Health and well-being Flashcards
A state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, not simply the absence of illness and infirmity
aspects of well-being
- having a healthy diet
- taking regular exercise and feeling physically fit
- spending time doing things you enjoy
- feeling good about yourself
- getting on with family
- having a bf or gf
mental health aspects
- having a high self esteem
- coping well with stress
- feeling motivated
- able to control emotions
social health aspects
- essential need for social contact and interaction
- friendships with others
- gaining support and giving support
- confidence to mix with others
- feeling valued withing society
physical benefits
Improved fitness - increases cardiovascular endurance
Healthy diet - helps lose weight if you are overweight
Regular exercise - develops body shape and positive body image
mental benefits
High self-esteem - improves your approach to tasks and general confidence
Feeling motivated - helps you to be active and feel good about yourself
Coping with stress - stops you from feeling anxious or depressed
social benefits
Friendships - encourages interaction with others
Being apart of a team - helps you make new friends and work on common goals
Getting on with family - instals positive attitude towards cooperating
the ability to cope with the demands of the environment
the substances in food that our bodies process in order to survive and grow
the sugars, starches and fibres in fruits, grains, vegetables and milk products; the body’s main source of energy
essential part of our diet and rich source of energy; 1g of fat contains 9 cal
the building blocks of life found in every cell in the human body; made up of a chain of amino acids; help your body to repair cells and make new ones
carbohydrate functions
- needed for physical activity
- brain function
- operation of the organs
- provides fibre to regulate digestion
- 55% of our energy intake
fat function
- red meats, cheese, butter
- supply concentrated source of energy that your body stores for later use
- 30% of our energy intake
protein function
- chicken, dairy, eggs
- repairs muscle tissue and cells
- 15% of our energy intake
- transports nutrients to cells
- assists in removing waste products from the body
- maintains body temperature
reasons for choosing a particular diet
- health conditions
- desire to lose or gain weight
- religious or cultural reasons
- a regime in sport
eating healthy
If we take in a lot more energy that we need the unused energy is stores in body fat; this can lead t obesity
little nutrients
taking in too little nutrients leads to being underweight and not staying healthy. This can weaken your immune system, bones and tiredness
calorie intake
15 year old male - 2820 calories
15 year old female - 2390 calories
adult male - 2500
adult female - 2000
traffic light system
- red means high
- amber means medium
- Green means low
- carbohydrates digested to make glucose
- glucose passed into the blood
- blood carries it to the muscles
- excess glucose is stored as glycogen
- glycogen broken down to provide ENERGY
Marathon runners
- eat excess carbohydrates foods one week before an event to increase glycogen stores in the muscles
- helps delay tiredness by providing slow release of energy
high-protein diet
- bodybuilders to gain muscle and lose fat
- extra protein doesn’t directly add muscle
- hard to digest
- keep hydrated
- replaces what the body loses through sweat
- maintains body temperature
cardio vascular endurance
allows you to work for long periods of time with the lungs, heart and blood working efficiently to supply oxygen to the muscles
the range of movements around a joint
- bowling in cricket
muscular endurance
ability of your muscles to work continuously without getting tired
- long distance running
being able to perform strength movements at speed
- boxing
ability to perform a movement quickly over a distance
- 100m sprint
ability to exert the maximum amount of force in one go
- weight lifter lifting a maximum amount in one attempt
ability to change the body position quickly under control
being able to maintain a position static or dynamic
ability to use two body parts at the same time
the time it takes to respond to a stimulus
- starting pistol
cooper test
- cardiovascular endurance
- you run as fast as you can in 12 minutes. The fitness level is judged by comparing distances to establish norms for the test
bleep test
- cardiovascular endurance
- perform continuous shuttle runs between two lines 20m apart. Pace is established with a bleep at the end of each run. The bleeps get shorter . When three bleeps are missed your fitness is established
sit and reach test
- flexibility
- sit on the floor with legs fully extended, feet flexed, hands touching the sit-and-reach box. Stretch forward with both hands, keep legs straight. The distance your fingertips reach beyond your toes is the measurement
multi-stage abdominal conditioning test
- muscular endurance
- 30 second time period perform as many sit ups as you can, partner times you. Identify your level of muscular endurance with the table.
vertical jump test
- power
- facing the wall, stretch both arms above your head, fingertip level is marked on the wall. Turn sideways, both feet together jump as high as you can touching the wall. The distance jumped is the distance between the two marks
30m sprint
- speed
- measures how fast you can run over a short distance
one-rep maximum test
- strength
- measure of the greatest weight a person can lift with just one rep. test should be performed with a spotter. Choose s weight they know they can lift then they rest for mins and increase the weight
hand gripper dyamometer
- strength
- grip and squeeze as hard as you can
- measurement is shown on display or read off the dial
- test repeated 3 times
Illinois agility run test
- agility
- start face down with chin on the floor, on Go stand and run as fast as you can around the cones, following the pathway
- measurement is tame taken to complete run
stork stand test
- balance
- stand on one foot and other foots against the inside knee, hands on hips
- timing stops when eyes open, foot parts from leg or you lose your balance
Anderson wall toss test
- coordination
- 2m from wall, continuously throw underarm ball from one hand to the other
- total no. of catches made in 30s is measured
metre-rule drop test
- reaction
- thumb alongside 0cm on rule, without warning rule is dropped and you must catch it between thumb and index finger
- distance is measured
reasons for tests
- assessing someone’s suitability for different physical activities
- identifying strengths and weaknesses
- monitoring improvement
- comparison to others
- informing the design of a training programme
- motivation
VO2 max
the volume of oxygen that can be consumed while exercising at a maximum capacity
average VO2 max
35-40 ml/kg/min for males
27-31 ml/kg/min for females
testing VO2 max
- requires sophisticated equipment in a laboratory on a treadmill or a cycle ergometer
- bleep test or 12 min cooper run can be used instead
increasing VO2 max
working out at intensity that raises HR to 65-85% of its max for at least 20mins, 3-5 times a week
factors effecting VO2 max
- age - oxygen intake reduces with age
- gender - higher in men than women
- genetics - types of muscle fibres you have
- lifestyle - smoking prevent improvement
- training - increase and improve performance