Health, fitness and well-being Flashcards
What is physical health and well-being?
It is all body systems working well and free from illness or injury and able to carry our everyday tasks.
What is mental health and well-being?
It is a state of well-being in which a person reaches their potential.
What benefits does being physically healthy bring?
it improves the heart function, it improves the efficiency of the body systems, it reduces the risks of some illnesses, it enables you to carry out everyday tasks and helps to avoid obesity.
What is social health and well-being?
It means that basic needs are being met and the individual is socially active.
What is a sedentary lifestyle?
A sedentary lifestyle is a lifestyle with irregular or no physical activity.
What is obesity?
Obesity is a term used to describe people with high fat content.
What is the equation for body mass index?
BMI = weight divided by height x height.
What can obesity limit?
Obesity can limit cardiovascular endurance, flexibility, agility, speed and power.
What is a somatotype?
A somatotype is a method of classifying body types.
What is an ectomorph?
An ectomorph is a somatotype characterised by being tall and thin.
What is an endomorph?
An endomorph is a somatotype characterised by a pear-shaped body.
What is a mesomorph?
A mesomorph is a somatotype characterised by a muscular appearance.
What is a calorie?
A calorie is a unit of measurement for heat or energy production in the body.
What are the factors affecting calories?
Age: Younger people need more calories than older people do because as you age, your body replaces muscle with fat and fat burns less calories than muscle.
Gender: Men usually require more calories than women because men usually have a larger skeleton and a greater muscle mass.
Height: The taller you are the more calories you need to consume because taller people have larger skeletons.
Energy Expenditure: The more exercise you do the more energy you need therefore meaning that the amount of calories you need is going to increase.
What is a balanced diet?
A balanced diet is a diet that contains the right quantity of food.
What is nutrition?
Nutrition is the intake of food in relation to the dietary needs of the body.
What does the eat well plate show?
It shows the amounts of food you need to have a balanced diet.
What are carbohydrates?
Carbohydrates are the main and preferred energy source for all forms of exercise.
What is hydration?
Hydration is having enough water in the body to allow it to function normally.
What is dehydration?
Dehydration is the excessive loss of water from the body.
What is rehydration?
Rehydration is consuming water to restore hydration.
What can dehydration result in?
Dehydration can result in:
- Blood thickening: the blood becomes thicker which slows down the speed at which it can travel around the body and deliver nutrients to our vital organs and muscles.
- An increase in heart rate: This is because the heart has to work harder to pump the thicker blood.
- An increase in body temperature: It can cause the body to overheat.
- An increase in reaction time: This means that you are slower to react to stimuli.
- Muscle fatigue: This may cause cramp.
- Dizziness, nausea, blurred vision and headaches.