Heart Flashcards
Problems with Valves:
- [] occurs if a valve doesnt close tightly resulting in backflow
- [] occurs when the flaps of valve thicken/stiffen or fuse together preventing the heart valve from fully opening.
- Regurgitation
- Stenosis
SA nodes and AV nodes are peripheral multipolar neurons.
These are not neurons, but are modified cardiac muscle cells specialized for impulse conduction rather than contraction.
- Subtances that increase heart rate = []
- Substances that increase contraction = []
- Substances that decrease heart rate = []
- Substances that decrease contraction = []
- Positive chronotropic
- Positive inotropic
- Negative chronotropic effect
- Negative inotropic effect
Cardiac Cells of Conducting System:
- Cardiac muscle cells in SA and AV node are [] than surroudning atrial cells with fewer [] and no typical [] []….but they do have a lot of [] junctions
- Cells in the AV bundle and Purkinje layer are [] than ventricular muscle cells
- Cardiac muscle cells in SA and AV node are smaller than surroudning atrial cells with fewer myofibers and no typical intercalated discs….but they do have a lot of gap junctions
- Cells in the AV bundle and Purkinje layer are larger than ventricular muscle cells
- Myocytes of the atrium are generally [] in diameter compared t myocytes of the ventricle
- Myocytes of the atrium may lack []-[] but have more [] junctions within intercalated discs
- Myocytes of the atrium are generally smaller in diameter compared t myocytes of the ventricle
- Myocytes of the atrium may lack T-tubules but have more gap junctions within intercalated discs
Endocardium Layers:
- Endothelium - simple [] epithelium linging the chambers of the [] & the []
- Subendothelial Connective Tissue - tightly packed [] fibers
- Middle Layer - [] and [] fibers and [] muscle
- Subendocardium - continuous with the connective tissue of the []
- in the ventricles it contain [] fibers
- Endothelium - simple squamos epithelium lining the chambers of the heart & the valves
- Subendothelial Connective Tissue - tightly packed collagen fibers
- Middle Layer - elast and collagen fibers and smooth muscle
- Subendocardium - continuous with the connective tissue of the myocardium
- in the ventricles it contain purkinje fibers
[] [] is pressure on the heart occurring when excess fluids builds up in the pericardial sac
Cardiac Tamponade
Where are the 4 fibrous rings of the heart?
- Fibrous ring of [] trunk
- Fibrous ring of [] valve
- Fibrous rings of []
- Fibrous ring of [] valve
- Fibrous ring of pulmonary trunk
- Fibrous ring of mitral valve
- Fibrous rings of aorta
- Fibrous ring of tricuspid valve
Heart Valve Layer, Fibrosa:
- core of the valve formed from fibrous extensions of the [] []
- core of the valve formed from fibrous extensions of the fibrous rings
The 4 fibrous rings of the heart are composed of [] [] connective tissue
Dense Irregular Connective Tissue
Coronary Heart Disease:
- Most [] type of heart disease caused by [] build up in the walls of the coronary arteries
- Day 1: Coagulation [] , and [] fibers
- Day 2-3: [] infiltration
- Day 7-10: [] remove necrotic myocytes
- Next –> [] tissue of loose CT & capillaries.
- > 2 months : infarction characterized by [] [] scar
- Most common type of heart disease caused by plaque build up in the walls of the coronary arteries
- Day 1: Coagulation necrosis , and wavy fibers
- Day 2-3: neutrophil infiltration
- Day 7-10: macrophages remove necrotic myocytes
- Next –> granulation tissue of loose CT & capillaries.
- > 2 months : infarction characterized by dense collagenous scar
What 3 “parts” make up the fibrous skeleton of the heart?
- 4 fibrous rings (annulus fibrosus)
- 2 Fibrous trigone
- Membranous parts of the interatrial and interventricular septa
Heart Valve Layer: Ventricularis
- composed of [] [] connective tissue and layers of [] fibers
- In AV valves, the ventricularis continues into the [] [], which attach the valves to the papillary muscles of the ventricles
- compoed of dense irregular connective tissue and layers of elastic fibers
- In AV valves, the ventricularis continues into the chordae tendineae, which attach the valves to the papillary muscles of the ventricles
What are the 3 layers of the heart valves?
What are the 4 layers of the endocardium?
endothelium Layer
Subenothelial Layer
Middle Layer
Subendocardium Layer