Hematological Agents - Pharmacology Flashcards
Anti-Coagulation Drug Classes - Names (5) + Protype Drug + Mechanisms
1) Heparin - Unfractioned + Enoxaprin - Activates Anti-Thrombin III (Inhibits Factors IIa and Xa
2) Direct Thrombin Inhibitors (DTIs) - Lepirudin + Dabigatran (Oral) - Inhibit Thrombin (IIa)
3) Warfarin - Coumadin - Blocks Vitamin K Restoration (Factors II, VII, IX, X, C, and S)
4) Factor X Inhibitors - Rivaroxiban
5) Fibrinolysis (Thrombolytic) - tPA (Alteplase) - Activates Plasminogin to Plasmin to break down fibrin
Protamine - Class
Reverse Heparin
Direct Thrombin Inhibitors - Names (3) + Mechanism + Use + Toxicities
Names - Lepirudin (IV) + Dabigratan (New + Oral) + Argatroban
Mechanisms - Blocks Thrombin (IIa) - From Hirudin in leeches)
Uses - PE + DVT + MI - Key or patients with Thrombocytopenia
Toxicities - Bleeding (Monitor aPTT) + Anaphylaxis (Lepirudin)
Factor X Anticoagulants - Names (1) + Mechanism + Use + Toxicities (2)
Names - Rivaroxaban
Mechanisms - Inhibits Factor Xa directly (oral)
Uses - DVT/Afib etc.
Toxicities - Bleeding - No reversal agents + less monitoring PTT checking
Lepirudin - Class
Unfractioned Heparin - Key Fact
Highest risk of thrombocytopenia + monitoring but most reversible
Heparin Induced Thrombocytopenia (HIT) - Pathology + Risk
Antibodies form to heparin-IVa complex –> Increases the risk for clotting + lowers platelets + activates tissue factor
Abciximab - - Mechanism + Use + Toxicity (2)
Mechanism - GP IIb/IIIa receptor blocker - forms the fibirin link between platelets in aggregation after vWF and the GPIb receptor link up
Use - PCI + ACS
Toxicity - Bleeding + Thrombocytopenia with prolonged use
Enoxaprain - Class
Lovenox - LWMH
Anti-Platelet Agents - Names (4) + Mechanisms
Aspirin (ASA) - COX1 Inhibitor - Inhibits Thomboxane A2 Production (more than PGE2 beacuese platelets cannot make new TXA2)
Clopidogrel (Plavix) + Prasugrel (Eficent) - ADP Receptor Antagonists - Prevents platelet aggregation
Abciximab + Eptifibatide - GP IIb/IIIa receptor blocker - forms the fibirin link between platelets in aggregation after vWF and the GPIb receptor link up
Dipyridamole - Inhibits adenosine uptake and saves cAMP
Heparin - Names (3) + Mechanisms + Uses + Toxicities (3)
Names - Unfractioned (High Weight) + Enoxaparin (Lovenox/Low Weight) + Fondaparinux (Arixtra)
Mechanisms - Mimics intrinsic heparin to activate Anti-Thrombin III (Inhibits IIa and Xa)
Uses - Anti-coagulation - Lower Weight = More Factor X Specific = Less Reversible
Toxicities - Bleeding + Thrombocytopenia (not with Fondaparinux) + Osteoporosis (Chronic Use) - Moniter Activated PTT (aPTT)
Reversed with - Protamine (Can’t Reverse Fondaparinux)
Clopidogrel - Mechanism + Use + Toxicity (3)
Mechanism - ADP Receptor Antagonist
Use - Prevents Platelet Aggregation - Big for PCI
Toxicity - Bleeding + GI + Hematologic Abnormalities
Argatroban - Class
Vitamin K Blocker - Names (1) + Mechanism + Use + Toxicities (5)
Names - Warfarin (Coumadin)
Mechanisms - Inhibits Vitamin K Recycling - Inhibits Factors II, VII, IX, X, C, S -
Uses - Long-term anticoagulation for Afib DVT etc.
Toxicities - First increases risk of clot (protein C knocked out while II is still in half life) + teratogen + skill necrosis + bleeding + CYP450 and small therapeutic window
Warfarin - Class
Vitamin K Inhibitor
ASA - Mechanism + Use + Toxicity (2)
Mechanism - COX1 Inhibitor - Inhibits Thomboxane A2 Production (more than PGE2 beacuese platelets cannot make new TXA2)
Use - Anti-platelet - Low Dose
Toxicity - GI = Peptic Ulcer/Bleed + Bleeding
Prasugrel - Mechanism + Use + Toxicity (3)
Mechanism - ADP Receptor Antagonist
Use - Prevents Platelet Aggregation - Big for PCI
Toxicity - Bleeding + GI + Hematologic Abnormalities
Alteplase - Class
Fibrinolysis Drugs - Names (2) + Mechanism + Use + Toxicities (1)
Names - tPA (Alteplase)
Mechanisms - Activates Plasminogen to become Plasmin which breaks down fibrin/the clot
Uses - Clot-Buster
Toxicities - Bleeding, especially cerebral
Fondaparinux - Class
Artixtra - Very LWMH - Not Reversible
Dabigatran - Class
Rivaroxaban - Class
Direct Xa Inhibitor