Heme Flashcards
plasma cell mylignancy is known as:
Multiple Myeloma
tx for Immune Thrombocytopenic Purpura:
usually self limiting
tx for Von Willebrand’s Disease is:
Pressing Von Willibreands
vitamin which inhances the absorption of Iron is:
Vit. C
premature breakdown of RBC is known as:
Hemolytic Anemia
important maintance tx for pt with Sickle Cell Dz is:
H. influenza
Basophilic strippling is seen in:
lead poisoning
Cobalamin deficiency is seen in:
B12 deficiiency
Painless lymphadenopathy
Older patient
Chronic immunocompromised pt.
night sweats
Non-hodgkins lymphoma
Clotting factor 7 is extrinsic or intrinsic?
extrinsic = seven
Ferritin is:
stores iron in the liver
absorption of B12 requires binding to:
Gastric Instrinsic Factor
Coombs test is done to:
r/o autoimmune causes of RBC destruction (hemolytic anemia)
the mechanism of action of Von Willebrand factor:
attaches to platelletes causing agregation and adhesion
agregating and adhessive Von Willebrand
most common lymphoma in the young adults is:
Hodgkin’s lymphoma
elements that decreases the absorption of Iron is:
common manifistations of sickle cell Dz:
pigmented gallstones
leg ulcers
chronic osteomyelitis due to salmonella
renal failure
major adult hgb is:
Hgb A
Rouleax appearnce / stack of coins is seen in:
Multiple Myeloma
prolifiration of B lymphocytes is present in
B lymphocytic CLL
significant lab finding in CML is:
increased WBC
most lympomas are
Non Hodgkins
Adult with Sickle Cell Dz.
acute chest pain
Acute Chest Syndrome
tx of Fe deficiency
oral Ferrous Sulfate 325 mg
Transition of CML to ALL is known as:
Blast Crisis
autoimmune destruction of platelets after a recent infection is idicative of:
Immune Thrombocytopenia Purpura
spherical RBC
spherocyte seen on smear
are indicative of:
Hereditary spherocytosis
Hgb H disease is:
Alpha thalassemia with 3 out of 4 genes being abnormal
H disease = alpha thalassemia
most common cause of Iron deficiency anemia:
GI bleed
Menstral cycle
Thrombocytopenias that will produce Shistocytes:
Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura
Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome
Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation
most common inherited bleeding disorder is:
Von Williebrand Disease
most sever type of B Thalassemia is:
Cooley’s anemia - B-Thalassemia major
Spontanious hemathrosis (bleeding into joins) is a sign of:
Philadelphia Chromostome abnormality (9 & 22) is a sign of:
Chronic Myeloid Leukemia
Most common cause of microcytic anemia is:
Fe deficiancy
MoA of Desmopressin is:
stimulation of Von Willebrand factor secretion
Desmopressin stimulates Von Willebrnand to secrete factors
tx for B-Thalassemia Major is:
chronic transfussion
with Iron chelation to avoid hemochromotosis
Elevated Homocysteine and normal methylmalonic levels are indicative of:
Folic Acid deficiency
Hymolytic anemia will show what ritculocyte count?
high reticulocytes
abnormal bleeding parameter in Hemophelia is:
Alpha and Beta Thalassemia
what ethnic groups?
Alpha > Asian
Beta > Meditrrenia
Methylmalonic Acid is or is not elevated in folace deficiency anemia?
Folate deficiency = normal Methlmalonic Acid
BCR/ABL gene detected
facial malformations,
cognitive delays,
severe anemia,
bone disease/osteopenia
corresponds to what type of Beta Thalassemia?
Beta - Thalassemia Major
(Cooley’s anemia)
sicle cell dz pt should take what suppliment?
folic acid
Smudge cell are seen in:
smudge CLL
Deficiency of Folic Acid is connected to:
AlcoFolic abuse
Schilling test differentiates:
problems w B12 instrinsic factor (pernicious anemia)
from other causes of B12 deficiency
pt with meditranian origin have higher risk of developing what kind Thalassemia?
Beta - Thalassemia
Meditrenian Beta
Anemia of Chronic Disease will produce
Normocytic Anemia
HyperSegmented Neutrophils are seen in:
B12 anemia
hypersegmented B12
Favism is:
intravascular hemolysis caused by ingestion of Fava beans
Sickle Cell Anemia is diagnosed with:
Thalassemia will produce what kinds of anemia?
Thrombocytopenia which is caused by:
Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura (TTP)
pain in the lymph nodes after alchohol is seen in:
Hodgkins Lymphoma
drugs that induce hemolytic anemia through oxidative stress in pt with G6PD:
Antimalaria: -quine-, daspone
Hgb A is made of:
2 alpha chains
2 beta chains
Howell-Jolly bodies are seen in
Sickle Cell Dz
Jolly Sickle
fast bone marrow failure with blast seen on the smear is indicative of:
acute leukemia
common deficiency seen in pt with Sickle Cell Dz is:
Folic Acid
sickle folic acid deficiency
Auer Rods are seen in:
Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML)
Pernicious Anemia reffers to:
autoimmune attack on gastric instrinsic factor
causes malabsorption of B12
side effect of methotrixate is:
folic acid antagonist
will produce megaloblastic anemia.
Most common type of leukemia is:
Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia
sx of Hodgink’s lymphoma
night sweats
Tx of Anemia of Chronic Dz:
Erythropoietin (stimmulate bome marrow to produce) RBC
Lab values in Anemia of Chronic Disease
(Fe, Ferritin, Reticulocytes)
low Fe
hight Ferritin
low Reticulocytes
abnormal coagulation after a serious injury, sepsis, burns, truama is known as:
Disseminated Intravscular Coagulation (DIC)
Chronic Microcystic Anemia with various severity of sx is seen in what Alpha Thalassemia?
Hemoglobin H disease
Acute Sickle Cell Anemia is precipitated by:
High altitude
low pH
what effect Hashimoto Dz (Hypothyroidism) will have on hememotology:
Development of Pernicious Anemia
Bence-Jones protein seen in urine is a sign of:
Multiple Myeloma
Multiple Bence-Jones
Neurolgocial sx are present in what type of Macrocytic Anemia:
B12 deficiency
Hereditary spherocytosis is:
dominant disorder
resutls in spherocytic RBC
which are being destryed by spleen
LEADS to: hemolytic anemia.
Anemica of Chronic Disease is caused by:
Conditions where bone marrow does not produce
WBC, RBC, Pletallets (all cell lines are deminished) is known as:
Aplastic Anemia
D dimers will be ______ in Dissemented Intravascular Coagulation
elevated D dimers
presentation of Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura (TTP)
Renal sx
Neurological sx
pt with Sickle Cell Dz are prone to what types of microrganisms?
Isolated Thrombocytopenia in Peds
recent viral infection
petechial hemorrhage
mucosal bleeding
Immune/idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura (ITP)
Isolated Thrombocytopenia in Peds = ITP
which factors are missing in Hemophilia A & B
Hem A - factor 8
Hem B - factor 9
Most common Leukemia in children
Acute Lymphocytic Leukiemia (ALL)
blast seen on the smear is indicative of:
acute leukemia
Ebstain Bar virus is linked to:
Hodgkin’s Lymphoma
Methylmalonic Acid elevated only in:
B12 deficiency
child with sickle cell dz.
acute LUQ pain
State of shock
all indicated of:
Spleenic Sequestration Syndrome
lab values seen in Hemolytic anemia:
high LHD
high indirect bilirub
reduced haptaglobin
presence of Hemoglobin S is indicative of:
Sickle Cell Dz
Hgb S = Sickle cell dz.
neuro sx seen in B12 deficiency:
gait disturbance
vibratory sence
Acute Leukemia seen in adults is known as:
Acute Myeloid Leukemia
Myeloid - Mature adults
Lymphocitic - Little children
+ Coombs test is indicative of:
atibodies that attach to and destroy RBC
tx for Spherocytosis is:
Loss of all 4 alpha chain hgb genes results in:
hydrops fetals
Neurolgocial sx are NOT present in what type of Macrocytic Anemia:
Follic Acid Deficiency
Bite Cells
Heinz bodies
are indicative of:
Heinz Bite Glucose 6 PD
Reed Sternberg cells are indicative of:
Hodgkins Lymphoma
pt presents with pancytopenia severe:
anemia (anemia)
bleeding (thrombocytopenia)
infection (leukopenia)
Aplastic Anemia
B12 is absorpbed in:
terminal ileum
Reduction in RBC production by bone marrow is seen in:
Anemia of Chronic DZ
Lytic bone lesions seen on X ray is indicative of:
Multiple Myeloma
Renal impairment
Neurologic abn
presentation of:
Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura (TTP)
low Hgb A
high Hgb F
high Hgb A2
indicative of:
Beta Thalassemia
G6PD is often seen in:
African American
tx for CML is:
Imatinib (tyrosine kinase inhibitor))
when switching from IM dosage of 1000 Cobalamin (B12) to oral, the dosage needs to be:
doubled to 2000 units.
Favism is seen in pt with:
factor V lieden mutation results in:
Positive Osmotic Fragility test is indicative of:
Hereditary Spherocytosis
earliest & best indicator of Fe deficiency is
low Ferritin
what hemoglobin changes occure in Sickle Cell anemia:
hgb Beta is subtituted with hgb S
condition that cause B12 deficiency:
Vegans (intake of meat)
Gastrectomy (absroption)
Chron’s Dz (absorption)
Instrinsic Factor
reduced heptaglobin is a sign of:
Hemolytic anemia
elevated Ferrotin
Chronic inflamation
Hepcidin and inflammatory cytokine (IL6)
low Fe
indicative of:
anemia of chronic disease
complete lack of beta hgb chains is known as:
Cooley’s anemia - Beta Thalassemia major
Positive Schilling Test is indicative of:
B12 deficiency
organism commonly found in pt. with sicle cell dz?
Step Pneumonia
H. Influenza
Parvovirus 19
Methylmalonic Acid elevated in _____ anemia while
Homocystine is elevated in _________ anemia.
Meathlmalonic >B12
Homocystine> B12 and Folate
Restless leg syndrome is seen in what deficiency?
prophylactic tx of children who had spleen removed due to Sickle Cell Diz is:
daily peniciilin
Spleen is responsible for production of what antibodies?
(opsonize encapsulated bacteria)