Elizabethan Parliament Flashcards
What were the three major purposes of parliament?
- law making
- granting taxation
- giving advide
How many people does Neale suggest were in the Puritan choir and why is this wrong?
He suggests 42 but revisionists suggest about 12 members could be considered radicals
What is Neale’s thesis?
parliament evolved under Elizabeth to maturity, when its members became more invovled and self assured and the commons became self aware
What did the Puritans push Elizabeth to do in terms of religion?
Accept a more extreme religious settlement, however in actuallity this was really just a change to the wording of the bill
Who was Peter Wentworth?
He was a proponent of parliamentry libarties such as free speech, and according to Neale was the leader of the Puritan choir
When and what was the ‘Bill and Book’ campaign
A campagin in the 1584-5 parliament whereby there were attempts to replace the Anglican prayer book and system of church goverance with a calvinist model
What was the commons response to the bill and book campaign?
They refused to hear Turners bill on the matter
What does Neale suggest happened during the Bill and Book campaign?
Neale argues there was organised opposition with presession planning meetings, however there is little evidence of this
When was Peter Wenworth sent to the tower?
What did Peter Wentworth see his role as?
As that of a loyal and candid friend, as such he was respectful and protective of the institution of monarchy
When did Elizabeth’s biggest challenge from parlaiment come and what issue did it concern?
1601 over the issue of monoplies
What does Neale aruge the issue over monoplise in 1601 shows and what do revisionists think?
Neale argues the monoply issue was an example of rebellion in the commons by organised opposition while revisionist believe it shows nothing more than an example of rising discontent
Why was the parliament of 1566-7 troublesome for Elizabeth?
The subsidy bill was halted until the issue of the succession was settled
How did Elizabeth respond to the troublesome parliament in 1567 and what does this show?
She reduced the subsidy and dissolved parliament, showing that she was still fully in control
How did Elizabeth shut down dissucussion of the succession?
With her presence in parliament and speeches
Why was there a deterioration of relationship between parliament and the monarch in 1590s?
- the queens age
- reduced size of the council meaning less councilers to manage parlaiment
- slowing of government
- the fact that elizabeth had not named a successor
What does Neale think the existance of Statue meant for parliamentry independence?
They had a degree of independence because statute was the supreme form of law and so the monarch needed parliament
How could parliament theoretically exercise finanical control over the monarch?
They had the power to deny supply to further there aims
What issues did parliament have the condifence to challenge elizabeth on?
marriage, MQS and war with spain
What percentage of seats did councillers directly or by nomination, control?
How many times did ELizabeth withhold royal assent and what did this show?
60 times, showing parliaments lack of independence