Health And Environment: Local And Global Perspectives Flashcards
Environmental health encompasses ___________ of those environmental factors that can potentially affect health.
assessment and control
What are the immediate factors affecting man according to the conceptual framework?
(1) health behaviors and lifestyle
(2) socioeconomic characteristics
(3) features of the society
(4) built environment
(5) natural environment
(6) global ecosystem
Impact of a health problem measured in financial cost, mortality, morbidity, or other significant indicators
Burden of disease
Measure of overall burden of disease (gap between current and ideal health status)
Daily adjusted life years (cumulative number of years lost due to ill health, disabilities, or early death)
Diseases with largest absolute burden from environmental exposure
Lower respiratory infections
The burden of disease causes fall disproportionately on
Poor people and children
Why is the number of DALYs about five times greater in children ≤5 years than in the total population?
Children are not aware of the environmental hazards around them
Exposure response paradigm
Hazards > Exposure pathway > Dose response > Health effects
Source of arsenic exposure in bangladesh
Tube wells
Other options for safe water
Treated surface water
Treated groundwater
Deep aquifers
Source of diarrhea outbreak in bilibid
Contaminated water from deep wells
Categories of quality of water
Microbiological Quality of Water (usual source of outbreaks and epidemics)
Chemical Quality of Water (generally of lower importance) Ex. Arsenicosis
Why does asia and africa remain the modt vulnerable to water related diseases?
Greater rate of urbanization in these areas
Decreased urban water supply coverage
(81% of Asians and 64% of Africans have access to safe drinking-water sources)
Urban populations in the developing world will double in the next 25 years
Characteristics of high risk water source
Latrines are located near the water source and/or on higher ground
Solid waste pits, animal excreta, and other pollution sources are located near the water source
Presence of stagnant water within five meters of the water source (Contaminants may leach)
Containers used for sample collection are unclean
Differentiate water borne, water washed, waterbased and water vectored
- Water-borne (transmission: ingestion of contaminated water, carrier of the infectious agent or pathogen: water• Associated with diarrheal diseases • Ex. cholera, typhoid fever, hepatitis A and E, amoebiasis, cryptosporidiosis)
- Water-washed (Transmission depends on the quantity of water used, rather than the quality. Types: a. Infection carried by lice Ex. Louse-born epidemic typhus b. Infection of the skin or eyes Ex. Scabies, fungal infections, trachoma)
- Water-based (Agent spends part of its life cycle in water (ex. snail or other aquatic animals) Transmission: contact with water Ex. Schistosomiasis)
- Water-vectored (Spread by insects which breed in water or bite near water, contact with water is not needed for infection to occur • Ex. Malaria, dengue fever, filariasis)
How can the chemistry of water lead to disease?
- absence or lack of necessary constituent
2. Excess of a harmful chemical
These chemicals come from fertilizers and run off into bodies of water. They can cause methemoglobinemia among infants when reduced.
Nitrates (hazardous above 45 mg/L)
an inorganic substance which causes poor growth of bones and teeth in the young when deficient and mottling of tooth enamel when in excess (above 2 mg/L) and stiffness and pain in the joins and skeletal deformities when chronically exposed (4mg/L)
inorganic substance which is a heavy metal produced from industrial wastes and causes itai-itai disease which leads to osteomalacia and osteoporosis (Toyama Prefecture, Japan, 1950)
Examples of organic substances found in water
chlorinated hydrocarbons, carbamates, organophosphates