Hematology/Oncology Flashcards
Normal MCV size? What does it tell us?
- 80-100
- The size of the RBC
What does Mean Corpuscular Hgb (MCH) mean?
- Average amount of hgb in RBC
What does Mean Corpuscular Hgb Concentration mean? (MCHC)
- Color
What is the reticulocyte count?
What does it tell you?
What if it stays low?
- # of young RBCs in the blood
- Tells us bone marrow’s ability to create new RBCs
- Low: may want to eval for malignancy
Condition where there is too many RBCs?
- Polycythemia Vera
Normochromic Anemias (4)
- Sickle Cell
- Anemia of Chronic Disease/Cancer
- B12 and Folic Acid deficiency
Hypochromic Anemias (2)
- Thalassemia
What are 2 bone marrow disorders?
- Aplastic anemia
- Myelodysplastic Anemia
3 conditions people might have with anemia?
- Cheilitis
- Glossitis (beefy red tongue)
- Koilonychia (spoon shaped nails)
Conditions that can increase H&H?
- Living at high altitudes
- Testosterone use
How to evaluate if you have 2 kinds of anemia at once?
- Peripheral smear
- Ex: IDA and B12 deficiency
How long for H&H to start increasing after supplementing the deficient substance? (iron, B12, folate)
How long to be back to normal?
- 1-2 weeks
- up to 2 months
What 2 tests to check for B12 deficiency with normal B12 levels?
- Anti-parietal antibodies
- Methylmalonic Acid (MMA)
How many AA in the US have sickle cell?
- 1 out of 500
What are 3 normocytic anemias?
- Sickle Cell
- Anemia of chronic Disease
- G6PD Deficiency
What conditions are associated with normocytic anemias? (2)
- Chronic autoimmune or inflammatory disorders
(polymyalgia rheumatica and RA) - Chronic infection
Anemia of Chronic Disease
Mild vs. long-standing
- Mild: normocytic normochromic
- Longstanding: Microcytic, hypochromic
Normal RBC lifespan?
Lifespan in ACD?
- 100-120 days
- 60-90 days
Initial tests for ACD? (6)
- Serum ferritin, Serum transferrin (TIBC)
- B12, folate
- reticulocyte count
What newborn screening is required for sickle cell?
- Sickledex
What are 3 microcytic anemias?
- LIT: Lead intox, IDA, Thalassemia
- MCV <80
- Low MCV (microcytic)
- Low MCHC (hypochromic)
What is the RDW in IDA?
New onset vs. long standing
- > 15% if new onset (new deficiency = new donut holes)
- < 15% if long standing (all we get are donut holes)
Serum ferritin vs. Serum iron
- Ferritin: Measure of iron in storage (iron stores)
- Iron: Measure of iron in circulation
What does Total Iron Binding Capacity (TIBC) tell us?
Other name?
Why would it be high?
- Capacity to take in iron
- Transferrin
- High when there is not enough iron to fill the storage containers in IDA
Most common cause of IDA?
Common times to experience during lifetime?
- Blood loss
- 12-24mo, starting menses, during pregnancy
How long are the effects of aspirin?
- 7-10 days
Unique symptoms of IDA? (3)
- Nail spooning
- Angular cheilitis
Why do we want patients to avoid iron supplements before rechecking labs?
- Can affect TIBC and serum iron
What should we limit in kids
< 1 to prevent IDA?
- Cow’s milk and cow’s milk products because they are low in iron and inhibit absorption from other sources
Diet high in iron?
- Red meats, liver
- Leafy greens
- Beans/peas
-Whole grains
How much elemental iron do we need per day?
Which form is good for pregnant patients to prevent?
- 150-200mg per day
- Ferrous gluconate d/t low dose
How long does it take to replace iron stores?
- 4-6 months
Normal increase in H&H
1 month after starting iron replacement?
- 3 points HCT
- 1 point Hgb
What do we need to check before stopping iron supplements?
- Serum ferritin (stores) in 4-6 months
How to take iron?
What if it upsets our stomach?
- On empty stomach
- Take with vitamin C drink
How to prevent botulism in kids?
When should we start giving PB and eggs?
- No honey before 12mo
- 6mo to prevent allergy and atopic disease
What is happening in Thalassemia?
Is it inherited?
- The body isn’t making enough hgb so they have too much IRON
- Body makes defective alpha or beta chains
- YES need to screen the whole family
Where do we see thalassemia?
- beta: Mediterranean
- alpha: SE Asian countries
MCV/RDW/MCHC in thalassemia?
- Microcytic, normal RDW, hypochromic
- Not enough hgb, so cells will be pale
What happens when the body absorbs too much iron?
How do we treat it?
- Hemochromatosis
- Regular phlebotomy
What organ is affected by too much iron?
- Excess iron stored in liver, and it doesn’t work when it gets too full
Which anemia has glossitis?
- B12 deficiency
Meds that can cause Folic Acid deficiency?
- Methotrexate
- Bactrim
- Dilantin
Tests for B12/folic acid anemias?
- MMA 24hr urine (high in b12)
- Homocysteine level (high in both)
Antibody tests for B12 deficiency?
- Anti-parietal and anti-intrinsic factor
Medications that cause B12 deficiency (4)
- Antacids
- PPIs, H2 blockers
- Metformin
When should neuro symptoms improve after starting B12 replacement?
- 5-10 days
How does B12 deficiency present in older adults? (6)
- Cognitive changes
- unexplained weakness and unsteady gait
- paresthesia
- Decreased reflexes, abnormal Romberg
B12 injections regimen?
- SQ daily x1 week, weekly x1 mo, monthly for life
When to check retic count and CBC after starting B12 supplements?
- 2 weeks
Most common cause of B12 deficiency?
Other causes? (3)
- Pernicious anemia
- Vegan diet, gastric surgery, IBD
What does intrinsic factor do?
- Allows the body to absorb B12
What is pernicious anemia?
How to Dx?
- Autoimmune destruction of parietal cells resulting in intrinsic factor destruction
- Dx: anti-parietal antibodies