Heart and blood vessel disease Flashcards
localized dilation of an artery
Berry in Circle of Willis
subarachnoid hemorrhage (worse headache)
longitudinal tearing away of the aorta
“tearing pain”
abdominal aorta
sudden low back pain hypovolemic shock thready pulse "Curvilinear Calcification" "fusiform shape" (smoking)
deposition of fatty plaque (atheroma)
form of arteriosclerosis
get irregularly distributed lipid deposits in the intimate of large and medium sized arteries
causing narrowing of arterial lumens
AKA thromboangitis obliterans
lower extremity
males with history of smoking
intermittent claudication: cramping with exertion
cardiac tamponade
fluid in pericardial space
prevents proper ventricular filling
emergency room referral
coarctation of aorta
narrowing of aorta distal to the left subclavian
monkeberg’s sclerosis
Tunica Media of medium sized arteries calcified
in smokers and diabetics
m/c benign cardiac tumor and
m/c cardiac tumor (most cardiac tumors are benign)
Prinzmetal’s angina
coronary artery vasospasm
vasospasm of arteries
maybe primary or secondary to other collagen diseases such as Lupus
found in hands and feet
produce triphasic color change, from pallor to cyanosis to rubber
brought on by cold or emotion
can lead to dry gangrene
typically in upper extremities of females with a history of smoking
Tumor of striated muscle or heart muscle
Sickle cell anemia
half mood shaped RBC
“H-shaped vertebrae”
homozygous sickle cell allele
Takayasu arteries
aka “pulseless disease”
granulomatous inflammation of the aortic arch
temporal arteritis
aka “giant cell arteritis”
affects temporal arteries
associated with long-standing hyper tension
if affects ophthalmic artery, can lead to blindness
increase ESR
best way to diagnose is by biopsy
tetralogy of fallot
congenital DRIP Dextrorotation of aorta Right ventricular hypertrophy Interventricular septal defect Pulmonic stenosis
valvular lesions
due to tooth extraction
strep infection causing Aschoff bodies from Rheumatic fever
mitral valve affected
which valve does syphilis affect
which valve does strep affect