Hematology sheet and notes taken during that lecture Flashcards
- The pluripotent stem cell divides into?
myeloid stem cell and lymphoid stem cell
- What are the 6 major forms of the myeloid family?…..
BENT ME – basophil, eosinophil, neutrophil, throbocytes, monocyte, erythrocyte.
- What are 2 end products of the lymphoid stem cell? Of which is plasma cells originating form?…
2 end products are B and T cells and from the B cell plasma cells originate which are antibodies.
- What color does eosinophil stain? And the release of eosinophils is due to what?
….eosinophils stain pink and are released in response to an allergic rxn.
- What do basophils -> mast cells release?…
histamine which increases the inflammatory response and stimulates mucus producion
- What is polycythemia vera (PV)?
highly elevated RBC count. It is uncurable and to maintain it, may draw blood.
Where are EPO produced?…
- How many people die of malaria each year?
2 million per year
- What is found between epithelial tissue that allow specified substances to pass through?…
tight junctions
- The darker you are, the more ________ you have?
- Saliva has the amylase ptyalin? true or false
- pH of vagina is ____ and has enzymes that break things down
- innate immune system if specific/nonspecific?
it is an inherent/nonspecific system which work the same way regardless of microorganisms.
- The adaptive immune system is specific/nonspecific?
Specific and tailor their response
- Responsibility of the neutrophils, eosinophils, macrophages, NK cells, dendritic cells?
-neutrophils attack and ingest pathogen. –Eosinophils provide innate immunity in mucosal lining: mammary glands and GI tract.
Macrophages are the big-eaters.
NK cells directly destroy virus-infected cells (w/antigenic markers).
Dendritic cells engulf pathogens and activate lymphocyte.
- What kind of cells does TB infect?….
macrophages and dendritic cells
- A cancerous cell has uncontrollable cell division & an abnormal size of the cytoplasm BUT normal size of the nucleus? True / false
- Adrenaline deficiency leads to..?
addison’s DZ
- Cause of eosionophillia?
NAACP- Neoplasm Allergy/ Asthma Addison's disease Collagen vascular diseases Parasites
- Scleroderma pertains to all over the body true /false?
- Pressure is related to volume; by tightening the vessel, the volume is decreased and substances are tightly packed therefore, ____ pressure??
- Different cytokines have different defense systems true/false??
- A bacteria is (easier/harder) to scrape off vs a virus?
easier- Bacteria- rmmber bacteria hang around the bus whereas the virus is in the steering wheel
- Bacterial infection (Gonorrhea) can develop over and over again whereas, viral infections (measles, mumps) can develop immunity. True/false?
- HIV is a ___virus, meaning it transcripts RNA -> DNA????
- How many people die, on average, due to influenza?
…~ 36,000 people (rampersauds likes to put stats on his exams, especially the ones he mentions)
- An attenuated microbe is not as _____ as a live microbe??
- In the sympathetic NS, the bronchioles are…?
Dilated (bronchodilation)- good for Tx of asthma
- What is immunotherapy?
When you gradually get desensitized to a particular allergen
- Epinephrine as alpha-1, alpha-2, beta-1, beta-2 agonists?
- Most common spirochete bacteria?
Syphillus; can cork screw through skin
- What happens if er give 100% of O2 for too long?
May cause sclerosis of the lung thus scarring the lung
- What must happen to a body for an opportunistic bacteria to invade and lead to pneumonie?
Body has to be weakened by the flu
- If you have gonorrhea, you are also treated for..?
- Bacteria likes what three things?
warm, moist (bloody) and wet areas
- Number 1 cause of death in HIV?
PCP-pneumocystis carinii pneunoniae
- What does tickborne infection lead to in juveniles?
Leads to juvenile arthritis
- Botox has a low-dose of what?
- After antibiotics wipe out the normal flora, what kicks in to cause infection/inflammation of the colon?
C. diff
- Clostridium is an anaerobic / aerobic bacteria?.
- With each infection what is happening to our bodies?
Scarring is occurring because cytokines is pro-inflammatory
- Bacterial pneumonia have colored/clear sputum, whereas a viral pneumonia has a colored/ clear sputum?
Bacterial has colored (green, yellow, blue) whereas viral has clear sputum
- HSV-type I is located in _____ whereas HSV- type II is located in ______?
Type I is located in the oral cavity whereas type II is located in the genitals
- Hep B can be transmitted -% from mom – fetus?
- About 90% of children with perinatal Hepatitis develop chronic infection?
- About 25% of children with perinatal hepatits develop acute hepatitis as adults?
- Hep A & E transmitted via ____ and _____?
oral and fecal
- Hep B, C, D transmitted via ___?
- Hep B & C can be transmitted from mom-fetus?
- Hep E resolves on its own within months?
- Liver Is the only organ where of you cut off one half of it, the other half regrows?
- Fungi live on organic matter and produce ____?
- Candida on the body and head is known as _____ corporis and ______ capitis?
Tinea corporis and tinea capitas.
- Candida on the legs is known as tinea _____?
Tinea pedis
- SARS is caused by a ___virus?
- Rotavirus is the # 1 cause of diarrheal virus that causes kids to ‘rotate’ out of this world. True/false?
- Hantavirus is caused by?
is rodent-borne
- Is lipid A immunogenic?
- Both hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism is caused by an autoimmune Dz, true/false?
Peptidolycan protect from physical and osmotic attach?
- Strep pyogenes use ___ acid to attack?
teichoic acids
- Betalactamases: ?
in periplasmic space, enzymes large enough to break down beta-lactam rings
- What are 2 gram + cocci?
strep and staph
- What is one gram – cocci?
- Majority of internal organs are sterile, true/false?
- Normal flora includes what 4 things?
- Body surfaces; internal and external
- Internal organs
- Semipermanent; belong there but usually pushed off
- Plays major role in maintaining health and causing Dzs.
- What are the two spore formers?
Clostriduim and bacillus
- Capsules are important for…??