Hematology QUIZZES Flashcards
A leukocyte that primarily fights parasites and mediates allergic reaction is:
1. lymphocyte
2. monocyte
3. eosinophil
4. neutrophil
- eosinophil
The percentage of whole blood that is composed of erythrocytes is measured by:
1. PCV
3. MCV
4. MCH
The ideal location for identifying cells for a white cell differential is the:
1. monolayer
2. rouleaux
3. application point (base)
4. feathered edge
- monolayer
An automated cell analyzer:
1. recognizes blood parasites
2. differentiates cells by size
3. differentiates cells by color
4. is always superior to a hand count
- differentiates cells by size
A complete blood count (CBC) includes:
1. total red cell count
2. total white cell count with differential
3. mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC)
4. all of the choices
all of the choices
A. Identify this cell _____.
B. What are the morphology features of this leukocyte (white blood cell)?
(size, nuclear appearance, cytoplasm appearance)
- Lymphocyte
- It is between 1.5-2x the size of a RBC. The nucleus takes up most of the cytoplasm.
A. Identify this cell ____.
B. What is the function of this cell? (DO NOT Describe appearance)
- Monocyte
- Phagocytize bacteria among other debris by dissolving with enzymes
There are four recommendations for appropriate technique to collect sample for a CBC. Name two.
- use the largest needle appropriate for the blood draw
- collect from an area with fast-flowing blood
The preferred anticoagulant for hematology (purple top tube) contains:
1. Sodium citrate
3. Heparin
4. Sodium fluoride
An elevated total White Blood Cell count (WBC) is caused by:
1. all of the choices are correct
2. infection
3. drug reaction
4. inflammation
- all of the choices are correct
A RBC fragment caused by mechanical injury to the cell (such as traveling through a liver tumor) is called a (an):
1. acanthocyte
2. schistocyte
3. echinocyte
4. spherocyte
- schistocyte
A special stain used to identify reticulocytes is
1. Lactophenol cotton blue
2. New methylene blue
3. Giemsa stain
4. Wright’s stain
- New methylene blue
The “dots” inside of a stained reticulocyte are:
1. DNA
2. No one knows
3. RNA
4. Iron
The first step in performing a platelet estimate is to:
1. go to the dense monolayer of the slide
2. ask someone else what to do
3. change to the oil objective
4. evaluate for platelet clumps under low power
- evaluate for platelet clumps under low power
Toxic neutrophils are caused by:
1. toxin exposure
2. poor nutrition
3. viral infection
4. microenvironment that causes shortened maturation in bone marrow
- microenvironment that causes shortened maturation in bone marrow
The cells indicated by the arrows are:
1. toxic neutrophils
2. reactive lymphocytes
3. Monocytes
4. metarubricytes
- toxic neutrophils
A lymphoblast is:
1. an immature lymphocyte
2. a cell that likes to party!
3. another name for a Killer T-cell
4. a lymphocyte that is producing antibodies
- an immature lymphocyte
Rouleaux is differentiated from auto-agglutination of red cells by:
1. an ELISA test
2. a Saline test
3. New Methylene Blue staining
4. cell morphology
- a Saline test
What is a reticulocyte?
1. a cancer cell of the erythrocyte line
2. a rbc newly released from the bone marrow
3. a RBC that has antibodies attached
4. an old RBC beginning to die
- a rbc newly released from the bone marrow
What causes this artifact?
1. moisture contamination
2. slow drying
3. EDTA sample
4. expired stain
- moisture contamination
What are the “purple dots” in this sample?
1. blood parasite
2. stain precipitate
3. platelet clump
4. ruptured mast cell
- stain precipitate
Name two microscopic features of a regenerative anemia and explain why the veterinary team wants to know if anemia is regenerative or non-regenerative.
- Polychromasia and nucleated red blood cells are the signs of Regenerative anemia
- It’s important to know because regenerative anemia can indicate the bone marrow is not compensating for the decreased amount of RBCs