1533 mean for the divorce case?
Catherine could no longer appeal her case to Rome
What was required under the Act of Succession?
All adult men required to swear to the succession, that Mary was illegitamate and children of Anne Boleyn were the heirs to the throne. Anyone who denies the succession is guilty of treason
What did the Second Act of Annates do?
divert the first fruits and tenths to the kings coffers
In what way did the ten articles of 1536 no adopt a protestant line?
- confirm transubstansiation
- ‘Good works’ still remains, a very catholic view
- Three sacraments necessary for salvation, the other four not mentioned
What did the 1536 injunctions emphasis?
Reform through education
What are the four main points of the 1536 injunctions?
- clergy ordered to teach the lord’s prayer, the articles of faith and the 10 commandments
- wealthy clergy to support schools and universities
- clergy should publicise approval of the supremacy and 10 articles
- Bible provided in Latin and England
What are the four main points of the 1538 injunctions?
- images and objects relating to pilgramages removed
- candles before images forbidden
- sermons to be preached against the veneration of saints
- iconoclasm encourages
What did the 1538 injunctions increase the pressure for parishes to do?
Have bibles in English
What were the restrictions put in place on the English bible?
a license was needed to own one, only noblemen and gentlemen were allowed to read it to their families
What act was brought in in 1543 which aimed to control discourse surronding the bible?
“crafty, false and unture translations” were banned
Why were restrictions on the venacular bible introduced?
Henry realised it may be divisive to have people think for themselves
Who was executed in 1538 and why?
John Lambert for rejecting Transubstansiation
When was Henry excommunicated and what did it lead to?
1538, leading to international pressure to return to Catholicism
When were the Act of Six articles?
What did the act for the advancement of the true religion of 1543 do?
Restricted the reading of the Bible to clerics, noblemen, the gentry and richer merchants. Women below gentry rank, servants, apprentices and generally poor people were forbidden to read it. Women of the gentry and the nobility were only allowed to read it in private.
Who was burned in 1546 and why?
Anne Askew was burned for denying transubstansiation. this was a defense of a key catholic doctrine
What were the political impacts of the reformation? (7)
- end of dual system of law
- end of benefit of the clergy and right of sanctuary
- offical royal control of the clergy
- reduced influence of convocation
- Ecclesiastical monies transfered to the crown
- Omni comeptence of statute
- alligence to monarchy strengthened through 1534 treason act
What were the effects of ecclesastical monies being permanently transferred to the crown?
- strengthened political position of monarchy
2. fund foreign policy
What were the effects of omni comeptence of statute?
- changed role of parliament
- long lasting implications
- co-operation of king and parliament strengthens royal authority
- constitutional landmark
What was John Fisher opposed to?
He was opposed to the kings attempts to annul the Aragon marriage
In what way did John Fisher oppose Henry VIII’s divorce?
- he delivered sermons
- wrote books
- in 1533 he wrote secretly to the Emperor, urging him to use force against the king
What happened to John Fisher>?
He was arrested and executed in 1535
In what way did Thomas More oppose the religious change?
He was more passive than Fisher;
1. refused to take the oath to the Act of Succession
How did the Carthusian monks oppose Henry’s reforms?
They denied the supremacy
What happened to the Carthusian monks?
The three priors, Houghton, Lawrence and Webster along with Richard reynolds and John hale were executed at Tyburn
Who was Elizabeth Barton?
A leading campaigner against the kings divorce. She told the king to his face that he would be dead within a month if he divorced Catherine
What were the hopes of people such as Bishop Fisher and the Holy Maid of Kent?
That France and the HRE would launch a crusade against England