Hematology Flashcards
What is an erythrocyte?
Red Blood Cell
Name all 5 White blood cells
Neutrophils, leukocytes, monocytes, eosinophils, basophils
What is hemolysis?
The destruction of red blood cells
What is the definition of Megablastic anemia? How does it happen (3)?
Defective DNA synthesis
Caused by an autoimmune issue, b12 deficiency, or folic acid deficiency
What is pernicious anemia
A lack of intrinsic factor in gastric mucosa enables the body from absorbing vitamin B12, resulting in defective DNA synthesis of RBCs
What is macrocytic?
Large RBCs
Why are megaloblast destroyed easily?
They have fragile cell membranes
What type of blood loss requires immediate intervention?
Where does erythropoiesis occur in the body?
Red bone marrow of long bones
What is the definition of cardiac output?
The amount of blood ejected from the left ventricle of the heart every minute
Define stroke volume?
The amount of blood ejected from the left ventricle of the heart with each beat of the heart
____ ____ is an indirect measure of cardiac output
Blood pressure and pulse rate
What is glossitis?
Inflammation of the tongue that appears red, smooth and sore
What is cheilitis?
Inflammation of the lips
What will you see with angular cheilitis?
Inflammation in the corners of the mouth
Define Pagophagia - and who gets it?
Ice craving - people with iron deficiency anemia
Define Pancytopenia
Low RBCs, WBCs, and platelets
Fatigue vs Activity intolerance - what’s the difference?
Fatigue: tired regardless of activity
Activity intolerance: tired with activity
Erythropoiesis stimulating agent (medication)
epoetin alfa
How should undiluted, liquid iron be given? Why?
PO with a straw.
Will stain teeth
What side effects of iron supplements should be a teaching point for your patient?
Supplements may turn stool black
How does blood in stool physically appear?
Dark, sticky and malodorous (unpleasant)
IV dextran puts patients at a risk for what complication?
Fatal anaphylaxis
What 2 routes of administration have similar effects if instrinsic factor IS present with B12 supplementation?
IM and PO
What supplement is important during pregnancy?
Folic acid
When should epoetin be discontinued?
When Hgb >10
What foods are rich in iron?
liver, eggs, dried fruit, legumes, potatoes, dark/leafy greens, whole grains/enriched breads and cereals
Foods rich in B12
Red meats (esp. liver), enriched grain products, milk and dairy, fish, and eggs
Foods rich in folic acid
Leafy greens, legumes, whole grains, OJ, and nuts
Define hemoconcentrated.
Hct appears high due to dehydration (loss of blood plasma); also called a “false high hemtocrit”
Secondary polycythemia is?
compensatory response to tissue hypoxia
Most common, serious, acute complication of polycythemia?
What is phlebotomy a primary treatment for?
Another name for primary polycythemia
Polycythemia Vera
Is primary polycythemia preventible?
What conditions are ideal for Iron supplementation?
On an empty stomach
When administering ferrous sulfate IM, what method is used to prevent skin staining?
Z track Method
If your patient has polycythemia, what home interventions would you recommend to them? (no order needed)
Increase hydration
Name a chronic reason a FEMALE may experience blood loss
A heavy menstruation cycle
What lab value characterizes severe anemia?
Hgb below 6
What is a possible manifestation to a heart attack ?
Heart rate + Stroke volume= ???
Cardiac output
You suspect your patient is anemic, why are they experiencing bone pain?
The kidneys are increasing the release of erythropoietin to increase RBC production. Since RBC production is in the red bone marrow, patient may experience pain from increase production
Which type of anemia causes pancytopenia?
Aplastic anemia
An alcoholic may have decrease intake of what vitamin?
Vitamin B12
B12 deficient anemia will present with this specific type of symptoms?
Neurological/neuromuscular symptoms