Ethics and other issues Flashcards
performing enhancing drugs
chemical substances that change the chemical balance of the body when taken, affecting performers ability and providing an unfair advantage
use of illegal substances by performers in order to improve their performance
why do performers use drugs
- natural ability is not good enough
- influence
- recover quickly
- calm themselves
- achieve success
- build muscle faster
- improve performance
- to be the best
beta blockers
- prevents adrenalin to keep heart rate low
- calming effect
- reduces anxiety
risks - can reduce blood pressure - tiredness
- heart failure
anabolic steroids
- increase muscle mass fast
- athlete train harder for longer
- increase power and strength
- speed up recovery time
risks - aggressive behaviour - heart disease
- high blood pressure
- liver problems
- increase amount of water passed out of the body
- a way of reducing weight quickly
- mask other PEDs being used
risks - dehydration - nausea
- weakening of muscles
- affect the central nervous system
- reduce pain
- increase alertness
risks - addictive - high blood pressure
- strokes
world anti-doping agency
agency that monitors all sporting activities across the world providing tests on performers
WADA five standards
prohibited list - identifying all substances and methods use that are banned
testing investigations - procedures for sample collecting and testing
laboratories - establish results and data
TUEs - given if athlete has valid medical reasons for taking substance
protection of privacy and personal information - data is confidential
testing of PEDs
random selection - called for drug testing any time
blood testing - two samples
urine sampling - sample given in the view of an official
sanctions - if tests are positive penalties are imposed
Blood doping
misuse of techniques or substances to increase performers red blood cell count by using hormone EPO or by injecting oxygenated blood before event
hormone produced in kidney that can be artificially produced it stimulates the production of red blood cells
side effects of blood doping
- blood becoming thicker
- increased risk of heart attacks and strokes
- risk of infection
- kidney disease
real vs perceived risk
real - amount of danger that actually exists in an activity
perceived - individuals subjective or personal judgement about the dangers of an activity
risk assessment - evaluate the real risks of an activity
risks are caused by
- limited level of skill
- weather
- behaviour of others
- limited fitness
- lack of preparation
- inadequate facilities
risk calculation
risk + severity x likelihood
reducing risks
- protective clothing
- carrying equipment safely
- maintain a hydrated body
- warm up and cool down
- follow rules
- pocket of fluid that forms in upper layer of skin when damaged
- repeated rubbing of the skin
- cover with plaster
- purple patches of skin where capillaries burst underneath and leak into the skin causing discolouration
- impact of hard object
- cold compressions of ice
cuts and grazes
- skin is broken causing damage to blood vessels
- contact with sharp object or rubbing against a rough surface
- stop bleeding by applying pressure using clean absorbent material
- cover with dressing
- difficulty breathing because a blow to the stomach
- diaphragm goes into a spasm
- sit in crouched position
muscular injury
- muscle is overstretched or torn
- caused when muscles are overused
- limiting training
tendon injury
- overstretched or torn
- inflamed
- sudden, sharp movements
- Painkillers and rest
Ligament injury
- sprain
- twisted or pulled
- serious injury in the ACL
- operation
- sudden force that moves joint out of its position
- swelling and discomfort
- possible to relocate
- operation