Health, Human Rights and Intervention Fact Attack Flashcards
Name 4 key words in terms of human development
Access; Opportunity; Investment; Sustainable
Give two positive things about GDP/GNI
One simple measurement; Easy comparison
Give two negative things about GDP/GNI
Ignores informal economy; Assumes wealth is evenly distributed; Doesn’t include other measures
What three factors are included when calculating HDI?
Education; Healthcare; GDP
Give two positives about HDI
Not just economic; More representative
What does the happy planet index consider?
Impacts on natural environment (ecological factors); Wellbeing of society (life expectancy); Efficiency of resource use in improving lives without damaging environment
What is the normal number of children per family globally?
In 1963, what was the average amount of children per family?
What are they trying to do in Bangladesh to allow longer life expectancy through access to resources?
Reduce the number of children per family
Give two reasons why the population is expected to slow down?
Better healthcare so parents have less children; Greater awareness- education
In 2013, how many primary school children didn’t go to school?
59 million
In 2013, how many secondary school children didn’t go to school?
65 million
In 2015, what % of countries had equal access to primary education?
In 2015, what % of countries had equal access to secondary education?
How many more girls do not get an education in the Sahel compared to boys?
Give three reasons why education is central to economic development?
Basic hygiene/ healthcare (life expectancy); Family size control; Decision making
How many people die each year due to water related diseases?
What fraction of people do not have enough to eat globally?
What is the average life expectancy in Japan?
What is the average life expectancy in the UK?
What has life expectancy increased from and to between 1985 and 2015?
How much has life expectancy been reduced by due to air pollution in developing cities?
3.2 years
Which area has the lowest life expectancy of 57 years?
Sub Saharan Africa
Sub Saharan Africa has the largest maternal mortality rate of what per 100,000 live births?
Where are the highest life expectancies in Africa?
North Africa; Eg. Algeria (76.39) Tunisia (76.04)
Where are the lowest life expectancies in Africa?
Sub Saharan Africa; Eg. South Africa (49.56) Mozambique (52.60)
Each year how many children die before their 5th birthday?
6 million
Name 3 reasons for variations in life expectancy within the developed world.
Differences in lifestyle; Differences in deprivation; Differences in cost and effectiveness of healthcare
In the UK, which ethnicity has the highest and lowest life expectancies?
Chinese; Bangladeshi
In the UK, which socio-economic group has the highest and lowest life expectancies?
Professional; Unskilled
How many years difference is there between Richmond upon Thames and Manchester in terms of life expectancy?
15 years
In Australia, what % of 15 year + aboriginals smoke?
What % of aboriginals live in remote areas?
How many aboriginals committed suicide in 2015?
What is the rate of unemployment in Australia?
Alcohol consumption is how much above the national average in Aboriginals?
In Rio de Janeiro, what % of people live in favelas?
What % of people are unemployed in Brazil?
How many Brazilians die before the age of 65?
What fraction of people in Brazil have private healthcare plans?
How much is public spending in the UK?
$1,102.8 billion (2016)
What % of UK spending is on healthcare?
What % of UK spending is on education?
How much is spending on health in the UK?
$3,102 per person
What are human rights?
Moral principles that underlie standards of human behaviour ‘to which a person is inherently entitled simply because he or she is a human being’
When were human rights first formed and why?
1948- in response to atrocities in Nazi Germany
What does the UN declaration of human rights do?
Sets a basic guideline for what every country should go by
Name two good things about the Universal declaration of human rights
Broad range of social, economic and environmental factors; Guidance for countries
Name two bad things about the Universal declaration of human rights
Open to interpretation; Not legally binding
What does the European convention on Human rights do?
European version of the UN convention that can be tailored to European countries
What are two good things about the European convention on human rights?
Can go to European court of human rights
More in line with western viewpoint
What are two bad things about the European convention on human rights?
Takes a long time to action sanctions; Undermining of sovereignty
What % of UK cases are thrown out by the European court of human rights?
What does the Geneva convention do?
Provides the rule of warfare particularly protecting civilians
What are two good things about the Geneva convention?
Tries to make war humane; Makes war a professional game
What are two bad things about the Geneva convention?
Only going to be obeyed by western countries; Does not tackle terrorist groups
Contradictory; Doesn’t work in practice
When did the UK Human rights act come into place?
What does the Human rights act do?
Incorporates Human rights into UK law which can be sanctioned by UK courts
What % of teenage girls are literate in Afghanistan?
What % of women are literate in Afghanistan?
How many different ethnic groups are there in Myanmar?
How many people needed food and shelter after the riots in Zimbabwe?
4.5 million
How many Sikhs were massacred in the 1984 Anti-Sikh riots (India)?
How much was spent on buildings and infrastructure (Indigenous American people)?
$59 million
What was the rate of deaths in under 5s in 1998 in Rwanda?
What was the rate of deaths in under 5s in 2012 in Rwanda?
How many people were murdered in the 1994 genocide in Rwanda?
When were free elections held in South Korea?
When did China become communist?
When was China’s freedom of speech act?
When was the UN declaration of human rights for indigenous American people?
What is the gender wage gap in Canada?
74 cents for every $1
When was the Canadian charter of rights and freedoms introduced?
How many civilians were killed in a peaceful protest in Indonesia?
How many years have the Kim Jong family been in power for in North Korea?
70 years
How many people are in political prison camps in North Korea?
Give three humanitarian reasons for intervention in a country
Offering development aid to poorest and least developed countries; Protecting human rights; Encouraging healthcare and education
Give four mutual benefit reasons for intervention in a country
Strengthening security and stability; Promoting international trade and protecting routes; Accessing resources; Encouraging inward investment
Give two military power reasons for intervention in a country
Providing military support; Increasing global or regional influence
In 2014, what % of EU development aid was for government and civil society?
In 2014, what % of EU development aid was for humanitarian aid?
How can development aid be given?
Bilaterally or multilaterally
What was the UK government’s target on international aid?
0.7% of gross national income
How much aid was given in 2013 by UK government?
£11.2 billion
Which corrupt nation did the UK donate £86.8 million to in 2012?
How much aid was given by Britain to Afghanistan in 2013?
£200 million
When was an effective trade embargo in place in South Africa?
In what year did the US renew a 5 year aid package with Jordan?
How many fighters does ISIS have?
How many military deaths did the USA suffer in the Afghanistan war?
How much did the Afghanistan war cost the UK?
£12 billion
How many UK soldiers were killed in the Afghan campaign? How many were wounded?
When was Guantanamo bay constructed?
Which 5 countries did the Institute for Economics and Peace Global terrorism index of 2015 show that terrorism was concentrated in 2014?
Iraq; Afghanistan; Nigeria; Pakistan; Syria