Health and the people Flashcards
What did people think caused diseases in the middle ages?
-Bad smells (miasma)
-Imbalance of the 4 humours
-God’s Punishment
-Everyday Life
Alignment of the planets
How was medieval medicine passed on?
-Word of mouth
-Written Textbooks
What were some issues with surgery in the middle ages?
-blood loss
What did Medieval surgeons do?
-Pulling arrows
-tooth extraction
-natural anaesthetics
Who was Abulcasis?
A surgeon from the Islamic Empire. He wrote Al Tasrif and was considered the father of modern surgery. He invented 26 new surgical instruments and pioneered ligatures
Who were some pioneering medieval surgeons?
-Hugh of Luca and his son Theodoric
-De Chauliac
-John of Arderne
which types of healers carried out surgery?
Barber surgeons and Army Surgeons
who treated the sick?
-apothecary (simples and compounds)
-wise woman
-lady of the house
how many hospitals were set up between 1000 and 1500?
When was St. Bartholomew’s hospital set up?
When was the Black Death?
what were monasteries and abbeys?
Religious houses
How many did the black death kill?
40% of Europe
Who is Ibn Sina?
Wrote Canon on Medicine - 1m words long
what is a vademecum?
a medical book carried by doctors
When was the compendium of medicine written?
When were public toilets built in York?
What percentage of people worked in fields?
Why did people not heal?
religious people believed that healing was against god’s will, so just cared for the sick
How many books did Galen write?
When was the first law to keep the rivers clean?
When was Avicenna working?
980 - 1037
What were urine charts?
charts to diagnose people based on their urine
what was the common belief of who was to blame for the Black Death?
Who was Roger Bacon?
Lecturer at Oxford and arrested in 1277
What was the most common procedure during the medieval period?
What did Mondino do to progress anatomy studies?
He held a public dissection in 1315 - he dismissed any evidence against Galen as the body being wrong
Who were gong farmers?
The took the dung out of people’s cesspits to be disposed of - usually into a river
What was trepanning?
Drilling into the skull to release pressure around the brain
What was Cauterisation used for?
to seal up wounds - burnt the wound closed. It was very painful - some died of shock
What stopped peasants wandering around for better pay in 1351?
Statute of Labourers
How did Edward I try to cure the black death?
He expelled all Jews in 1290
What made monasteries so hygienic?
They had Lavatoriums - waste could be emptied into a river
What did Hugh of Lucca and his son Theodoric write?
Wrote a book in 1267 criticising the view of using pus in wounds
What did Abulcasis write?
He wrote a 30 volume medical book - Al Tasrif in 1000
He also invented 26 medical instruments
What did Frugardi warn against in 1180?
He warned against trepanning