Dissolution of Monasteries Flashcards
When was the first act of dissolution of the monasteries?
What happened under the first act of dissolution of the monasteries?
- all houses under £200pa dissolved
- heads of houses offered pensions in return for retirement
- monks transferred to larger houses or became priests
- Henry had power to exempt any houses
What happened under the second act of the dissolution of the monasteries?
- legitimised voluntary surrenders
- parliamentary sanction to work of Cromwell and agents
- all property of greater houses was transferred to the crown
How many houses had been dissolved by 1540?
How many monks had been pensioned off by 1540?
Crown income had doubled by 1540. What from and too?
£120,000 to £250,000
What was the resale value of the monastic land in 1540?
£1.3 million
What did Cromwell and his agents embark on in 1538?
Dissolution of remaining larger monasteries
How many houses had surrendered within 16 months from 1538?
What took place during the summer of 1537?
“Voluntary” surrenders of larger houses
Who put pressure on the larger houses to surrender in the summer of 1537?
Royal commissioners
In what did Cromwell reveal his intention of enhancing the kings finances?
Valor Ecclesiaticus
What was valor ecclesiaticus?
A census of the church to access its wealth
What were Cromwells aims in his survey of the monasteries?
- to gauge the extent of the church’s wealth
* to cast monasteries in the worst possible light to persuade parliament that they should be dissolved
Who were cromwells agents in 1536?
Six ‘visitors’ who carried out lightening your of religious houses
What would taking the wealth of the church mean for Henry?
He would no longer have to impress taxes on his subjects
How did Opposition cause the dissolution?
Some of the most vociferous opponents of Henrys recent legislation had come from monastic houses
The social effects of the dissolution?
- some monks left in hardships
- 2000 mins not allowed to marry of become priests
- detrimental effect on poor
How did international influences cause the dissolutions?
- religious houses were being dissolved in Germany and Scandinavia, giving a model of what was possible in England
- the ideas of Erasmus and Tynedale which critised monastic life were gain traction
How did patronage cause the dissolutions?
- after 1536 the laity gained an appitite for land
- Catholics such as Norfolk were quick to cash in on the sale of monastic lands
- many may have been unhappy with the turn of religion but the bitter pill wa easier to swallow with the wealth the dissolutions broughts
How did finances cause the dissolutions?
- cromwell promised to make henry the richest prince in christandom
- the church had huge amount of wealth and resources
- threat of catholic crusade meant that the crown would need money to defend itsself
- henry did not have to impose taxes
Economic impacts of the dissolutions?
- profits financed wars
- £800,000 raised by 1547
- transfer of power intop the hands of the laity at a local level
- detromental effects on the poor
What were the political effects of the dissolutions?
- men could by themselves into local politics
2. power tranfered to the laity