Hemoglobinopathies And Thalassemia Flashcards
Normal RBC characteristics
Lack nuclei and filled with 4 hemoglobin molecules bound by a iron molecule for each heme group
Approximately 7.5 um in diameter and are biconcave
Sickle cell anemia (HbS)
Hemoglobinopathies that leads to a change in glutamate - > valine residues
- leads to a point mutation of A -> T in amino acid at the 6th position
- most common familial hemolytic anemia especially among African Americans
( doesn’t get eliminated via natural selection since being a carrier for sickle cell protects against specific species of malaria that are common in Africa)
Pathogenesis of sickle cell (HbS)
B-globin chains tend to associate into polymers while deoxygenated
- causes sickle, elongated shapes
if carrier, only 50% of RBCs are HbS, if homozygous, all are.
These sickle cells when first produced can be reversed with oxygen, however over time the damage done to the membrane skeleton via switching between normal and sickle cell forms causes irrreversible shapes
- damage caused by abnormal
Influxes of calcium and losses off potassium with each sickling episode
These irreversible shaped sickle cells get lodged in splenic cords and destroyed via macrophages
- extravascular anemia
Two major pathological consequences in HbS
Moderate-severe hemolytic anemia (cells usually only last 20 days compared to the normal 120 days)
- severity is determined based on fracture of irreversible cells
Vasooculsive crisis: causes ischemic tissue damage and pain
- hand-foot
- acute chest
- stroke
- proliferative retinopathy
Causes for anatomical chances in SC anemia
Severe chronic hemolytic anemia
Microvascular obstructions
Increased break down of heme to bilirubin
Morphological symptoms of HbS
Moderate splenomegaly in children
- overtime becomes chronic splenic erythrostasis that produces an autosplenectomy
Prominent cheekbones
-caused by increased bone resorption
Extramedullay hematopoiesis in liver and spleen ( increase in progenitor cells)
Vascular congestion, thrombosis and infarction
- can be done to any organ
Hemosiderosis and pigmented gallstones (black/purple gallstones)
Normal hematocrit in patients with HbS
- there are no symptoms in HbS until 6 months, when HbF levels plummet and HbS rise*
Inherited disorders that cause mutation in either a/b globin genes
- causes a decrease in overall level one of the globin chains usually, and causes precipitate of the normal producing one
Autosomal codominant disorder
A-globin genes (two) are on chromosome 16
B-globin gene (only 1) are on chromosome 11
B-thalassemia pathogenesis
Can be B0 (no beta globin chains are produced)
Or can be B+ (reduced B-globin chain production
Most common mutations lead to abnormal RNA splicing of B-globin genes
- can also affect promoter or coding regions but less common
B-thalassemia minor/trait
B- thalassemia major
Minor/trait = Only one of the B-globin genes are affected
-Asymptomatic or mildly symptomatic
Major = both of the B-globin genes are affected (either 0/+)
- produces negative symptoms
Why is iron overload possible in thalassemia patients
They have low hepcidin levels which is a negative regulator of iron absorption
- without it, body resorbs all iron
Caused by ineffective hematopoiesis which in turn lowers hepcidin levels which then increases absorption of the dietary iron
Why are HbH and Hb Bart RBCs produced in a-thalassemia bad?
They have to high of affinity for oxygen so it wont release oxygen to the tissues
- look normal on microscopes
- produced in 3/4 gene issues*
Morphology of B-minor and a-trait thalassemia
Target cells: increased surface are-to-volume ratio that has a central sark red spot that is an accumulation of cytoplasm
Hypochromic, regular shaped RBCs
morphology of B-major thalassemia
Microcytosis, hypochromic cells that are variable in shapes and size
Still possess some nucleated normal red cells
Large numbers of hyperplastic reticulocytes
produces splenomegaly/ hepatomegaly and lymphadenopathy and skeletal deformities by expansion of red bone marrow
Clinical features of B-major thalassemia
Increased splenomegaly, hepatomegaly, lymphadenopathy
Growth retardation and cachexia
Severe hemisiderosis (iron overload) - must use cheleting agents
- fought with blood transfusion, iron chelators and hematopoietic stem cell transplants*
Usually kills in 30s due to secondary hemochromatosis induced cardiac damage if not treated
Clinical features of B-minor and a-trait thalassemia
Usually asymptomatic with very mild hypochromic anemia symptoms
- normal life expectancy
Diagnosis of thalassemias
Diagnosis is based on clinical background usually, however a Hb electrophoresis is the cardinal way to determine for sure.
B-trait = decreased HbA compared to normal
B-major = very low HbA and very high HbF
HbH (heterozygous) = prescence of HbH
Principle features of extravacular hemolysis
Anemia, splenomegaly and jaundice
Main treatment of sickle cell anemia
Hydroxyurea with prophylactic treatment with penicillin
- penicillin used to prevent pneumococcal infections
- approximately 50% of patients survive longer than 50 years of age*
- only curative agent is allogeneic bone marrow transplants*
A-thalassemia pathogenesis
Instead of inheriting mutations of genes, a-globlin genes experience deletions in one of the 4 genes in chromosome 11. The severity is dependent on how many deletions occur
Types of a-thalassemia
1/4 = silent
- asymptomatic
2/4 = trait
3/4 = HbH (b and y chained globins)
- forms hemoglobin that has super high affinity for oxygen which makes them ineffective at delivering it to tissues
4/4 = Bart (hydros fetalis)
- kills infants by forming even more HbH that is even more effective at binding oxygen and not letting go
Treatment of B-thalassemia major
Minor/trait = not really any treatment
Major = iron chelators, treatment of secondary disorders and hematopoietic stem cell transplants when possible