Drake's circumnavigation Flashcards
Causes - Trade Routes
Why did English Traders want to avoid the Ottaman Empire
They wanted to avoid high taxes placed by them on ships
Causes: Trade Routes
What was the strait of Anian?
A Mythical Strait that Drake wanted to find. It linked the pacific and the atlantic.
Causes: Trade Routes
What was the English’s main trade route before Drake?
They traded cloth with Holland
Causes: Trade Routes
Why did England want more trade routes?
There was too much reliance on the
the Dutch trade - which collapsed in 1568 because the Dutch revolted
Causes: Competition
Which Countries where the English competitive with around the world?
Spain and Portugal
Causes: Competition
Whyu were the English competitive with Spain and Portugal?
They had empires across the world, and could trade across the Atlantic with items and people (slaves)
Causes: Competition
Who was the first to circumnavigate the globe?
Magellan was the first in 1519-22
Causes: Competition
What meant that Drake wanted to take revenge on the Spanish?
He and John Hawkins were the only 2 ships that escaped when attacked off the coast of Africa in 1568
Causes: Competition
What did Drake want to do in Peru and Brazil?
He wanted to steal from the Spanish and Portuguese
Causes: Competition
What was a point of contention between the English and the Spanish?
Religion - The English were Protestant, but the Spanish were heavily Catholic
Causes: Money and Glory
What had Drake done before with John Hawkins?
Voyages to America selling slaves
Causes: Money and Glory
Where did Drake attack in 1570 that proved profitable?
He had attacked Panama
Causes: Money and Glory
What new role meant that he couldn’t be punished by the law for Piracy?
He was a privateer - a government sanctioned pirate
Causes: Money and Glory
What other things did Drake think he could do in America?
He thought he could establish an empire by claiming Land.
Consequences - Reputation
Where was Drake knighted in 1581?
His ship - the Golden Hind
Consequences - Reputation
Which prominent painter painted Drake as a sign of his newfound status?
Consequences - Reputation
What other role was Drake promoted and what key battle did he take a role in?
He was 2nd in command of the navy, and took a key role in the defense against the Armada
Consequences - Inangers the Spanish
Why was Phillip II angry after the circumnavigation?
Elizabeth welcomed and rewarded Drake when he arrived, rather than being arrested.
Consequences - Inangers the Spanish
How much did Drake plunder from the Nuesta Senora?
£480 million worth - modern day money
Consequences - Inangers the Spanish
What other factors inangered the Spanish from Drake?
Drake stole ships, and took vital resources that could have been used to fund his Armada
Consequences - Inangers the Spanish
What nickname did the Spanish give Drake?
El Draque - The Dragon
Consequences - New Records
How did Drake gain new records?
Drake both stole records and tools from ships, and made his own, like when he mapped Chile for 3 weeks
When was the first English trading company set up?
1600 - East India
When was Francis Drake born?
What was his ship called before being renamed to the golden hind?
The pelican
How much did Drake make off his circumnavigation (Tudor Money)?
What did Elizabeth immediately do when they arrived back?
Swore them to secrecy
When did Drake set out on his circumnavigation?
- Came back in 1580
Who was Diego?
An escaped slave and companion to Drake
What was Nova Albion?
New England - in California
Where did Drake make a trade treaty with the spice islands?
Ternate, East Indies
How many ships were left after crossing the strait of Magellan?
1 - Marigold sank, and the Elizabeth got lost in a stormW
Who was Thomas Doughty?
He was a friend accused of mutiny and beheaded
What is Drake’s passage?
Drake’s passage is the water between antartica and the southern coast of south america